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Posts posted by struggling

  1. i've heard some horror stories about flying after the HT? is this real? if i have the procedure done with a doctor that I have to fly to would i be able to fly home the next day or in 2 days? what about follow up? I don't want to fly back to have stiches removed, problems, etc. Are there advantages to see a doctor within driving distance?

  2. i've heard some horror stories about flying after the HT? is this real? if i have the procedure done with a doctor that I have to fly to would i be able to fly home the next day or in 2 days? what about follow up? I don't want to fly back to have stiches removed, problems, etc. Are there advantages to see a doctor within driving distance?

  3. I have the choice of a doctor 3 hours away that I've heard very positive things. But i'm also interested in Cooley who is across the country. Would i have to fly out there once for a quick consultation and then again for the procedure? Seems very expensive and time consuming. I would like your opinion - i've decided to go for it just researching doctors.



  4. I have the choice of a doctor 3 hours away that I've heard very positive things. But i'm also interested in Cooley who is across the country. Would i have to fly out there once for a quick consultation and then again for the procedure? Seems very expensive and time consuming. I would like your opinion - i've decided to go for it just researching doctors.



  5. I am in Mississippi and I heard of a great Dr. in Arkansas - Dr. Dow Stough. It is only about 3 hours away and I've read some very favorable comments about him on other websites as well as his own site www.hairstransplanted.com/.

    Is anyone familiar with his work? So far it sounds and looks very good and I like his background. It looks like he has done lots of training of other docs and has some very impressive publishings.


    i would appreciate your thoughts on this doctor

  6. I am in Mississippi and I heard of a great Dr. in Arkansas - Dr. Dow Stough. It is only about 3 hours away and I've read some very favorable comments about him on other websites as well as his own site www.hairstransplanted.com/.

    Is anyone familiar with his work? So far it sounds and looks very good and I like his background. It looks like he has done lots of training of other docs and has some very impressive publishings.


    i would appreciate your thoughts on this doctor

  7. going back for #2 soon - #1 was 20 years ago. i'm very self consious and i see a littl "plugginess" although others probably don't. i'm at that point in my life (40's) where i really don't mind balding as much as i did in my 20s - however my biggest concern is for there to be no way anyone can tell i had a ht - is this possible? everyone knows what we go through - the constant worrying what people are staring at - not letting people above and behind you - making sure light not on you. i can't take it anymore.


    Will the HT be worth it and give me my quality of life back?

    Can i drive myself to a hotel after the ht, spend the night and drive 3 hours home the next day?

    How long after HT would I be able to run a couple of miles per day? lift weights?

    If I take a week off from work will that give enough time that the HT isn't as noticeable?

    Is there a specific time of year that might be best for HT? Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter?

  8. going back for #2 soon - #1 was 20 years ago. i'm very self consious and i see a littl "plugginess" although others probably don't. i'm at that point in my life (40's) where i really don't mind balding as much as i did in my 20s - however my biggest concern is for there to be no way anyone can tell i had a ht - is this possible? everyone knows what we go through - the constant worrying what people are staring at - not letting people above and behind you - making sure light not on you. i can't take it anymore.


    Will the HT be worth it and give me my quality of life back?

    Can i drive myself to a hotel after the ht, spend the night and drive 3 hours home the next day?

    How long after HT would I be able to run a couple of miles per day? lift weights?

    If I take a week off from work will that give enough time that the HT isn't as noticeable?

    Is there a specific time of year that might be best for HT? Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter?

  9. about 20 years ago i had a HT - everything worked well - i'm in my 40s now. i might be the only one to notice but i'm starting to see the HT hair look a little "pluggy". nobody has said anything. i feel my worry is ruining my quality of life - i think about it constantly. i've already met with the doctor, everything looks good, price not a problem - i'm just scared. i know if i do it my life will be so much better. at this point i don't even mind going bald!! i simply don't want for people to notice in anyway that i've had a ht. any thoughts would be appreciated. i use propecia and 5% monoxidil - any ideas on shampoo or other options? i work in a job where i can wear a cap if needed. what about a hairdresser after the HT? tons of questions - i'm stressed. thanks

  10. about 20 years ago i had a HT - everything worked well - i'm in my 40s now. i might be the only one to notice but i'm starting to see the HT hair look a little "pluggy". nobody has said anything. i feel my worry is ruining my quality of life - i think about it constantly. i've already met with the doctor, everything looks good, price not a problem - i'm just scared. i know if i do it my life will be so much better. at this point i don't even mind going bald!! i simply don't want for people to notice in anyway that i've had a ht. any thoughts would be appreciated. i use propecia and 5% monoxidil - any ideas on shampoo or other options? i work in a job where i can wear a cap if needed. what about a hairdresser after the HT? tons of questions - i'm stressed. thanks

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