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Posts posted by psychojr

  1. I'm beginning to wonder about that 2% BS. DHT is responsible for "all things male" and is a very powerful hormone, more so that even testosterone. I went to a wellness doc after complaining of fatigue, low libido, etc and my testosterone was low, but also my DHT was at 17 due to the propecia. Along with HRT, she had me go off propecia immediately, but warned that it could permanently screw with my libido. Fortunately, that was not the case with me and things came back. If I have to make a choice, it will be horny and bald.

  2. I just got a thorough physical and blood test (approximately 12 vials were drawn). I think they tested everyting that could be tested. They also put me on the treadmill for VO2 testing, antiooxidant tests, cognitative tests, fat/lean rtatio tests - you get the picture. I told the doctor that my libido (among other things) had gone to nil over the previous year. My DHT was very low as a result of the Propecia, as it is supposed to do. The only thing we could target is that I had started Propecia exactly 1 year earlier. The doc said low DHT can result in no libido, so it was my choice - sex or hair. I have dumped Propecia and hope the libido comes back, but the doc says sometimes it doesn't. If I were doing this over again, I would say the heck with Propecia. I was not warned of the possible severity of the side effects.

  3. I had to take my appt with Dr. Cooley when I could get it. I hated that it was during deer season, but oh well. My 1 week followup is in the morning and I'm flying out Wed to MN for goose hunting.


    BTW - I dragged the deer out. Didn't throw it on my back or anything. ha ha...

  4. My doc (Cooley) suggested that I take a Propecia every other day since it doesn't leave the bloodstream that fast to need it every day. This also saves big bucks. Anyone else's doc suggested this?

  5. I know this might not be taken well, but I think I would just either leave as is or just shave my head. At the very least just buzz it with a #2 or 3. It looks just too thin in the donor area to do much good and if you start the transplant route you are pretty much commited to it. You will have a permanent scar that you will forever be trying to conceal. With your thin scalp, this will be tough to do. The only reason I went the HT route was my wife wanted longer hair, other wise I liked it buzzed. Shaved? No. But buzzed was OK with me. Long and bald on the top just looked stupid to me. Just my 2 cents...

  6. Just had my HT with Dr. Cooley on 11/7/06 and the experience was excellent in all respects. My first was with B, I'm embarassed to admit. The results were OK, but I did more research for the second and thanks to this site I found Cooley -- and he is only a few miles from my house!! I drove to Atlanta for the first! What was better? First, Jerry spends virtually all his time with you, not assistants like B. I'll bet the B doctor wasn't there an hour out of the whole day. I felt like I was being rushed through the process. 2,000 grafts with B lasted from 9-5 while 2,200 with Jerry was from 6:30am - 6pm. Quality time with lots of explanations about what he is doing. The procedure wasn't as painful and the aftercare much better. Jerry also cost less -- probably due to the fact that 30% of B's cost is infomercials. Would be glad to share any other details.


    BTW - I found Cooley based on the recommendations from this site. It's just amazing that I learned his office is 5 miles from my home and he personally lives in the neighborhood next to mine!!!

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