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Posts posted by Female_Hair_loss

  1. About six years ago I ordered Dermatch, found it to be too fake looking--it was like I had painted my scalp black--and left my scalp shiny. I have used Toppik for years, but my hair is too thin for just Toppik.


    1. So, I am going to try a concealer again, but I don't know whether to go with Dermatch or Couvre.


    I am sure that this has been asked before, but I hope you will chime and give me your opinion.


    2. Also, is nanogen better than Toppik? I have read through the threads and it sounds like it is a toss up.


    3. Are there hair thickening foams, etc., you can recommend? I have sensitive scalp, and I use that tar shampoo almost exclusively. Otherwise my head itches.


    I have to give some presentations in a couple of weeks, and the podium will have those overhead lights that make even people with tons of hair look bald. I really, really, really need as much coverage as I can get. I am also worried that the lights will still shine through and everyone will be able to see that I have coverage and Toppik on. I rather appear bald than bald trying to hide it with Toppik. 4. Does anyone here work under heavy lights? What is your regiment? Does it work?

  2. Dr. Epstein,


    Thank you for your call. I have left you a message (check your email), and we can talk.


    Let me explain why I have posted on this board, because I feel I am being personally attacked.


    I did not come to this board to impugn Dr. E.'s reputation nor to have a deleterious effect on his practice. It does me no good to hurt another person, especially someone who has, obviously, laboriously built up his practice. I know, because I didn't spend a million years in graduate school just so I can write purty words. I know how much work goes into building a career. I have, therefore, no reason to "hate on" Dr. E.


    I do have an issue with the format of the forum. That is to say (before Pat yells at me and possibly bans me), PEOPLE OFTEN POST QUESTIONS ABOUT CERTAIN DOCTORS. IF that is allowed, then people should be allowed to share their stories WITH EACH OTHER. I only posted after I saw a DIRECT question about Dr.E. I did not create a thread to bash him. I did not say anything, if I recall correctly, in this particular thread, until I saw the way another E. patient was treated (his IP status was essentially "outed.")


    I come/came in here simply to provide a service to others who are thinking about HT. I feel that I have the right to thwart women from having HTs--if I so feel. I feel, after experiencing all the people out there who make money off of our vulnerability, that I should speak out my truth. And I know that I do this with no malicious intent. I feel that my research background and training do give me a slight advantage in that I can spend large swathes of time evaluating something effectively, and I did not go into an HT without asking almost an exhaustive list of questions. Many patients do not have the luxury of doing that. I have very realistic expectations of my HT. All I wanted was enough hair to HIDE the Toppix hair concealer I have used for several years. My hair by 2006 was such that I could not even hide that. So all I want now is to have enough hair (with creative styling) to create the illusion of having more hair. If that isn't realistic expectation, I don't know what it.


    Quite honestly, the past couple of weeks (or less?) have been more traumatic than I need things to be. I feel like I (and anyone who has spoken supposedly negatively) have been assailed from all sides. I feel that Dr. E.'s post -- while well-meaning I am sure -- is offensive on a couple of significant levels (and I am talking as one doc. to another), but I will discuss that with him.


    Anyway, in case my convoluted post doesn't make sense:

    1. I posted my 6 month experience for the benefit of other possible patients seeking information


    2. I did not make my posts with any intention of hurting or negatively impacting Dr. E.'s career. He seems to be a good doctor, a nice person, and a caring human being. I have no reason to doubt otherwise.


    3. IF this forum does not want people to post their experiences, negative or not, then do not have people ask questions in the first place.


    It seems that it would serve the community just as well to have pinned threads devoted to each doctor, and people can get and gleam information as they wish.

  3. I know for a fact that I did not have any immediately post-op pics by the doc and nor were any taken the day after, when I went in to get my hair washed.


    And, yes, at 6.5 months, I have no growth.


    And no, I don't intend to defend myself here, when I am already at a disadvantage.


    And no, I am not out on a witch hunting spree.


    Bottom line, I will be surprised if there are immediate post-op pics, 'cause I sure am interested in seein' 'em. Just sayin'.

  4. mgoldberg

    Real Hair Club Member


    Posted April 08, 2008 09:27 PM Hide Post


    Big difference between 6 months and 9 months. Don't sweat it yet, and try to stay away from the mirror for a little while.


    Sigh, okay (even though the post is directed at kev, it is also at me).


    I haven't been around here for over four months (maybe more? maybe less?), so I will come back in 3 months. Until then, have a good time, y'all.


    Oh, as a conscientious consumer, I would advice a moratorium to peeps thinking of this procedure with E.

  5. Thank you all for the lively discussion.


    I don't have pre-procedure photos, but Dr. E. does. I can take post-procedure photos, but I feel that there is a "let's not believe the victim" attitude in that question, which presupposes that we don't know what we are talking about when it comes to our own experience and understanding of our own hair growth or loss. I know it is my hard earned money that went into this operation, and my word is that I have had no hair growth. If I need to go through a jury trial to prove the nature of (or lack of) my hair growth, then the jury better reimburse me in a few months.


    Bill., I am not trying to be difficult in my above paragraph, and I have immense respect for you and the way you maintain this website. I do understand your request. However, my prediction with photos is that

    a) I will be told that I need to style my hair differently;

    b) need to wait another six months...ad infinitum;

    c) the photos are not clear enough...the lighting and angle are not right,

    or any number of things.


    My point is that I know -- since I live with ME -- that there is no hair growth AND the shock loss shows no sign of reversing. I can tell you that I wear a wig or a cap most of the time now. I know that I am spending way too much money on therapy. I know that I used to be able to "hide" my loss with Toppik, but that is pretty much impossible at this point (at least I am saving money on Toppik).


    Now, about the six month to one year deal: Dr. E. needs to update his list to make that very clear. His literature clearly states that we can expect growth in 3 months. That is an outright lie if the conventional wisdom is that results cannot be determined until after an year has passed.




    Veteran Real Hair Club Member


    Posted April 08, 2008 04:52 PM

    No one is going to convince me that within the next 3-4 months, after going backwards (shock loss) for the last 6 months.


    Well put, and I am with you on this. If any hair comes in, the simple fact of the shock loss will negate it anyway.


    It sounds like you had a similar -- if not identical -- experience during your HT procedure. We barely saw Dr. E., and I am not convinced that his assistants have the requisite training necessary. I think HT doctors should be required to stay in the room during the entirety of a procedure, making sure that everything is put in correctly. Only the physician's training is on the level we should expect. Who knows what medical training the assistants' have or how what kind of re-training they get with advancing technology.



    There is still hope for you, but I understand why you are discouraged.

    Bill and Pat, thank you for expressing concern and for being willing to look into this matter.


    For my part I am writing to my congressman for, at the very least, a patient's bill of rights for elective surgeries.

  6. I am 6 months post-op, and I have no evidence of hair growth. I had mild-ish shock loss, and even that has not resolved itself. I am female/37 years old.


    I do not recommend hair transplant surgery for women. Invest in good wigs, get them cut and styled by professional wig-stylists (i.e., not your run-of-the-mill hair stylist), and go into intense therapy to deal with transitioning into wearing wigs (it is intensely hard to go back to work or go to social events with a wig on because many will look at you funnily). Bottom line, put the $6,000-$7,000 to better use.


    mrkneed, since you are man, I say you look into shaving your head. It's hip, in style, sexy, and wayyyyyyyyy more effective than hair transplant surgeries.


    I know because I have had two, and both have been useless.


    About Dr. E., yes, he is excellent about his promptness when responding to patients AND his responses are extremely detailed. He is relatively approachable during the actual procedure (I didn't see much of him), although he can be brusque and impatient. However, all that pales to the main goal: hair growth. Without that, as it is the case in my case, bedside manner, etc., is worth very little.


    Yes, I know, I will be told to wait another six months by veteran members. Whatever.


    On the other hand, a warm hello to veteran members of this site (which is a pretty awesome site).

  7. Maybe this particular thread should be moved somewhere less related to the particular topic here? It'd be nice to have it be a public thread so that veteran contributors can (if they so desire) add to the list. I am a newbie to this site, and I am sure that there are others who can help on this long-term goal.


    Just a suggestion/thought.

  8. Bill,


    I totally understand that alphabetizing would not be possible.


    Also, I feel that I have failed you. I ended up completely revamping my other website (banners and all, and the various codes needed to change even the slightest changes took up most of my time).


    I see that you have updated the blogs, so are you still interested in sticky threads? If you are, then if you give me a week or so, I will make time to come up with some recurring topic titles. If not, that's totally fine as well.

  9. The etymology of smegma (which one of the few English words to come from Greek rather than from Latin) is exfoliated cellular tissue. Omar, I would assume, based on your posts, that your doctor and you are working with the original definition of the Greek word and not the transliterated English version. Are you finding any of these secretions particularly behind your ears? Do you find any between your toes?


    I recommend that you talk with your doctor for possible medication other than just dandruff shampoo.

  10. Vishwa,


    Are you in India, brother? If you are, do you know anything about Salman Khan's HT doctor? I know that he has had two HT procedures in Dubai. I saw him at a performance in New Jersey, and while make up may have been a factor, I was still pretty impressed with his hair (especially when he was meeting fans and he was up close). His hair was pretty thin, in my opinion, when he was dating Ash Rai, but now it looks really full!


    <span class="ev_code_RED">I AM NOT RECOMMENDING SALMAN KHAN'S HT DOCTOR (if we can even find out who he is)!!!!! I don't know anything about him! </span> Like others have said, do your research THOROUGHLY.


    If you are in India (or the person who asked about Pakistani doctors), Dubai is such a short flight away, and it is a great place to vacation while you are there anyway, it may not be a bad place to look. Also, with its booming economy and its goal of providing a tourist destination, Dubai has been recruiting top notch doctors from around the world.


    Btw, Salman Khan was pretty open on either "Koffee with Karan" or on "Zoom TV" (Star India) about his HTs.




    (If you are not in India or Pakistan, ignore my post! As you can see, I spend a lot of time watching Asian TV icon_smile.gif)

  11. Vishwa,


    Are you in India, brother? If you are, do you know anything about Salman Khan's HT doctor? I know that he has had two HT procedures in Dubai. I saw him at a performance in New Jersey, and while make up may have been a factor, I was still pretty impressed with his hair (especially when he was meeting fans and he was up close). His hair was pretty thin, in my opinion, when he was dating Ash Rai, but now it looks really full!


    <span class="ev_code_RED">I AM NOT RECOMMENDING SALMAN KHAN'S HT DOCTOR (if we can even find out who he is)!!!!! I don't know anything about him! </span> Like others have said, do your research THOROUGHLY.


    If you are in India (or the person who asked about Pakistani doctors), Dubai is such a short flight away, and it is a great place to vacation while you are there anyway, it may not be a bad place to look. Also, with its booming economy and its goal of providing a tourist destination, Dubai has been recruiting top notch doctors from around the world.


    Btw, Salman Khan was pretty open on either "Koffee with Karan" or on "Zoom TV" (Star India) about his HTs.




    (If you are not in India or Pakistan, ignore my post! As you can see, I spend a lot of time watching Asian TV icon_smile.gif)

  12. Baldeagle:

    Here are some words of encouragement--or at least the intent is there:

    1. It is perfectly normal to question whether or not you made the right decision--especially right now, a mere hours after getting the procedure done. Don't negate the fact that regardless of how the procedure was handled, you body produced chemical (or whatever non-scientific term one wants to use) to get you ready for this and for you to get through this. So for the next few days you will find yourself "coming down" from the "trauma." Even people who have had minor surgeries like having a tooth pulled experience these "downs."


    2. The next 7-10 days may not be easy. You will probably be in pain (donor area, especially), your scalp will feel weird, you may (or most probably will) have swelling, and in general may just feel out of it. The best thing I can tell you is that within 10-14 days, you should rebound from it all. For these 10-14 days, just be very kind to yourself: Rent movies you want to watch, talk to loved ones, etc. Find ways to NOT think about the scabs, the discomfort, the cost of the procedure, etc., etc. Also, if you feel stressed or panicky--THAT'S OKAY. Those are normal reactions to just about anything that disrupt our daily lives.


    Five weeks should be enough time for the redness to go away--although it may depend on your ethnicity.


    Also, if nothing else, know that many people on this site have gone through this, so just that may make you feel better.


    About whether the outcome of the HT will be good or bad: I have no supportive words to give you here because I am worried as hell about that as well.


    Take care.

  13. you must have ESP or something

    icon_smile.gifI only wish. No, as an Admin of a website for several years that caters to people from around the world, I have had to be very organized, so it's more experience rather than ESP.


    I have looked at the blog, but that was still inefficient--at least for me--to locate information quickly.



    I actually do have a MSWord document (over 150 pages now)

    Excellent. You have half the work already done. One of the things I did also was to simply cut and paste comments from others from throughout the forum and simply collated them into one thread.


    My biggest recommendation would be, if sticky threads are created, to:

    1. Create a completely new topic thread (a book, say)

    2. Create sub-threads which will be alphabetically arranged. (Sections of the book)

    3. Within "2.," create sub threads (chapters for the sections of the book).

    The most important thing would be to make sure that it is alphabetical.



    I'll tell you what, feel free to post some of the questions you'd be interested in seeing answers to

    I may have some time this weekend to read through the forum and see which topics get raised over and over again. Maybe there are others who are willing to help out because I know from experience that it can be an arduous process. My site's members, however, were appreciative.


    Please note, Bill and Pat that

    a) I am not criticizing the format of this forum

    b) I am offering these as friendly suggestions and do not mean to undermine your work.

  14. The dice are pretty well cast as to how your scar is going to turn out.

    <sigh> icon_frown.gif



    reading in bed with your head bent on a pillow looking down at a book, may also lessen the tension on the scar in the early weeks

    Thank you for your response, Dr, Beehner. I am a bit confused: Are you saying that reading or working on a computer (which I do pretty much 12 hours a day) can stretch the scar (yes, I do understand that this is now mostly out of my control)? So you are recommending laying on one's stomach while reading/working on the computer? I apologize if my question sounds rather daft


    And by "early weeks," what time frame are you specifically referring to? A few months or, say, six to eight weeks?


    Also, I assuming that I need to contact my doctor to find out how elastic my scalp is? I recall that he mentioned that my scalp is elastic, and he was happy about that. Now it sounds like, based on what you are articulating, that that is not the best thing.


    OFF TOPIC: We seriously need a book on HT pre- and post.

  15. Hey Bill,


    First of all, thank you again for the kind words you always say in response to my posts. I appreciate them.


    Second of all, I myself run a website (completely unrelated to hair loss), and I have created several sticky threads that are informative and a way to provide a collected list of FAQs, essentially.


    I don't know if this is on this forum already in a different version, but I wonder if it may not be worthwhile to have threads like

    1. Scarring

    2. Post-HT expectations (based on the preponderance of narratives presented)

    3. Rogaine--facts and fiction


    I know that one can do searches for these, but it may be helpful if certain fundamental questions that are asked often can be easily accessed at the top of the page. That may be helpful to newcomers.


    I will be happy to help you out on this, if you like. I do have a demanding job that leaves me with just enough time to make a meal on a good day, so I don't know how good my offer really is.

  16. Hey Bill,


    First of all, thank you again for the kind words you always say in response to my posts. I appreciate them.


    Second of all, I myself run a website (completely unrelated to hair loss), and I have created several sticky threads that are informative and a way to provide a collected list of FAQs, essentially.


    I don't know if this is on this forum already in a different version, but I wonder if it may not be worthwhile to have threads like

    1. Scarring

    2. Post-HT expectations (based on the preponderance of narratives presented)

    3. Rogaine--facts and fiction


    I know that one can do searches for these, but it may be helpful if certain fundamental questions that are asked often can be easily accessed at the top of the page. That may be helpful to newcomers.


    I will be happy to help you out on this, if you like. I do have a demanding job that leaves me with just enough time to make a meal on a good day, so I don't know how good my offer really is.

  17. Dear Dr. Beehner,

    Before even getting to the point where one may need reparative work, would you be willing to provide information about how to prevent stretching in the first place.


    It appears from your post that two of the more determining factor in stretching are

    a) the width of the strip taken and

    b) the elasticity of the scalp.

    Both of these factors are obviously beyond my control. All I can do is contact my doctor, which I intend to do.


    What then is within my control? I ask because one side of my donor area is inflamed, ridged, and it hurts (pins and needles in addition to a dull pain). I am 4 weeks post-procedure, and while others on the site say that the inflammation, etc., is normal, rather than waiting (especially if it is simply postponing the inevitable because the signs of potential scarring and stretching are already manifesting themselves), I would like to know NOW how I can be proactive about reducing scarring and stretching. Should I be applying neosporin (sp?) on the donor area? Should I use maderma (again, sp?).


    Thanks for taking time out to respond, by the way.

  18. Matt,


    I will ignore your very last sentence, and say that I agree with everything you have said. I have read extensively on this matter (both scientific articles as well as more accessible ones from alternative medicine community).


    1. Have you considered (in addition to the medication recommended by others on this site) doing exercises like medium range yoga or pilates? They are tough workouts but can have positive effects on cortisol. They seem to do the complete opposite of running or heavy weights (although I respect the alternative views on this matter). However, it is worthwhile to note that it is only recently that the beneficial effects of yoga are being widely appreciated in western nations.


    2. Have you looked at your diet in addition to supplements? You can talk with your doctor, but tofu and other soy derivatives can help. Of course adding omega-3 fatty acids (not in capsule form but in natural food form) may help you complement your supplements.


    3. If I may also add: Having pre-disposition to Type 2 Diabetes, and consequently weight gain, etc., is another factor to consider as contributing to cortisol production. Losing weight and controlling diet may be beneficial.


    Do you mind listing what supplements you do take? I want to see if I want to try synthetic supplements.


    I know that most people will disagree with me on this, and I do take synthetic medications like spiro and use Rogaine (I started recently, but wish I had started much, much earlier), but I think several years of extreme stress did affect my hair loss. I am trying to change that, and am a work in progress...

  19. Unlike my first procedure (the scar was barely noticeable after a month), for my second procedure, my scar is inflamed (not infected, I don't think) and pretty thick. I have also had hair loss along the scar. I am assuming that because the doctor cut across the original scar and because this was a much, much larger strip, the healing time will be longer.



    1. It sounds like your scar is like my one (I am a month post-procedure)



    You mentioned that scar stretching is occur. Under what conditions can they occur? Can a scar stretch without any factors? I know that both my MD and Dr. Epstein have told me to not do yoga for two months (my MD thinks I shouldn't do yoga for three months). But can basic stretching before "normal" exercise (walking, biking) stretch scars?



    I am going to see my

  20. Hi StillHaveHair (just your username is so positive, eh?),

    Thank you for your gracious (and detailed) response, and you didn't offend me. I am sorry for echoing what your doctors have been telling you--I think I reacted instinctively to your original comments where you mentioned going through some extremely stressful events, and I do believe that genetic predisposition to MPB can be exacerbated by stress (even supposed low-grade stress, but if the stress is sustained for long periods of time).


    Good question about the biopsy: I don't know how that determines AGA. A doctor I was considering for an HT procedure wanted many blood tests and a biopsy to make sure that my loss was due to AGA (many women have polycystic ovarian syndrome, thyroid imbalances, etc., that need to be addressed first, according to some doctors). So I think the biopsy was simply to see if there is the typical miniaturization. Maybe you don't need one because I don't see other men here having it done.


    I am glad that you are taking a year off of school. At the very least, it is one less thing for you to worry about. Also, have you considered talking to someone--a therapist or a counselor--just to get you through your parent's divorce. If you are fatigued even after sleeping all day, there may be depression and anxiety acting against your well being. KNOW that most depression and anxiety medication cause hair loss, but maybe talking to someone will be helpful.


    I do sympathize with you. Unlike some people--MAYBE--I do believe that our obsession with hair loss (however valid) is not an isolated event (although it has managed to put my own self esteem in the gutter), but rather something that comes with or affects many other parts of our lives. So, basically, approaching our mental aspects (how we respond and view ourselves because of our hair loss) should be treated holistically. I don't think a HT or five HT procedures will pull my self esteem out of the gutter. You know?


    Anyway, I hope you have been able to find a HT specialist to diagnose your loss for sure. Are you finding miniaturized hair (thin, fine, baby-hair type of hair)?


    All the best to you.

  21. Bill,

    You are so sensitive--I really appreciate it. I don't think I am offended, but just a bit hurt. I do make long and very sincere posts, but I feel that the other male members in the forum overtly circumvent my questions or appeals for help or just ignore my posts. But that's not anything new--I experienced that when I joined an anime club which had mostly male members. icon_wink.gif. I left the club and joined a more gender friendly anime site. Oh well.


    But really, I am not offended. Contrary to what it may appear, I have feelings. That's all. Woo-hoo, poor me (I am being sarcastic). Sorry for being one of those despicable emo-women!


    THANK YOU for taking the time to address this. AND we are getting off topic, so I will end the conversation now so that I can get into my batmobile and track down some Nightwish and Sonata.


    My best to you, Bill.


    The girly-girl FHL signing off.


    Live long and prosper.

  22. Originally posted by Bill - Moderator:



    Female Hair Loss

    Yay, validation from the only member on this forum who responds to me, really. icon_razz.gif



    Hey now Female....I like some new age music icon_wink.gif. What's wrong with a little Yanni, Enya, or Enigma to soothe the soul after a stressful day at work? icon_biggrin.gif Of course my favorite genre still remains melodic/progressive metal icon_smile.gif




    Haa, ha: Okay I grant you Enigma. I am not familiar with melodic/progressive metal, but I will be sure to go to my google mobile!



    My sincerest thanks to you for your brusque response to my detailed post. I have a thick skin, y'all. All the freaking best to you, pal.

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