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Posts posted by CountOfMonteCristo

  1. This is probably a stupid question, but here it goes anyway.


    My doc said that the final result is visible after 10 months. I'm almost at the 5 month mark. Being an analytical (and slightly anxious about my own growth) person, I thought that if 100% of hair grows in after 10 months, then, is it fairly accurate to assume that as a rule of thumb, about 50% of hair grows in after 5 months, 60% after 6 months, and so on. I realize, of course, that everyone's hair grows at different rates after an HT. But, is at least reasonable to assume this for the "majority"? If not, does anyone have another "rule of thumb?"

  2. Thank you so much for all of your insightful comments. I really appreciate all of your input. You have made really good points and made me think a lot about this.


    I wanted go give some more information and post a picture as well. I actually did a consulation with Dr. A and the price that I was quoted for FUSS seemed very reasonable to me. In fact, it was a lot less than some other places charged. I was wondering if somebody could tell me what is the cost per graft for other doctors like H & W, Shapiro, etc. What is the average cost/per graft for these kinds of doctors?


    I did check out the websites for H & W, Shapiro, and others, and it seems they do good work. I did not see a lot of pictures of younger people on the H & W site. Should I be concerned about that? Also, what is the most # of grafts that can be transplanted in one session? Has anybody personally had a HT with H & W who is a NW6?


    Is it simply unrealistic to expect a dense hairline for me being a NW 6? When they say that you can bring a picture of yourself from younger days and they can make you look like that, is that just a marketing ploy?


    I am attaching a picture of myself. I'm in the process of scanning much more recent pictures of myself. But, unfortunately, this digital pic is all I have right now. It is just over a year old. I have considerably less hair now, but you can see the outline. I will post new pics as soon as I can scan them (I do not have a scanner).


    Again, thank you for all of your comments.


  3. Hi,


    This is my first post on here. I am really glad I found this website -- it has a wealth of helpful information. I have been reading a lot about Dr. Armani on this forum and wanted to get some advice because I am considering having a HT.


    From reading the posts about Dr. A, it seems to me that his artistic and technical skills are highly regarded by most posters on here, and it is his ethical practices that are questioned. Specifically, the main argument against Dr. A is that his aggressive, dense hairlines on younger people (20 somethings) are very risky. Since future hair loss is a possibility (and perhaps likely in many cases for younger people) "using up" the donor area for dense hairlines may be problematic down the road.


    This is my question, and I would like to get some advice, if possible. I am almost 25 and started losing my hair around 18/19. I am a NW 6, Pattern 1. I've been told I've lost over 95% of the hair I am going to lose. So, the hair loss has stabilized and there's not much hair left to lose. Just a few strands...lol.


    Going by the pictures on his website, I like Dr. A's work. Being younger, I guess I do like the more agressive hair lines, and that makes him stand out in my mind.


    Since I don't have any hair to lose should I be concerned about his "ethical practices?" in terms of being aggressive on the hairline? Any comments/advice would be greatly appreciated.


    Also, approximately how much would other doctors cost for 5800 grafts using the strip method? Could somebody recommend other doctors that have good reputation in creating a dense hairline? What is the most number of grafts that can be transplanted in one session using the strip method?


    Again, thank you in advance for the advice...I look forward to hearing your opinions.

  4. Hi,


    This is my first post on here. I am really glad I found this website -- it has a wealth of helpful information. I have been reading a lot about Dr. Armani on this forum and wanted to get some advice because I am considering having a HT.


    From reading the posts about Dr. A, it seems to me that his artistic and technical skills are highly regarded by most posters on here, and it is his ethical practices that are questioned. Specifically, the main argument against Dr. A is that his aggressive, dense hairlines on younger people (20 somethings) are very risky. Since future hair loss is a possibility (and perhaps likely in many cases for younger people) "using up" the donor area for dense hairlines may be problematic down the road.


    This is my question, and I would like to get some advice, if possible. I am almost 25 and started losing my hair around 18/19. I am a NW 6, Pattern 1. I've been told I've lost over 95% of the hair I am going to lose. So, the hair loss has stabilized and there's not much hair left to lose. Just a few strands...lol.


    Going by the pictures on his website, I like Dr. A's work. Being younger, I guess I do like the more agressive hair lines, and that makes him stand out in my mind.


    Since I don't have any hair to lose should I be concerned about his "ethical practices?" in terms of being aggressive on the hairline? Any comments/advice would be greatly appreciated.


    Also, approximately how much would other doctors cost for 5800 grafts using the strip method? Could somebody recommend other doctors that have good reputation in creating a dense hairline? What is the most number of grafts that can be transplanted in one session using the strip method?


    Again, thank you in advance for the advice...I look forward to hearing your opinions.

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