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Posts posted by Maxilly

  1. I'm from Australia and 3 months into my treatment so here is my story of woe;


    Signed up in Jul 09 but told them I couldn't start the treatment until the start of Oct due to work but I'd be on Holidays in Oct and that the only treatment I was only interested in was the 3grand laser treatment as I didn't want a rug. I was told no probs, just part with half your money and they would put me on a course of pills to get me started so I was ready for my first treatment. As for the rest of the money, when I came in next, I could either set up a weekly installment payment plan or pay off the rest straight away. Also, when I arrived for my first treatment, I would have photos taken to show the progression at the end of my 'successful' treatment

    The start of Oct comes round and when I front up for my first treatment I'm told that I should have paid the rest within 7 days of the first payment, while this was never mentioned to me I did later find it in the contract. Lets think about this for a second, I was once late by a couple of days paying my accountant a $100 consultation fee after being given two weeks to pay (I thought I had a month). They chased up the $100 dollars I owed within a couple of days of the due date but this AHS mob were owed $1600 and in the two months between signing up and fronting up for my first treatment, did I get a reminder letter, phone call or e-mail?, they had all three. Anyway all good because being the gullible prat I am, I fronted up the rest of the cash and away we went.

    The guy I spoke to the first time has never been seen since and I was now in the hands of some gym monkey and an old tart that would look more at home running a brothel so as you can tell, my confidence in this mob was skyrocketing. Gym monkey (who I also have never seen again) told me I would get an hour in the chair to make up for lost time (?) so there I sat and when the timer went off and the alarm sounded, did anyone come to check on me? Nope but then again in the hour I was sitting under the 60's style hair dryer with the laser beams grinding around making more noise than a windmill grinding flour, no one checked on me period.

    Once out I booked for my next appointment and when I asked for the oil serum that I was supposed to use during the treatment, I was told that it was on order. They had two months between my first payment and my first treatment but were only ordering it now and it took another month to arrive after asking for it. I thought it was supposed to be used from the start of my course of treatments, not applied halfway through for it to be??¦ahem??¦effective.

    After a few weeks, a new face turned up and saw that I hadn't had any photos taken so took a few happy snaps with a cheap digital camera and after four months I can see no change whatsoever. Not to mention they always ask 'is it just a single or a double today' meaning half hour under the laser or an hour, considering I'm paying 3g, shouldn't they be telling ME what I need done? So far this has been a very sloppy run service with no real benefit of any kind, especially for the money I forked out.

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