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Posts posted by cautious

  1. Hi All,

    Im about 5 weeks post a 3100 graft hair transplant with Dr Pathomvanich. So far recovery has been great. i lost about 70-80% of the grafts by week 3 (a lot of the remainder seem to have kept growimg) but in the last week have been getting a few pimples/small lumps in the recipient area and in one or 2 of them it looks like little hairs are poking through. I understand it generally takes 3-6 months to see any growth so do you think this could be early growth or is it just too early & im probably getting ahead of myself?


  2. Hi All,

    Im about 5 weeks post a 3100 graft hair transplant with Dr Pathomvanich. So far recovery has been great. i lost about 70-80% of the grafts by week 3 (a lot of the remainder seem to have kept growimg) but in the last week have been getting a few pimples/small lumps in the recipient area and in one or 2 of them it looks like little hairs are poking through. I understand it generally takes 3-6 months to see any growth so do you think this could be early growth or is it just too early & im probably getting ahead of myself?


  3. Hi,

    My wife & I have been taking the MSM crystals for about 4 weeks now. I take 3-4 heaped teaspoons a day (breakfast, lunch, tea & before bed).....i think thats about 9000mg. My wifes been taking it twice a day. Whilst it could be the "placebo effect" I feel much healthier & less tired & i think my hair growth is increasing & looks generally healthier. My wife is convinced that her nails have strengthened significantly. Could all be coincidental but I'll be continuing it longer to see.

  4. Hi guys,

    I am a recent convert to the foam from the liquid (last couple of weeks). I cant believe how much better it is for me than the liquid. The liquid takes hours to dry, is greasy & a real pain to use. Due to this i'd only use it beofre bed. I put the foam in directly after a shower (hairs still damp), takes about 2 minutes then style as usual. I find i dont need any product then either....& its easy to use twice a day,


  5. Hi All,

    Ive done a bit of googling but cant seem to find an answer to this question.

    Im about 4 weeks post my hair transplant. Many of the transplanted hairs have shed now but some seem to have grown (and are still growing) quite long while others seem to have not grown at all since they were put in. Is this normal & if so why do some transplanted hairs start growing strait away before shedding while others dont seem to grow at all and then shed?


  6. Hi All,

    Ive done a bit of googling but cant seem to find an answer to this question.

    Im about 4 weeks post my hair transplant. Many of the transplanted hairs have shed now but some seem to have grown (and are still growing) quite long while others seem to have not grown at all since they were put in. Is this normal & if so why do some transplanted hairs start growing strait away before shedding while others dont seem to grow at all and then shed?


  7. Hi Saurabh,

    I had a HT with Dr Path recently & needed to transfer a 1000 deposit as well. I ended up transferring about 5000 so i didnt have to carry to much cash to complete the transaction when i had the HT.

    I just asked for receipt confirmation via email & had no problems,

    good luck

  8. Howdy Mikebb,

    Yes, Im talking about Dr Path. I had a bit over 3100 grafts. Its only been about 3 weeks but recovery so far is great. Donor area is looking and feeling great. recipient area very clean...have had a bit of shedding to transplanted hair but nothing much....overall very happy with results so far.

    I was "cautious" but very happy with my decision now!! I guess time will tell how the final results look.,


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