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Posts posted by brucewayne

  1. Congrats Glock08! I enjoyed reading your weblog and wish you all the best. Looking forward to checking back and seeing the progress as the months pass. I'm sure you will have great results.


    Not to change the subject but I saw that you were a Redsox fan. As a Mets fan I was hoping for the Amazins to battle the Sox in the Series whilst celebrating the anniversary of their original encounter in the WS 20 years ago.

  2. bestinthebusiness, Glad both your surgery and post-op experiences were positive ones. I must say I had the same experience last December w/ Dr. True & staff when I underwent my first HT. Initially, like you, I was a bit nervous but the staff at True & Dorin made me feel so comfortable and relaxed. The various stages of post-op were not a problem at all. Looking forward to checking back on this thread to see updates. Be well

  3. New to the forum but just wanted to say I'm happy to be a part of it. Mrjb's comment, "We're all in this together" was definitely nice to hear. icon_smile.gif What an excellent community this is to ask questions, share experiences etc. Way to go Pat! Hats Head, glad to hear your experience w/ Dr. True & Co. was a good one. I had a similar experience with them last December when I underwent my first HT. They made me feel so comfortable and exhibited extreme professionalism. 9 months later I am definitely reaping the good results. and the salad IS good I might add. icon_smile.gif

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