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Posts posted by JEBSTER

  1. Normally Arpma, the new hairs will start off subtle and fine, except for those few(10%) new grafts that never drop. A lot depends on the state of the growth cycle your hair was in at the time of your procedure (ie., resting, growth, falling, etc.)Also, the type of hair you have in the donor hair plays a role; for example, if you have very fine hair to start with the hair will have a much finer appearance when it first begins to grow. If your hair is like mine(more coarse and thick in the back and on the sides)the new hair will look a little more pronounced! Either way...it is a beautiful site to behold!!!!Jebster icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_cool.gificon_cool.gificon_cool.gif

  2. Hello NW. I had 400 of my 1700 FU grafts placed in the general crown area and did have some shedding but not really enough to matter. I do recall at about 4.5 months a lot of new nubs in the crown. I don't know how much was regrowth or new graft hair. What I can say for sure is that at 6 mos post op, my hair has a great deal of density that I didn't have. The controversy over the vertex really has to do with those individuals that are still having MPB and have not reached the age and point whether through use of minoxidil 5% or Proscar, that hairloss has stopped. The fear is that if you continue to lose hair the new graft will be visible. There is also the opinion that you should use your donor hair in th front and middle to comb the hair back to get a fuller look. This is wise if you have limited donor remaining! However, having had 1000 mini/micros in the past and following up with 1700 FUs, I think you want have a fear if it is a total FUT in the vertex. I have seen the old grafts in the crown after the hair contunes to thin and it is very visible! Fut look so natural that I had no problem using them in my crown or vertex area. It is totally a personal choice...I could not live with an unfinished product. Good Luck. Jebster icon_cool.gificon_biggrin.gificon_razz.gif

  3. Great post! I am one very happy Greco patient also. I had a 1500 plus procedure by Joe 6 mos. ago and am really glad I chose Greco! I had my hairline softened and brought done an inch or so and some 400 placed in the crown area. I was very impressed with the density on the hairline where he placed some 1100 grafts. I am totally happy with the results at the 6 month mark and all my hopes have truly been realized. I know that you along with a half dozen other posters to this site are or will be just as happy!! Good luck! Jebster icon_cool.gif

  4. Which catagory did the surgeon that butchered you fit into? Dr.X or Y! Did you truly check out your surgeon or did you think you had covered your bases. For instance, did you meet with his patients and run your fingers through their transplanted hair. Did you call and talk to several more of his clients and then go and witness firsthand a procedure by the fellow himself. Or did you rely on his credentials and maybe a paper or two that he submitted! Or did you get a HT performed by someone who botched you and you are having problems forgiving yourself and therefore the industry is still somehow to blame! You have to forgive yourself and move on Arfy! Lets be honest, when we had our first few procedures the Inernet didn't have a great site like Pats to access so all we had was our instincts to go by. I lived in a world where seeing is believing and you never go by words alone! If you could touch it and see it up front and personal, then and only then, would you begin to trust it. My gut instincts served me well and I was able to get 5 HT procedures that have worked out very well and I am so happy I did it! Today, I am 4.5 mos post op from a FUT of 1500 plus that refined my hairline and I am thankful that this site and the internet along with all those marketing packages that are out there shed the light I needed for a more informed choice than just my on gut. However, I still ran my fingers through some hair and talked to some patients and coved all the bases! So, Mr. Arfy, WHAT WAS YOUR QUESTION AGAIN!!! icon_razz.gificon_razz.gificon_razz.gificon_razz.gificon_razz.gif Jebster

  5. Arfy, I'm so glad to see that you think it's alright for me to address you again. I thought you said "don't talk to me", but it seems that every post I make you feel threatened by so, lets get to the facts. When Monty says "you can't trust hair transplant doctors" that means in english...they are liars and can't be trusted! I was mentioning Monty in my post and I'm sure you felt the need to jump to his defense, but as usual you don't appreciate a debate about the issues unless it agrees with every thought you put on a thread! Try addressing the issue at hand instead of getting you little worm tristed in a knot! Monty doesn't think anyone should trust a HT surgeon period. Read it for yourself. You on the other hand think Ht are for totally bald men only, which is beyond logical understanding. All good surgeons will tell you that if you are on Proscar and 5% minoxidil and have stopped your fallout, then the best and most productive time to start a HT procedure is when you have hair to work with! Everyone can't be a Norwood 6-7 before they start a HT. Why would you want them to wait until they looked like you did if they can start sooner! I have seen you and Monty discourage (yes that's right discourage) a 34 y.o. male Norwood 4 who had been on proscar for years from having a procedure. I was a 4 at 33 y.o. when I started and if I had not started then and continued with my informed and intelligent game plan, I wouild be a 6 by now. Today at 4.5 months post op from my last 1500 plus FUT, I have a full(yes I said Full)head of hair. Like Docs on this site say, "If you are patient and have realistic goals) you can achieve your goal! Try to look at the BIG PICTURE Arfy, Hair Transplants done the right way with all the assistants of other treatments available(ie., proscar, minoxildil, etc.)are for balding men of all types from N-3 to N-7, including an 18 y.o. who is already as bald as you were when you started your journey! It can be done right and is a good viable option if you are not comfortable with a piece or shaving you head. Thanks for letting me debate you again it's always fun and never personal with me!!!HA! Jebster icon_razz.gificon_cool.gificon_biggrin.gificon_smile.gif

  6. I really don't understand why some folks find it so hard to believe that quality HT procedures are available if one searches with an informed approach! I almost think that inspite of the wealth of knowledge and websites like this that are out in the public domain, some people who have had a personal bad experience simply choose to ignore the advances and the availability of good solid technology! Instead of reading "The Patient's Giude To Hair Restoration", they choose to blindly attack the authors. Why dash a truly concerned and interested person's hopes by making blanket statements that all HT surgeons are liars or can't be trusted? It simple is not the truth!! I believe that there are far more patient's of good procedures today than ever before. Yes people like Monty have had a bad experience and we all need to learn from them, but the lesson is not that you can't get a good HT anywhere! I know that that is simply hogwash! This site is for people just like the fellow who started this thread... those that are wanting the truth and are sincere when they seek our advice. Why don't we give them the good and the bad surgeons and not just through them into a greater state of confusion than when they started their search! I am grateful to a person who presents sound evidence of a shady surgeon, however, I am not in favor of trashing an individual's reputation based on inuendo or personal animosity toward the industry alone. If you are going to broadly brush all clinics and surgeons negatively, why logon to a site that was created to help folks find the best procedures and the best folks to perform them! Jebster

  7. Look friend, you are on the right track. By doing your homework and learning all you can...you will be fine! First, don't be confused by those that flat out try and convince you not to continue on your journey. Some of these guys are very bitter because they failed to investigate their HT surgeon enough prior to their surgery. As sad as they may seem...it does not mean that the miracle of Ht technology is not a wonderful thing. What it does mean is that you can learn from their mistakes if you are smart and careful. Use this site to research the latest info and send for 5 or 6 different surgeon's packets and if you want call and talk to some of their patients and by all means go and see them perform a procedure and run you fingers through som transplanted hair. Take you time and get up to speed. Send for Dr. Rassman and Bernsteins marketing package which includes "The Patient's Guide To hair Restoration." Email some Docs and talk to them over the phone and set up some interviews. This process has been accomplished by me and thousands of other regular folks with great success. There are bad HT surgeons out in the world...but there are lots of great ones too! If you are not on Proscar and Minoxidil...get on it, and if you are determined to find the truth and accept it when you do, it will work out just fine!! Good Luck! Jebster(Veteran of 6 Ht procedures and a very happy former Hairless wonder) icon_biggrin.gificon_wink.gif

  8. Once those pimples or little postulates start up you can bet the growth is about to start! It is a good indicator that something is starting to happen under the skin...so be patient and think positive! Good growth! Jebster icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif

  9. Often I here noise about how marketing and consultant techniques are unethical and how they should be against the law; however, I don't see the difference in what Wood's is doing in his web presentation and the other alleged unethical practices. Once a man has lied or misrepresented the truth...a new video or package is not going to increase his character. Words mean things fellows and always have! Jebster icon_rolleyes.gif

  10. With out a doubt, the photo's which are apparently taken in a way to over state the density that is possible with only 2,200 hairs. 7 months is a fairly short period to achieve enough length or thickness of individual hairs to get the amount of coverage depicted. Review other photos of individuals with simular hairloss who received 2, 3, and 4 hair FU's with far more grafts and you will understand that 1,100 grafts(1 and 2 hairs to equal 2,200 hairs)will not give a top view reflecting that much density! The photo was shot in a manner to give a maximum affect of low reflective light that normally gives thinner hair a less see through appearance. This is Photography 101!! The first photo on the other hand was taken to accent the maximum amount of light to depict greater hairloss. In the world of photography, use of just such a green backdrop and controlled exposure often gives the desired result which is a type of illusion. I have spent some time in the darkroom working in forensics and we often saw remarkable things that truly trick the eye!! Jebster

  11. I too am a client of Joe Greco. I am 46 y.o. and had 5 mini/micro graft procedures done in the late 80's and early 90's. I had my first HT at age 33. I was probably a Norwood 4...I can't be sure because I didn't really know the norwood scale at the time. I just know that I was starting to really loose my hair fast. I have had approximately 3000 grafs. Rogaine slowed my hair loss enough and eventually stopped it in it's tracks. This past January 21st, I had a 1500 plus FUT by Joe Greco. Today is 4 months post op and I have had great results. I have been on 5% minoxidil for years and use Proscar also. I have had surprisingly great early growth and have a fantastic start on my improved hairline and increased thickening in the crown area as well. I correspond with several of Joe's patients that are at 12 and 9 months post op and their pics are very impressive as well.


    I am sure of one thing in regard to your procedure with Joe....whatever he could do or could be done , he did it for you. I know that his work with his charity organization "Hair Angels" that works with severely burned victims, convinced me that he cares enough to try and get it right!!


    I pray that the peace of mind that you seek and deserve will come to you with this last procedure. I hope if possible you will use Proscar and 5% minoxidil to help preserve hair you have if you are not already using it. I was really shocked at how well the combination of the two drugs worked to actually thicken my existing hair and new grafts. Good luck Brother! Jebster icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

  12. I agree with most of what has been said; however, further comment is needed for clarification on one thought! First, the question remains...can a Norwood 3 to 6 recieve a thoroughly satisfactory and sufficient HT. I strongly suggest that you read " THE PATIENT'S GUIDE TO HAIR RESTORATION" BY DR RASSMAN AND BERNSTEIN, NHI. I did not have any of my 6 HT procedures performed by NHI, however, I sent for NHI's marketing package and received free of charge their book. It has been my greatest resource on informative HT choices! According to the good surgeons and my own experiences...one can achieve an excellent HT that will cover the hairline and the crown! The book comprehensively deals with the needed ingredients (hair density, color, donor area, artistry, support, (ie, Rogaine, Proscar)money, realistic goals and patience etc, to get the disired results. Better yet, just like this website and others, it gives you countless photos of folks that have accomplished all their goals!! Honestly, if you have what is considered the minimum reqiurements...you can overcome baldness.


    IF YOU CAN'T STAND THE BALL CAP OR SHAVING YOUR HEAD...FIND OUT IF YOU ARE A GOOD CANIDATE AND GET ON MINOXIDIL AND PROSCAR. THEN, HAVE THE PROCEDURES AND IF YOU USE PROTHIK OR TOPPIK, YOU CAN THROW AWAY THE HATS!!!! But, before you surrender to a permanent bald spot...check out the Bernstein/Rassman book...and every other source and then go for it!!!! After 6 HT and 13 years...I am glad I did! Jebster icon_razz.gif

  13. Hello. I am proud for you and your new procedure. I think you went to a great surgeon. However, I would slow down on the plans to hit the gym. If you take aspirin and apply strenuous exercise your asking for some subdural bleeding and possiple graft displacement. You could also cause some bleeding in the donor site also. I really would not recommend aspirin until a month or so after a procedure. I have had 6 HT procedures myself and must admit that I made some mistakes along the way that I tried not to repeat. You have invested a good deal of money so protect your investment and give your grafts the best possible start on the road to growth!! Jebster icon_smile.gif

  14. Augustart, I was very impressed with your honesty and the completeness of your story. You remind me of another HT Vet who post here...humor really helps the story move across my mental image of the the person. I think you played it smart with the indepth research and making the trips to face to face with different surgeons. Since you made the plunge with Proscar/Propecia you have given yourself an additional insurance policy for future fallout and enhanced thickening of existing hair.


    I had 5 mini/micro HT procedures in the late 80's and early 90's by a surgeon that did an excellent job with microscopically prepared small mini/micro grafts. I was fortunate enough to be able to locate several prior clients of the Doc who allowed me to check their heads out up close and personal! I had a 1500 plus FUT performed to soften my hairline on January 21st of this year. This website and the great folks that post here allowed me to talk to patients and see actual photos and combine that info with in-person interviews with with several recommended surgeons and a few that were not. Pat was nice enough to email me personally and give his opinion and that is first class treatment in my book.


    I have talked in great length with several H&W clients that seem to have gotten great results and couldn't be happier! I truly think your testomony is proof positive of the correct approach to researching and going the extra mile to get the best possible result. Good Job!!!


    In closing, I have to agree with your honest and real life wisdom regarding women and what they like. We cannot deny the reality of asthetics...I mean, I want to be loved for who I am, but I also know that all 5 senses, personality and mental capacity play a part in how we fall in love. I have had 6 HT procedures and spent 30 years training with weights and in the Martial Arts, in order to not look my chronological age of 46. I did it because it made me feel good, helped me as a Marine and to land great jobs in Law Enforcement. I also wanted the ladies to take that all important second look!!! If given an opportunity, I always knew I could let them get to know who I really am inside. Besides, I am a firm beleiver in making the most of our wonderful advances in technology to increase my happiness and the happiness of my lifemate. Good Growth!!! Jebster


  15. I have to agree with Andy, after a 30 to 45 day healing period...they are pretty solid! I got to much sun on day 62 while cutting my 4 acres of grass. I also ran my hairline into a corner of a birdfeeder in my front yard at day 83. I too had a little bloodflow and a nice size scab from the impact. I still don't think I hurt anything but my pride!!! Be cafeful but confident in the healing powers of the human body!! Cheerio! Jebster icon_razz.gif

  16. Hello Greg. I know what you mean about the technology coming a little late for the boys that went down the drain! I was lucky enough to have 5 very good mini/micro graft procedures done from 1989 t0 1994 that helped me maintain a pretty dense look. I also started Minoxidil when it hit the market in 1988. It never grew much new hair but it did alot to slow down my losses. I really think my recent 1500+ FUT with Joe is going to help a great deal with the overall look because it is going to soften the older micros on the hairline as well as bring it down just enough to look less deliberate. I really don't know if the density will be enough to satisfy me or not...luckily I still have some healthy donor remaining if need be.


    Your question in regards to the surture technique Joe is using now...atleast with my procedure on Jan 21st 2002, dissolveable sutures were used. I think that is how he does it now. Good talking with you Greg. Jebster icon_biggrin.gif

  17. As usaual Andy, your simplistic and artful post says it better than I ever could. Great post. The visual of those caps burning just gives me a warm fuzzy!!! The 1500 FUT procedure for $5,500 is the icing on the cake compared to the testimonials of his excellent work.


    Pat, I appreciate your honest post concerning Joe Greco and why he is no longer recommended on this site. The fact that he was once on the list says a lot about his standing in the HT community! I quess my most important or mandatory requirement in chosing a HT surgeon is his record. As you said, you are yet to here a negative or bad testimonial about the work Joe does in the microfollicular transplantation arena...and niether have I. Jebster icon_smile.gif

  18. Hello Greg. I too am a patient of Joe Greco. I had a 1500 FUT with Summit Hair a couple months ago. I found Joe, Dr Wall and their staff to be highly professional and friendly. I had 5 HT procedures prior to my last procedure with Joe. I know that TG mentioned that some on this website have negative comments about Joe...but I want to explain further if I may. First, Pat is a straight shooter and has never said anything bad about Joe. The truth is, what has been said has to do with an ongoing debate betwwen me and a couple of folks who will always find a negative angle to any positive HT experience. These folks have had bad HT and see a butcher behind every scalpal. They have convinced themselves that they must warn us all of the danger of having happen to us what happened to them. They mean well...but seem to think that everyone is a victim, instead of a well informed consumer. Please don't stop posting to Pat's site... because I feel you are more than prepared to debate these folks with your experience. Besides, I know of 5 Greco fans on this site (Jebster, Andy, TG, J-Man and yourself)...safety in numbers, right! I have noticed the same nagative spoilers on this site, also frequent several other sites as well. The big difference is that Pat keeps this site fairly civil. Please, stay and contribute.


    I believe you said that you have approximately 1000 to 1200 donor grafts remaining? How much more coverage do you think you need? I know that Joe will be up front about his thoughts on what he can or cannot accomplish with the remaining resources. How long has it been since your procedure with Joe and how has your donor site healed? Do you use 5% minoxidil or Proscar? Let us know how you are doing and when you go for your last procedure. We are 100% behind you all the way. Jebster icon_smile.gificon_cool.gificon_biggrin.gificon_wink.gificon_razz.gif

  19. Hello everyone. Those that may recall I had My 6th procedure on January 21st (1500+Fu's)with Summit Hair, in Clearwater, Florida. My first 5 HT were Mini/Micro's from 89 thru 1994. I am at the one month Post Op mark and having some serious growth on the front hairline. My past experience taught me that by using Rogaine after the 5th day, speed up my new hair dropping and made way for the transplanted hair to start growing. My best time with the first 5 procedures for new growth was 2 months and 2 weeks post op. This time I have been using 5% minoxidil and Propecia daily. My transplanted hair dropped at day 7 thru 14, except for about 1% of the long hairs. At about day 28 Post Op, I used a magnifying glass to take a look at the results and was very surprised to see small hairs breaking through the skin. As of this writing, I have serious growth. This growth is only taking place on the hairline where I haven't had hair for 18 years. I am wondering if someone could share with me information about new FUT growth. Is it possible the early growth is due to the synergy of combining Minoxidil and Propecia or is it due to being in an area where no hair or scar tissue from past transplants exist? I know some will say that this hair is not the permanent hair that I am seeing. However, I am an old Veteran at this game and do believe these are the new FUT's. Plus, I witnessed the original grafted hairs fall. If a Doc would like to comment I would be interested in their experience with new growth. The crown area new FUT's have not began to grow as yet. However, most of the hair in that area was transplanted there years ago. Thanks, Jebster icon_biggrin.gificon_razz.gificon_razz.gificon_smile.gificon_cool.gificon_razz.gif

  20. Hello everyone. Those that may recall I had My 6th procedure on January 21st (1500+Fu's)with Summit Hair, in Clearwater, Florida. My first 5 HT were Mini/Micro's from 89 thru 1994. I am at the one month Post Op mark and having some serious growth on the front hairline. My past experience taught me that by using Rogaine after the 5th day, speed up my new hair dropping and made way for the transplanted hair to start growing. My best time with the first 5 procedures for new growth was 2 months and 2 weeks post op. This time I have been using 5% minoxidil and Propecia daily. My transplanted hair dropped at day 7 thru 14, except for about 1% of the long hairs. At about day 28 Post Op, I used a magnifying glass to take a look at the results and was very surprised to see small hairs breaking through the skin. As of this writing, I have serious growth. This growth is only taking place on the hairline where I haven't had hair for 18 years. I am wondering if someone could share with me information about new FUT growth. Is it possible the early growth is due to the synergy of combining Minoxidil and Propecia or is it due to being in an area where no hair or scar tissue from past transplants exist? I know some will say that this hair is not the permanent hair that I am seeing. However, I am an old Veteran at this game and do believe these are the new FUT's. Plus, I witnessed the original grafted hairs fall. If a Doc would like to comment I would be interested in their experience with new growth. The crown area new FUT's have not began to grow as yet. However, most of the hair in that area was transplanted there years ago. Thanks, Jebster icon_biggrin.gificon_razz.gificon_razz.gificon_smile.gificon_cool.gificon_razz.gif

  21. Perk up Buddy this is the 21st century and if God has given you some healthy donor hair in the back and sides of your head ...you can FU megasession your way to happiness. It really is a great time to be thinning compared to 10 years ago! Just study Pat's website and others like it that offer you the chance to investigate for yourself...and you can be on the road to hairful bliss!! Seriously,learn to use this website ..and get into meaningful discussions with folks that aren't too bitter or are atleast open to talk honestly about their past hairloss and your on your way. My name is Jebster and I know that if not for the 2700 or so grafts on my head I would be pretty bald for a 45 year old. Get busy and make yourself knowledgeable about the techinques being discussed and don't be afraid to boldly ask questions and dig deep! Take care, Jebster icon_cool.gificon_biggrin.gificon_wink.gificon_razz.gif

  22. Hello, I've had 6 HT over the last 10 year and have talked and consulted with a dozen or more. I chose Joe Greco,PHD,PAC, of Summit Hair, Clearwater, Florida. Joe and his staff are oustanding and Joe personally answers his email and talks with you on the phone. He Charges $6,000,1500 FU. He reduces that by $500 for expenses. Dr. Rose has a great operation also. Check out GRECO web site. Jeb

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