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Posts posted by cactus

  1. Originally posted by unfortunateHT:

    Sorry for the late update.


    Got my FUE done on July 9th - 250 grafts, it was a cakewalk for me after two rounds of strip HTs. Dr.Feller used all of it on the right half of the receded hair line which is behind my first HT recipient area. I have updated the gallery with my FUE Pics.


    To answer the questions:

    1) GQ and others,

    I agree with Dr.Feller on weighted hair transplant because of limited resource and at the same time he has taken all measures to get a natural look when the hair grows in HT-2 area.

    2) Speegs,

    Dr.Feller has given exact same advise to cover frontal third part first , so far all of my HT hair went to frontal third part (2000 + 1400 + 250) = 3650 grafts.

    3) GQ,

    reg non-optimal growth from my first HT, I am not sure what went wrong. I hope this doesn't repeat for my 2nd strip Surg and FUE



    PRP experience:

    As I said before I got my PRP injection on May 26th, not sure how much this is going to help but I had minor pain in PRP injected area for almost a month. I wanted to give it a shot as I heard that there are no side effects.


    I am also using Rogaine and 1/4th tablet of finasteride daily. If there is any improvement in my hair growth I will not be sure if PRP is helping or the combination of Rogaine and finsteridine.


    4 months post second HT / 2 months post FUE:

    I have Uploaded few pics, quality is not that great. I tried taking pics with both of my digi cams out of which these are the ones relatively best. I should get an SLR soon.

    I can see front left side is bit more dense than right but you will the difference is not obvious when you first look at it. FUE grafts are yet to grow as its been only 2 months and that is where you can see a patch in the middle.


    To my surprise i have seen one downside after strip-2, I observed that my hair density below scar reduced considerably. I wish this is only shock loss but its been 4 months and i don't see any significant recovery yet. It is little strange now that the scar is not visible but hair below the scar has become so thin that I can see the scalp 1/2 inch below scar. I have upload few pics too regarding this.


    Yet to meet Dr.Feller, I am traveling lot these days and couldn't schedule appointment but will do it soon to get a better understanding.


    I think I need to wait for at least 2 more months to see results.



    I wanted to know if Dr feller offered you a discount for these procedures as he said he would? Or are you not allowed to discuss this? As i noticed previous posts from before from other posters about this are no longer there.

  2. Originally posted by lost my swagger:


    just LOOK at how spex and Feller reacted when "unfortunateHT" went public with his dissatisfaction, or have you all forgotten already? why do you think fellers initial reaction was to show his displeasure that UHT went public FIRST??? ill tell you why, because Feller wanted the chance to "handle" the situation BEFORE it could get to our computers, and who could blame him?..



    Do you know if Dr Feller still offered UHT a discount that was mentioned?

  3. Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:
    I am glad that i was not the only one who felt the fact that bernstein's clinic not allowing comments is insulting.




    I just spoke with Bernstein medical about this yesterday as a matter of fact, and they assure me that it wasn't done intentionally. I told them to be extra careful when posting the next album, and to make sure they allow members to post comments.


    Thanks for your interest,




    Thanks for the update bill. But do you think that charge at the top end of the pricing scale for FUE should be required to post more FUE results?


    Because as i stated above a newbie coming here would assume those who charge most equal top quality.

  4. I am glad that i was not the only one who felt the fact that bernstein's clinic not allowing comments is insulting.


    To the most experience posters like PGP. Do you feel clinics that charge at the top end of the pricing scale for FUE should be required to post more FUE results?


    Due to the fact that alot of people who come here would assume the higher cost will mean a better result.

  5. Originally posted by lost my swagger:
    Exactly! If a friend of mine said he did his research and scheduled a surgery with one of the top-5 doctors in the industry, I would not post pictures of NW-7 and try to scare him with "what if" questions. I would not question the integrity of the doctor he chose.


    i could not disagree with you more.........


    there are people like myself who feel that ASKING QUESTIONS are the only way to get true answers... hopeful did not post this to scare drew he posted it because he felt its something drew REALLY needs to consider... and drew is better for it if you ask me...


    with all due respect, i feel as though you see things backwards man...


    hopeful wishes the best for drew i TRULY believe this and he said so himself.. infact he cares so much about a total stranger he takes time to inform him of risks that you dont seem to believe exist as long as he chooses a "top 5er"......


    i know you may not want to hear this but patients have been BOTH hurt and helped by their decision to have a HT, EVEN THOSE CHOOSING THE BEST THE BUSINESS HAS TO OFFER.. their stories can be found on here aswell.. it may be a scary thing for some to accept but that does not change the FACT that it is real, and should be considered... with a decision such as this that is so very LIFE CHANGING one does not need encouragment my friend... they need ANSWERS.. REAL ANSWERS.... the encouragment comes after they have taken the leap


    some people buy into the cherrypicked results

    some have seen enough to know that they are exactly that.


    some people help by trying to inform

    some people help by saying 'good luck slugger'


    personally if i came here to ACTUALLY LEARN i dont need ecouragement NEAR as much as i need facts...... even if those facts are scary.... im a big boy so i could handle it..infact, id be thankful



    Well said LMS


    Alot of us who visit this site sometimes really need to here the truth. Because at the end of it the clinic could advise all the solutions possible to get a HT but in some situations what if getting a HT just is not suitable.

  6. Originally posted by PLEASE GROW PLEASE:

    I should of figured they would charge the most.

    Another reason I would never consider them.

    Anything above 8 is just plain ridiculous.


    A question for your PGP. On the following thread you posted one of Dr. rassmans patents.




    Know the description of the patent sounds like the description Dr. rassman gave about fue 2. So if what Dr feller says is true does that mean FUE 2 is just hype?

  7. Originally posted by dr. lindsey:

    I clicked on the link PK-hair, and since it is practically in my backyard, I have an interest. They advertise the area's only non-surgical hair restoration and appear to do extensions and laser therapy.


    I would be interested to know if any HTN bloggers have had experience there.


    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA


    Dr Lindsey,


    I used the services thought there Australian offices. Since the person who runs the offices in Australia also runs the setup over there.


    Save yourself the interest. Its a waste of time and money. I originally sent an enquiry to Dr feller a while back about trichology and he was very thorough on his opinion.


    Like i said the products are a joke and you know Dr feller's thoughts on laser therapy icon_smile.gif

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