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Posts posted by Patricia

  1. scalppeeler:


    I too had problems using Minoxidil afterwards. I am fair complected and although I was using it before after the transplant my scalp became really red. I waited about 6 weeks and tried again with the 2% and just did it a little every second or third day and then gradually worked it back to once a day. Also, all of the Head and Shoulder type things are hard on the scalp. I used the plain Neutrogena shampoo (mildest form) and things are fine. Watch the alcohol content in shampoo if peeling is an issue. I am now about 4 months post-op and back to normal routine with everything...good luck

  2. I'm 6 weeks post-op with Dr. Shapiro. I also had minimal swelling and have retained about half of the new grafts. I tried Rogaine in the recipient area and it became pink--like being in the sun too long. I aked Matt if I could use it again and he said yes but I am going to try to reach him in the next few days. I used it pre-op and did not have this reaction. If you are interested I will let you know what I find out... you can e-mail me at Pat4dogz@aol.


    gone today...hair tomorrow...

  3. Ray, If you have alopecia areata I can give you lots of info. Possibly related to stress, so they say. I had that on and off througout my 20's and early 30's. (Mine didn't present itself as true "areata" and was more of a diffuse thinning in some areas, but all the doctors I saw treated it as AA.). I went to some of the top docs at major University/Medical centers in several states. I had treatments including steriod injections, lots of prednisone and topical solutions. You can e-mail me at Pat4dogz@aol if you would like and I can share what I had to learn over those years...good luck...


    gone today...hair tomorrow...

  4. Antoni,

    I'm 16 days pot-op with Dr. Shapiro. I did not have flaking like you describe but I did feel "itchy". Keep using the spray that you were provided with. I also started using Neutrogena Shampoo and then used the spray after I wahed my hair. It will be considerably better in a few days. I still have a little "itchiness" but it gets better each day. Good Luck!


    gone today...hair tomorrow...

  5. Thanks for your reply...I didn't want to sound like a "wimp" so I just said "bleeding", actually blood went down my arm, on the keyboard and was a lot of blood. I held the area for 10 minutes with pressure like the post-op instructions say and there still was a good amount so I know I really did dislodge something.. Also I saw the hair and it was an interesting observation...it was quiite a bit longer than the couple of other grafts that fell out and half of it was red(blood I presume) How deep are they put in the scalp?


    gone today...hair tomorrow...

  6. I have been really, really gentle with my new grafts....still using light "cup" method for washing my hair in the recipient area, using spray, etc. Overall, I have had very few scabs and things have been healing well. I was reading things on here around 2:00 a.m. this morning (which technically makes this day 12) and was gently massaging a couple of scabs with fingertips, (I do not have long nails at all) and all the sudden got bleeding and lost a graft. I was not scratching and thought I was being careful. I thought after 7-10 days (and certainly by 12) they would really be in there... Any thoughts?


    gone today...hair tomorrow...

  7. I have been really, really gentle with my new grafts....still using light "cup" method for washing my hair in the recipient area, using spray, etc. Overall, I have had very few scabs and things have been healing well. I was reading things on here around 2:00 a.m. this morning (which technically makes this day 12) and was gently massaging a couple of scabs with fingertips, (I do not have long nails at all) and all the sudden got bleeding and lost a graft. I was not scratching and thought I was being careful. I thought after 7-10 days (and certainly by 12) they would really be in there... Any thoughts?


    gone today...hair tomorrow...

  8. Donna,

    Do not go back! By going back to someone you were so clearly unhappy with you are weakening your argument and position should you need to claim something later on... Why take a chance when it sounds like it will just make matters worse. Talk to one of the top doctors recommended on this forum and see what they say.. Hair extensions, pieces, and "fillers" are really popular for women right now and many salons sell them. Get something cute and fun while you research your options.


    gone today...hair tomorrow...

  9. I would like to post some photos and be able to annotate them with dates, descriptions, etc.


    Is there a way to do that while I upload each picture, or must I create the overall file with all the pictures and descriptions (in Word or as a web page using FrontPage or some other program)and then upload that file?


    gone today...hair tomorrow...

  10. I would like to post some photos and be able to annotate them with dates, descriptions, etc.


    Is there a way to do that while I upload each picture, or must I create the overall file with all the pictures and descriptions (in Word or as a web page using FrontPage or some other program)and then upload that file?


    gone today...hair tomorrow...

  11. I have been reading about what to do in order to minimize post HT swelling. I read that on day 2 that ice should be applied 20 minutes each hour. I also think that I remember reading not to apply ice that often because the cold and movement of the ice-packs can harm the new grafts. What about wearing a headband? Does it cause the fluid to move to other places (There is a post from someone who said he had permanent wrinkles because of fluid moving) Is it better to let the swelling follow a progression down the face or try to detour it with a headband? I appreciate any of your suggestions.....


    gone today...hair tomorrow...

  12. I have been reading about what to do in order to minimize post HT swelling. I read that on day 2 that ice should be applied 20 minutes each hour. I also think that I remember reading not to apply ice that often because the cold and movement of the ice-packs can harm the new grafts. What about wearing a headband? Does it cause the fluid to move to other places (There is a post from someone who said he had permanent wrinkles because of fluid moving) Is it better to let the swelling follow a progression down the face or try to detour it with a headband? I appreciate any of your suggestions.....


    gone today...hair tomorrow...

  13. Buckaroo,

    Thanks for your post. I am scheduled with Dr. Shapiro in about 3 weeks. I am headed for Colorado in a couple days (Denver/ Fort Collins) and then to Minneapolis the following week. Could you please e-mail me at Pat4dogz @aol. I would really like to ask you a couple of questions. Thanks very much and good luck with your results.- Tricia


    gone today...hair tomorrow...

  14. Ken,

    When non-transplanted hair first grows back to an area that has been dormant or without hair for a long time, it is very, very fine and almost colorless. This is true even for those of us with wavy and coarse hair. It does not reappear as "stuble" or dots that have color like those seen in your photos. There are many people here looking for direction in making an informed decision. If you want to share your success with us, perhaps you can document it with a dermatologist or university research department in your area and have them follow your progress as well. I think you would find more support among posters.


    gone today...hair tomorrow...


    [This message was edited by Patricia on September 30, 2003 at 09:28 PM.]

  15. New York Girl,

    I really understand what you are going through. My hair also thinned in my 20's and improved after a couple of years. It is pretty full around the sides and back but is still thinner on top than I would like. I have mentioned my treatment in some of my previous posts if you want to read them. There are doctors that specialize in hair loss and use one or more topical medications. I am having a HT later on this fall. You can send me your e-mail address via a "private topic" and I will be happy to share my experience and what has seemed to help (or not) over the years. Let me know if I can help.


    gone today...hair tomorrow...

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