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Posts posted by will27

  1. Originally posted by javy:

    I agree with the point that one should express one's opinion freely and without disrespecting others on this forum... But form what i have read in this thread,i would like to ask Bill a question.. are you paid to write suff and for each and every recommendation of surgeon of the recommendation list ??


    I would be interested in knowing this as well.


    Despite the tone of some of hairboy's comments, I am glad that he has expressed his views. Further, I think he has the right to read whatever post he chooses to for whatever reason he decides. However, it is important to remember that one can be biased (or paid) and still be right.


    As a new member I want as much info. as possible and then I will decide (to the best of my ability) what is BS and what is not, so thanks hairboy and Bill.

  2. simplyd13,


    Have you conclusively determined that the side effects from before and now are from taking the medication?



    These are questions that I would definitely seek expert opinion, not forum opinion (I believe the two are conclusive in order to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment).

  3. no worries Mr. GQ, when I last checked the prices were not bad there. let me know if you change your mind. the toppik.ca guys have been amazing, fantastic customer service, quick shipping, etc. and they send out specials every once in a while. I use to buy from toppik.com which was a disaster being from canada and all. then i switched to ebay, but i find toppik.ca prices competitive and convenient.


    I don't go to the store because don't want people in general to know that i use a concealer.

  4. thanks Bill,


    After reading the thread I get the impression that the issue was more of an awareness situation than anything else. Every medication seems to cause shedding when first used. Maybe the point is that if you over-use nizoral the shedding will continue to happen, not sure though.


    I find this topic interesting because I just started using nizoral. I use it every third day with a 10 minute application. Maybe I will use it a bit less, especially once my revita comes in the mail.



  5. Thanks Bill and rjnebbo, I will definitely consult my doc before doing so. Increasing dosage does not seem to get much support either scientifically or anecdotally, so maybe it's the wrong approach.


    I took a print out of my propecia purchases over the last couple of years and what I saw was that I was on and off propecia for a year and started a gain in September. Maybe my front line hair loss is shedding at this point. Who knows, I just need to make it to May, after that it ht city for me.


    thanks again guys, great suggestions.

  6. I use a dermmatch/toppik mix. Personally, I tried nanogen, but I did not like it and I don't like the fact that you can't open their bottles to find out how much is left.


    Also, with toppik, I put down some newspaper on my sink and it catches the left over, which is easily poured (via newspaper crease) back into my toppik canister. This saves me a bunch of toppik during each use and keeps my bathroom very clean.


    As for sweating, etc. I do use hairspray to hold it in place, but I still don't let people touch my head. It's instinct now to block someone from touching my hair even if I touch it and nothing comes out.

  7. latinlotus

    My hair loss weblog: http://www.hairtransplantnetwo...e-page.asp?WebID=502

    Guru Real Hair Club Member

    Posted November 27, 2008 07:53 AM Hide Post

    I ordered toppik almost a year ago, so i forgot most of the details. I don't use it that much, i still have some left.


    If you never use toppik, you may want to buy a smaller portion first. BTW don't buy the spray to go over the toppik. I find using regular hair spray is as good for holding toppik and prevent it from smearing to your cloths.



    I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


    HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

    2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

    Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007

    My hair loss weblog: http://www.hairtransplantnetwo...e-page.asp?WebID=502

    Posts: 290? |? Location: Canada? |? Registered: December 03, 2007


    There use to be a place in Yorkville (Toronto) that carried it, if you live in the GTA, PM me and I will find out the name. I order from toppik.ca, no problems with identity theft yet, but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened!

  8. I am 33 and have been on propecia for about 8 years (admittedly on and off), but in the past couple of months my hairline has really started to thin and recede and I am looking for other ways to combat this.


    I considered minoxidil, but it's a pain and doesn't work well with concealers. The added time daily is more than I can handle because styling my hair right now takes about 40 minutes with concealers.


    I bought nizoral and have started using it, but I don't expect much from this treatment.


    I looked into avodart, but the side effects really have me worried, so that's out for now.


    As a result, I thought that I may try and up the the dosage of finasteride. I have read many people say it won't help, but then some ht docs and others have recommended it for long term users.


    My wedding is in four months and I just want to have decent wedding pics, i.e., I want to maintain what I have now. After that I don't mind if things get a little worse before I book an ht with Dr. Rahal for later on this year (assuming that I will be considered a suitable candidate when I see him later this month).



  9. I am 33 and have been on propecia for about 8 years (admittedly on and off), but in the past couple of months my hairline has really started to thin and recede and I am looking for other ways to combat this.


    I considered minoxidil, but it's a pain and doesn't work well with concealers. The added time daily is more than I can handle because styling my hair right now takes about 40 minutes with concealers.


    I bought nizoral and have started using it, but I don't expect much from this treatment.


    I looked into avodart, but the side effects really have me worried, so that's out for now.


    As a result, I thought that I may try and up the the dosage of finasteride. I have read many people say it won't help, but then some ht docs and others have recommended it for long term users.


    My wedding is in four months and I just want to have decent wedding pics, i.e., I want to maintain what I have now. After that I don't mind if things get a little worse before I book an ht with Dr. Rahal for later on this year (assuming that I will be considered a suitable candidate when I see him later this month).



  10. Okay, I have done a ton of internet searching about initial front line shedding on minoxidil and to be honest with you I have found nothing conclusive. It's the typical "horror show" patient accounts vs. the theory behind hairloss shedding (pray for the second one because the outcome is better). The only thing I can extract from all of this is everyone is different and depending on what stage of hair loss you are at and how aggressive it is, front line loss may or may not have anything to do with taking minoxidil and may or may not come back if the treatment is stopped or continued! Clear as mud, right!


    I will keep you guys posted on anything I find or any changes in my hair line. Thanks Maxhair and Bobliero (sp) for responding to my PM.

  11. just went through the identical experience. I have diffuse hair loss, but a thick hair line and within 3 applications my hair line got a lot thinner, so I stopped using the rogaine as well. Now I am trying to figure out if my thickness will come back or did I do something to make my hair even worse. I will keep you updated.

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