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Posts posted by red

  1. Hi guys..thanks for the replies.


    Dr Epstein, thanks for the advice there! icon_smile.gif Well, as I've mentioned above. The problem is the rather upright angle of the grafts (this causes the hair to expose the scalp, causing a see through look from the front....I get that when I comb my hair back. Even when I ruffle it,

    sometimes even from the top too much scalp can be seen cos the hair stands unnaturally against the others). I believe if it was transplanted correctly the density is already close to a normal person's so no issue with density. My HT's were done at my hairline, so I'm not sure that the whole 'strip' be removed and replanted back in the same area at the same session? The only thing I can think of is to place a moderate no. of HT's at correct (or even slightly more acute) angle in between the existing follicles to camouflage the see-through look. To get this grafts without extracting any more from my butchered donor zone is the issue...I guess only when hair cloning is viable then icon_frown.gif Or are there any alternatives you can suggest, Dr Epstein?


    Dr Carman, the pics I have with me unfortunately don't show the problem. I've taken with both flash on & off but the pics look ok. Guess it's a case of looking better in pictures than in real-life haha. But I will try to take some worse looking pictures if I can to post soon.. icon_biggrin.gif


    Wylie, and thanks for the pm...will reply you shortly...



    Ps. Word of warning to guys considering HT. Never believe what you see in the pictures. I'm living proof that a HT that's bad (I know cos I get people staring at it enough icon_eek.gif ) can actually look ok in pictures!


    Ok then, have a great weekend all!

  2. Thanks Bill...will certainly check out the HT repair site icon_smile.gif


    TooThin thanks for sharing your experience...it gives me hope icon_cool.gif However, I'd like to find out some stuff. Firstly, I've enough density in the transplanted site (ie. around the hairline) so I'm not looking to take yet another strip from the back of my head. After punching out the grafts (btw mine are all follicular units), it doesn't sound plausible to then plant it directly at the same area due to the wounds from the small punch out holes (as in planting grfts on the wound..or is it? icon_confused.gif


    Anyway TooThin, thanks for sharing icon_smile.gif ..I will also look up Dr Shapiro's site to see if I can learn more about my options.


    Have a great day you guys!!

  3. Thanks wanthairs... icon_smile.gif

    However, from what I understand repositioning usually involves removing some grafts or a strip of grafts and planting it higher, in-between the grafts already there. In my case, it will involve removing the grafts and repositioning in the same areas (the 1-2 inch border at my hairline)since it's the graft placement angle that is the problem. This doesn't sound possible since removing the grafts will naturally cause fresh wounds in the process, and grafts can't be planted in such wounds viably right? icon_confused.gif


    Can anyone enlighten me on my views and whether there's any repair suitable? Thanks all..have a great day icon_smile.gif

  4. Hi, I'm feeling rather lost and confused, and would like to get some advice from the experienced kind souls here. Ok I'll start by explaining a little bit about my background.


    Firstly I was not balding in any sense, but my hairline was just naturally high (a little too high, and both the sides were slightly angled up so it appeared receding too). My mistake was approaching a wrong doctor (or butcher). I didn't know anything at that time so I actually went back 4 times (at his recommendation)!! The thing was, he didn't implant my grafts at a proper angle. I later found out implanting too perpendicular from the scalp (esp. at the front & hairline) would create a ??see-through' look cos the hair from the root is visible when looking straight on. I don't know if I can explain this clearly but here goes: implants angled too perpendicularly creates unnatural distinction between the scalp and the root. Natural hair rests at an acute angle at the front, so when looking at a person with full head of hair you don't really see the roots. Even when styled upwards, the hair bends up and what you see is the convex shaft of the root. So in natural hair the distinction between the root of the hair and the scalp blends softly.


    Anyway, I went back to him because the hairline was lowered density & increased but I just felt there was ??see through' effect (the scalp was quite visible through the hair) and couldn't figure out why. It was too late by the time I understood (by then I had already gone to him 4 times). I then spent the next 3 procedures with reputable Drs trying to remedy what was done. The implanted grafts between the spaces of the existing grafts, but at correct angles. This was done in the hope of camouflaging the ??see-through' effect.

    Now, the hairline and ??see-through' effect is softened, but I can still see unnatural distinction between root and scalp. Guess there were just too many grafts placed perpendicularly to totally solve it. My hair now is very un-stylable. I'm afraid of my HT being outed all the time, and I'm a pale shadow of my former self. How I wish I never met the butcher! I have recently used Dermmatch to blend the scalp and root effect and it helps, but I'm looking for a more permanent solution. I've heard that for repair alternatives, surgeons will implant new grafts correctly about 1 inch below the current hairline and this will conceal the old problem. However, I feel that my hairline is already low enough, and I do not wish to touch my donor area anymore (besides there are already wide scars there from the previous surgeries). I'm here to get advice and maybe find out solutions I do not know about (as I'm not very up-to-date about the latest techniques in HT). Also, I hope to get some advice about scar repair for my donor area. I think the scars stretched cos the multiple procedures reduced laxity. Are there such things as permanent sutures and are they good?


    I guess until a solution is found, I'll just have to wait for hair cloning cos then donor supply would not be a problem already. Sorry for such a long post, but I just needed someone I could turn to for advice and help. Many thanks!



  5. Hi, I'm feeling rather lost and confused, and would like to get some advice from the experienced kind souls here. Ok I'll start by explaining a little bit about my background.


    Firstly I was not balding in any sense, but my hairline was just naturally high (a little too high, and both the sides were slightly angled up so it appeared receding too). My mistake was approaching a wrong doctor (or butcher). I didn't know anything at that time so I actually went back 4 times (at his recommendation)!! The thing was, he didn't implant my grafts at a proper angle. I later found out implanting too perpendicular from the scalp (esp. at the front & hairline) would create a ??see-through' look cos the hair from the root is visible when looking straight on. I don't know if I can explain this clearly but here goes: implants angled too perpendicularly creates unnatural distinction between the scalp and the root. Natural hair rests at an acute angle at the front, so when looking at a person with full head of hair you don't really see the roots. Even when styled upwards, the hair bends up and what you see is the convex shaft of the root. So in natural hair the distinction between the root of the hair and the scalp blends softly.


    Anyway, I went back to him because the hairline was lowered density & increased but I just felt there was ??see through' effect (the scalp was quite visible through the hair) and couldn't figure out why. It was too late by the time I understood (by then I had already gone to him 4 times). I then spent the next 3 procedures with reputable Drs trying to remedy what was done. The implanted grafts between the spaces of the existing grafts, but at correct angles. This was done in the hope of camouflaging the ??see-through' effect.

    Now, the hairline and ??see-through' effect is softened, but I can still see unnatural distinction between root and scalp. Guess there were just too many grafts placed perpendicularly to totally solve it. My hair now is very un-stylable. I'm afraid of my HT being outed all the time, and I'm a pale shadow of my former self. How I wish I never met the butcher! I have recently used Dermmatch to blend the scalp and root effect and it helps, but I'm looking for a more permanent solution. I've heard that for repair alternatives, surgeons will implant new grafts correctly about 1 inch below the current hairline and this will conceal the old problem. However, I feel that my hairline is already low enough, and I do not wish to touch my donor area anymore (besides there are already wide scars there from the previous surgeries). I'm here to get advice and maybe find out solutions I do not know about (as I'm not very up-to-date about the latest techniques in HT). Also, I hope to get some advice about scar repair for my donor area. I think the scars stretched cos the multiple procedures reduced laxity. Are there such things as permanent sutures and are they good?


    I guess until a solution is found, I'll just have to wait for hair cloning cos then donor supply would not be a problem already. Sorry for such a long post, but I just needed someone I could turn to for advice and help. Many thanks!



  6. Hi Parable, I'd like to know if Dr Russell did any hairline work on you? Also, how visible are scars on on the donor area...is it possible to send me some pictures of what he did for you? I'm still making up my mind on a doctor and don't want to make a mistake on this...much appreciated. By the way, you mentioned Burgo has been to Dr Russell as well...is that his username 'cause I can't seem to locate it on the forum search. Can you give me his details if you know? Thanks very much..hope your 'repair work' has turned out well..

  7. Hi Parable, I'd like to know if Dr Russell did any hairline work on you? Also, how visible are scars on on the donor area...is it possible to send me some pictures of what he did for you? I'm still making up my mind on a doctor and don't want to make a mistake on this...much appreciated. By the way, you mentioned Burgo has been to Dr Russell as well...is that his username 'cause I can't seem to locate it on the forum search. Can you give me his details if you know? Thanks very much, bro..hope your 'repair work' has turned out well..

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