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Posts posted by CarlosM

  1. Thank you for your comments below.

    I will take no action until I am totally ready, and that could take a few years of preparation. I do have a moderate degree of recession, and I don't like the way my hair looks at all.


    First I want to see if Proscar will do its job and prevent further loss. If it does, I'll get a transplant when I am more confident.


    Cost is an important issue to me when considering engaging into the life-long commitment of getting transplants to repair future hairloss. It's not like I can save $2K and go get a procedure done; otherwise, I would get more excited because I am not very afraid of running out of donor hair based on my family history and my own hairloss rate so far.


    Based on my photos, how many grafts do you think I would need right now?








    to Carlos


    Although I appreciate Jebster's comments, I would be very cautious. You appear to me to be right on the border of transplanting. I would not blame someone for encouraging you or discouraging you. Keep the following in mind- once you start, it is a lifelong committment. Are you unhappy with your hair as it stands or unhappy with what you think it will become? If you would be happy if the loss would just stop, then I would hold off. About 6 months ago I did a procedure on a fellow who 25 yrs ago had some punch grafts placed into an area of frontal recession. His hairloss virtually stopped and he wished he had not had the procedure -fortunately it was correctable. You mentioned that you don't like it as it is now - in that case, I would lean more for a transplant. The frontal "V" can easily be widened and should look very good. But then you are committed.

    Your hair looks pretty good right now but it is obvious that you have had a moderate degree of recession. You are no doubt an excellent candidate for this procedure - if and when it is proper for you. Only you can answer that question. Just go into it with a good knowledge of the committment - and don't let anyone talk you into or out of anything. It is your decision and you need to be comfortable with it. No need for rushing.

  2. Thank you very much for the sincere replies. Argy's perspective regarding what might happen years down the road is interesting.


    Arfy, do you think that the main risk is potentially running out of donor hair in the future? What a scary proposition.


    For the sake of this discussion, let's consider the following:


    A) I am almost 38, so I figure my hair will keep falling out at about the same rate that it has been falling out for the last 9 years.


    B) I will continue to take Proscar. I hope it will slow down my hair loss. Maybe it will even keep my hair from falling out at all.


    C) The first three pictures on http://home.attbi.com/~cmerighe/homepage/2002/011202/page.htm kind of show my father's hair. He is 60 years old. Do you guys think that he would have enough donor hair to repair his hair? Maybe the pictures are not very good to know for sure. If the answer is yes, then I think that I, given my own father's hair and my own current status after almost 10 years from the time my hair started vanishing, may be ok in the long run as far as having enough donor hair is concerned.


    I realize that this is speculation. You would think that you could safely ask a HT doctor and get an honest answer. Am I wrong thinking that a lot of HT doctors will give you their answers mostly based on the status of their bank accounts? You know, maybe part of their answers are based on whether or not they would like to trade in their Mercedes for new ones. For instance, one HT doctor was basically bad-mouthing Propecia and Proscar to me several months ago. I didn't say anything, but I became somewhat suspicious that he would rather have his patients go back for more when all he did was bad-mouth Propecia. He only focused on the side potential side effects of Propecia. I felt that maybe he was trying to scar me. When I asked him what Propecia was, he didn't bother to mention that Propecia is the only FDA-approved drug proven to treat hair loss in men. A responsible doctor should base his comments on research and experience. Maybe he should have mentioned that 5 out of 6 men kept the hair they had during the clinical trials, and that 2 out of 3 men even grew back some hair. I accept the comments about the side effects, they are a reality for some men. Perhaps he should have told me that only 2% of the clinical-trial recipients suffered from any side effect.


    Some people say that baldness is inherited from one's mother's side. That is not true as far as my family is concerned. My mother's father died with all his hair at the age of 80. Sure, his hair was totally gray, but at least he took all of it to his grave.


    The alternative for me is to wait until I am old and my hair quits falling out. That could mean having a hair that I hate for years to come, but I will take no action while I feel undecided.



  3. A large session is something that I will not allow on my head. After a few hours, the doctor(s) involved will feel exhausted, and that's bound to affect the quality of the work involved. I would rather split a large session into two more manageable sessions.


    I am kind of guessing that I will need about 500 follicles(?), but that is merely a guess. I have sent an email to a doctor in Brazil (I found his name on this site somewhere) asking him for a remote evaluation over the Internet. I'll see if I can get the same from Dr. Ray Woods, whom I am really looking forward to talking to as soon as they can call me back. Given the time difference between here and their country, I might have to call them in the evening, which is ok. I'll ask him for some type of preliminary evaluation over the Internet. I can get very high resolutions pictures of my head from several different angles. An experienced doctor is bound to have a pretty good idea of what it would take to fix my v-shaped hair.

  4. I've ordered my first batch of Proscar online. I'm getting on the drug right now and wait at least a few months before getting a HT to fix my v-shaped hair. If Proscar does its job, my hair should (hopefully) quit falling as long as I take the drug, which I guess it should be for the rest of my life if necessary. And I am only going to wait at all for the HT due to my current financial situation; otherwise, I'll probably be getting on the plane on the way to a chosen doctor soon.


  5. (The offensive comments made among some people is what is sad.)


    I am confused because I don't know if I would continue to lose my after, but I suspect that my hairloss is a gradual path to my final doom. That's how it worked with my father.


    But, if I get on Propecia right away, wouldn't that keep my hair from falling from now on? That way, I could get a transplant to fix the current v-shape and know that I will never have to do the procedure again because I will always take Propecia, or whatever the other drug is that has the same active ingredient. What do you guys think, and let's please be respectful even if we don't like some of the comments that we read. Some people might be frustrated because they may have had negative results, let's be sympathetic, patient and even compassionate towards one another. This is a virtual place for discussion, and that's where one's character shows the most in my opinion.


    Thanks, I appreciate all your comments.



  6. James,


    Thank you for your reply. Granted, my hairloss is not very advanced yet, but the current v-shaped style is enough to bother me on a daily basis. The way I see it, I have two things to do to be happy:

    1. Get a transplant to eliminate the v-shape.

    2. Get on Propecia right away.


    Do you have photos of your hair?





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