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Daniel H.

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Posts posted by Daniel H.

  1. My hair loss was at about a Norwood scale 2, and had been that way for about 14-15 years. I think it is a combination of a maturing hairline, and some loss at the temples. I have a big forehead, so, for me, the receding effect was exaggerated. I realize that most people on here know about the Coalition of HT doctors, but I really hope my post helps someone who doesn't know about them, or, even worse, thinks that they'll be saving money by going with someone else. I'm going to start a hairloss weblog today. Talk to you soon!!

    Daniel Hill

    Fort Lauderdale, Florida

  2. Hi, everyone! I'm writing this post because I want everyone to know how great my experience was with Dr. Glenn Charles. I hope this post is especially useful to someone who is considering having a hair transplant done, but doesn't:

    a. Know of a skilled HT doctor, and is afraid of making a mistake by going to someone who will give him a poor result, or worse, butcher his head.

    b. know how painful the procedure is, and is afraid that the pain will be unbearable, making him regret going through with this.


    Let me answer the last question first. I had my procedure done in Dr. Charles office yesterday, and right now there is almost no pain whatsoever, save for a feeling of pressure in the back of my head where the sutures are. As for the procedure itself, the ONLY discomfort is the sting of the needles as they administer the anesthetic to the back and top of your head. You will feel nothing as they are doing the actual procedure.

    Now for the first, and more important question. I was almost certain that I was going to have my procedure done by Medical Hair Restoration, based on the television commercials I have been seeing for a couple of years. I went there for a consultation, and was surprised when I realized that the person I was speaking to was not a surgeon, but a salesman!! This person had indeed had the procedure done himself, which he showed me, but was more interested in going over prices with me than actually explaining how the procedure would be done. I felt like I was talking with a used car salesman as he quoted the "monthly special" price I would receive if I had my procedure done by the end of that month. After returning home, I went on several HT forums and lo and behold- I saw nothing but negative comments from people who had done their procedure there. I went to several more doctors for consultations, becoming more disturbed after each visit. Then, I discovered Dr. Glenn Charles. After my initial consultation, there was no doubt in my mind that this was the person I was going to go with. He spent the better part of an hour discussing my potential surgery with me, even going so far as to show me the instruments used, and letting me talk briefly with a patient who was having the surgery done right then.

    It's the day after surgery, and I can't say enough good things about Dr. Glenn Charles. Not only is HE a top-notch, but his entire staff is amazingly professional and friendly. When I was about to have my surgery done, their main focus was making sure I was comfortable and relaxed. Folks, after doing my research, and going to some consultations with surgeons (one of them has even had his medical license revoked in the state of New York- I had to find that out myself, of course) who truly disturbed me, I would encourage anyone considering hair transplantion to please, please save yourself a lot of trouble and go with Dr. Charles. Do your research, go to other doctors, and you will see the difference when you sit down with him in his office and begin talking with him.

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