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Posts posted by Hairypalms

  1. Hi


    I have done a bit of research and would like to share some findings with this community.


    I note that people are focused mainly on the number of grafts when discussing HT. But if we agree that coverage/density are the most important issues then we realise that :


    It is the number of transplanted hairs that actually matters rather than the number of grafts.


    According to one source (Dr Rassman) the number of FU is pretty much the same per cm2 across patients- about 100.


    What varies is the hair diameter (very important for the final visual result) and the number of hairs per FU. A patient who averages 2.3 hairs per FU will get a better result, for the same number of grafts, as someone averaging 1.8- ie for 1,000 grafts : 2,300 hairs in the first case and 1,800 in the other- quite a difference.


    Also there is the issue of hair/scalp color and contrast : dark hair and white skin give the surgeon more of a challenge than blonde hair/fiar skin.


    Overall, we then would need to ask patients/doctors about the number of hairs actually transplanted, not only the number of grafts. This incidentally raises the question of the subdivision of naturally occuring grafts by unethical doctors, but that is another topic...

  2. Hi guys


    I see you have had a lot of experience with many docs, mainly in the US.


    Would you have any feedback for me on surgeons in Belgium which seems to be a hotbed of quality docs.


    I am especially interested in opinions about Dr Devroye and Dr Bisanga.



  3. Hi guys


    I see you have had a lot of experience with many docs, mainly in the US.


    Would you have any feedback for me on surgeons in Belgium which seems to be a hotbed of quality docs.


    I am especially interested in opinions about Dr Devroye and Dr Bisanga.



  4. Hi there


    To follow up on our discussion, I have found out from the Website of the UK General Medical Council (http://www.gmc-uk.org) that in October 2007 the Fitness to Practise Panel recommended a suspension of Dr Richard Rogers for a duration of 4 months. This is due to his "obtaining services by deception". I do not know if he has exercised his right of appeal.


    I just wanted UK readers to be made aware of the fact. I remember that Pat visited this clinic recently but decided against recommending it at this time because all the graft cutting did not take place under microscope.


    Additionally and totally independently, I personally do not like the fact that this clinic charges ??60 for a consultation with the main doctor when you think that many top docs in the US for example offer a free diagnostic consultation, very often with the operating surgeon , not a salesman/consultant.

  5. Thanks for your input-


    Rest assured : what you say largely confirms what I have read elsewhere and I have no intention of having anything done in the UK.


    Why pay overpay for subpar results?


    It is a shame we dont have any worldclass hair surgeon here ( the Farjos being possibly an exception)

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