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Posts posted by ronsard

  1. Here's what I wrote in a previous post about my experience with Dr. Nusbaum:


    "The incision literally goes from right above one ear to the next. The procedure took about 7.5 hours. The Dr does not make the actual implants. He has a team of ten assistants separating FUs (using microscopes) and later four technicians, two on each side, one holding the incision open while the other inserts the FU. The Dr also has a nurse anesthetizing the areas. His role was to draw hairline, remove and suture the donor area, and make all incisions and of course to supervise his team. It was trully a very smooth operation, both in the medical and professional sense."

    In terms of cost it was very competitive, costing between $3.50 and $4 a FU. You ask about pain during the procedure... they use a vibrating tool while anesthetizing the area (local anesthesia injections) that really works in lowering the discomfort. There's always a little bit of pain while you're being anesthetized (don't believe those who tell you there's no pain involved) but I agree with Pat; the pain is not more intense than having anesthesia for dental work. After this, you don't feel anything. Even after the procedure the pain/discomfort is minimal. I was given some pills to take in case of pain but I never felt that the pain was strong enough to take them. Would I do it again with Dr. Nusbaum if I had to? Absolutely. Send me an email if you need to talk on the phone about all this in greater detail.

  2. Wow that's amazing that prices on the web could vary so much. I really feel ripped off now. This was my first time buying Propecia and I had been told it was expensive ... I had no idea about the actual price. For those looking to buy online, stay away from MedPharmacy.com.... where the price has been tripled for 30 tabs and doubled for 90 tabs. As the previous poster states, drugstore.com prices are much much (much) lower.

  3. You can actually order Propecia online through many sites without a prescription. Just make sure they are not charging you a "consultation" fee because there are few sites that do. I ordered mine from: www.webpharmacy.com. If you can afford to order three months in advance they offer substantial savings (30 tab/$139)(90 tabs/$289). They ship next day for $18.

  4. Bverotti: You have a point. The Dr seemed enthusiastic, if not surprised, when he was able to get so many FUs from my donor strip. The incision literally goes from right above one ear to the next. The procedure took about 7.5 hours. The Dr does not make the actual implants. He has a team of ten assistants separating FUs and later four technician, two on each side, one holding the incision open while the other inserts the FU. The Dr also has a nurse anesthetizing the areas. His role was to draw hairline, remove and suture the donor area, and make all incisions and of course to supervise his team. It was trully a very smooth operation, both in the medical and professional sense.

  5. I just had a transplant 2 weeks ago. During the original consultation the Dr estimated a total of 2,600 units would be transplanted, 800 to the front and the rest in the crown. They were able to get 3,800 FU from donor strip and the Dr asked if I wanted to go ahead and have them all put in. I did get all 3800 in. As I looked at the various pictures on this site I noticed that no one has had more than 2000 at a time.... Is it an issue of cost, or safety?

  6. I just had a transplant 2 weeks ago. During the original consultation the Dr estimated a total of 2,600 units would be transplanted, 800 to the front and the rest in the crown. They were able to get 3,800 FU from donor strip and the Dr asked if I wanted to go ahead and have them all put in. I did get all 3800 in. As I looked at the various pictures on this site I noticed that no one has had more than 2000 at a time.... Is it an issue of cost, or safety?

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