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Posts posted by Bp1

  1. I would say that starting early is not a terrible idea. I am 24 and a year ago received a smaller session (1319 grafts with Dr. Dorin) in my frontal regio to restore the hairline and to fill in the sides. The results have been amazing. I started to lose my hair and got jipped on the EXT Program from HairClub (WHAT A JIP). I immediately stopped that, got on Minoxidil and 1.25 Proscar, which stabilized my loss and received a transplant in January 2008 from Dr. Dorin. I'll tell, as many others can contest, it was a great idea and I am EXTREMELY happy with the results. The key is, as Thana states, to MAKE SURE YOU GET AN ELITE DOC TO DO THE WORK. This is such a critical aspect and I want to stress this as much as I can. Get an elite doc to work on your head, and to plan a regimen. I am finishing up law school and though my hair looks amazing now, hair loss is progressive and I am thoroughly content with realizing that I will seeing Dr. Dorin to do subsequent surgery.

  2. That is why i have to find out who this Dr. really is to look out for someone else who will come across the same issue i am going through.



    Thinman...this has to be the most IRRESPONSIBLE and IRRATIONAL comment I have ever heard anyone say; let me get this straight...you are going to be a test pilot for some other poor soul...COME ON MAN...listen to what you are saying!!!

  3. No offense Lenny...but this thread is actually LAUGHABLE....testing out a hair transplant.....to put it nicely...YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME....if 400 grafts will do you good try rogaine or propecia....this sounds CRAZY...thats like saying "Let me test out an open heart surgery"...Come on man...if you are testing a hair transplant you shouldn't even be getting one...Id love to meet the doctor that is going to "TEST" out this procedure for you...LOL

  4. SEE I NEVER NEVER NEVER understood this "oh its too hard to apply minox every day twice" crap!!! I mean come on thats like saying "I dont like the idea of showering everyday its a lifelong commitment" GIMME A BREAK....if you cant commit to 2 minuteas a day putting foam in your head than I TRULY question your commitment for wanting to keep your hair!!! Gimme a break

  5. Exactly Scooter...


    I was also a FORMER (alleliua!!) HCM member. I am 24 and was sucked into purchasing their EXT program. As a rookie at this hairloss thing I accepted and was sucked into paying over 2 grand for a regiment that consisted of shampooos and conditioners saw palmetto pills and the ONLY thing FDA approved 5% minox...so in other words i was paying for a 12 month supply of minoxidil...when I couldve just bought 5% rogaine and saved almost 3 grand!!! DO NOT PURCHASE EXT...it is the worst thing ever....I read a training guide that a former HC employee gave me....THEY ALWAYS TRY TO SELL THE EXT....ALWAYS first...even when they know it won't work on you!!! DONT BE FOOLED

  6. ummmmm DO NOT sign up for the EXT program. That's their BEST case scenario. It is OBVIOUS that they try to sell that first. It is an EXPENSIVE regiment consisting of "SPECIAL" (LMFAO!!!) shampoos and conditioners and 5% minoxidil and SAW PALMETTO pills (ANTOHER LMFAO). They do this because they claim that once your on it you need to be forever....SO DO NOT SIGN UP FOR EXT...

  7. EXACTLY Mrjb...as you always say there is Niz, Fin, and Minox and the rest are fluff


    The fact is EXT is just like Avacor....based on mInoxidil...So in reality just take 5% Minox and you save so much money...I signed up for EXT...told my dermatologist what it consisted of...he laughed and told me to get off it...I did and went on Niz, Fin, and Minox and that did WONDERS for me....save your money

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