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Posts posted by Carl24

  1. Hi,

    I am currently 52 and had a very successful transplant in 2007 with about 3500 strip procedure by Dr. Feller. I started finasteride about 6 months before surgery and have continued a 1.25 dose since and currently take it 4-5x per week.

    Is there any long term data on finasteride efficacy or is most of the long term information anecdotal?

    I do not have any major issue taking it long term as long as I have an idea that it is likely to be effective. What have other HT veterans experienced? Thanks.

  2. Thanks.

    Did you consult with other surgeons in NY?

    I know that True and Dorin have an office in Huntington and will most likely schedule a consult soon. Do you know much about Dorin?

    Both are coalition members.


    My only concern about True is that according to this site he may not be one the elite surgeons.

    He is highly regarded but may not be as advanced in the latest techniques as a Feller, Wong, Shapiro or Epstein.

    Any thoughts?

  3. Tisab,

    Thanks for the info; I really appreciate it!

    I guess from your response that Feller requires shaving of the recipient site. Your point of optimal efficacy is well taken.

    After reviewing this board, it became quite obvious to avoid Bosley.

    Several physicians in Canada seem appealing (H & W as well as Robert Jones), however, I believe if I needed follow-up with any complications, I would prefer to see the surgeon. It appears that we have several excellent options in NY.

    I would conider the Canada option if I felt that the quality of surgery warranted the trip.

    I am unsure of the cost differential of these Canadian surgeons, but assume that they are in the ballpark of the US coalition MDs.

    As far as cost, Feller's website states a fee of 7850 for 2000 grafts and about 9200 for 2500. This fee schedule is suject to availability. Perhaps, this is a standby fee or off peak scheduling time. Can you clarify if this is the case?


    This forum provides a wealth of information for the novice and veteran hair transpant community. What a resource! THANKS AGAIN

  4. I am contemplating a procedure and plan to cosnult with Bernstein, Feller and True in NY.


    For work reasons, I am concerned about the shaving of the recipient site issue. Do these surgeons require shaving and if not what would be a reasonable length of hair pre-op?


    Also, would 10-15K be a ballpark cost for the procedure with Feller, True or Bernstein?




    Several months ago I consulted with Bosley and was infomred by the Consultant that I am a candidate for approx 2250 grafts (roughly 1250 frontal and 1000 crown grafts).


    Thanks for any feedback!

  5. I am contemplating a procedure and plan to cosnult with Bernstein, Feller and True in NY.


    For work reasons, I am concerned about the shaving of the recipient site issue. Do these surgeons require shaving and if not what would be a reasonable length of hair pre-op?


    Also, would 10-15K be a ballpark cost for the procedure with Feller, True or Bernstein?




    Several months ago I consulted with Bosley and was infomred by the Consultant that I am a candidate for approx 2250 grafts (roughly 1250 frontal and 1000 crown grafts).


    Thanks for any feedback!

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