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Posts posted by shadows

  1. Not Spammy...I am using it with SMG for my 1st HT surgery at a very low interest rate!! I also use it for the Dentist all the time as sometimes my Dentist does 12 months interest free! I just so happen to have good credit so they approved a credit line increase for me.


    I am (will be) a real Newbie HT patient and don't have any affiliation with any type of finance company. Maybe check out the web site before you criticize it!! All that fancy link stuff just happened to pop up when I put in the website :))

  2. I think with Janna's help, I will have SMG post pics of my progress. They will have pre-op, post-op and 3,6,12 months (at the least) progress reports as I live in MN and plan to go back often! That way, everyone can see the progress without me being on here all the time and obsessing about what i've just done, although i'll still post periodically to try and help!

    I just want to get the procedure and let nature take it's course :))

  3. Well, after 10 years of debating and researching, I have finally decided to do it! Luckily I have found one of the leaders right here in my own back yard! Fortunately in that time i've only progressed from about a 2 to maybe a 3. I am a 41 yr. old male and my surgery is scheduled for 11/16/10. It is estimated that I will need approx. 1500 to 1800 grafts to re-establish the hairline and fill in some frontal thinning.


    I will hopefully continue this thread through my process with pictures etc...Wish me Luck!

  4. Strange question maybe... Does going through shock loss and scabs and donor scars and new hair that is never going to be you "21 again look" make anyone feel like...."hey, I just got a new set of hair, it looks very good, but now I'm still wondering if people are looking at my hair trying to decide if I've had something done"?? It might look great but you know you've done something. Does that ever sit in the back of anybody's mind?

  5. Strange question maybe... Does going through shock loss and scabs and donor scars and new hair that is never going to be you "21 again look" make anyone feel like...."hey, I just got a new set of hair, it looks very good, but now I'm still wondering if people are looking at my hair trying to decide if I've had something done"?? It might look great but you know you've done something. Does that ever sit in the back of anybody's mind?

  6. So...If i'm NW2...you do not recommend HT right now, because I will be losing more hair?? Then why do people always say, I should have done this when I first started losing hair?? Anyway, I'm not assuming one in a million anything...just trying to get some info!

  7. Thanks for the input...I would have to fly to Minn. for my HT and would not want to fly all the way there to do a consult with somebody who wouldn't even be in the surgery room. When you say Shapiro does excellent hairlines, is that from what you've seen on the internet or personally??? My feeling is that any pic on the net can be altered (or if not to that extent...flattered)

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