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Posts posted by sandyh

  1. To "desperate for help", like I said earlier I had a great experience with Dr. Epstein, I would recommend him wholeheartedly. Initially, he said he would do between 900 to 1000 grafts, it ended up being a little over 1200 grafts. I'm healing up nicely, just starting exercising and everything again. Now as for the hair growth and stuff, I guess now only time will tell.

    To "Brianf", I have used minoxidil and I saw a little change, but nothing dramatic, I have to start using it again now that the procedure is over, I actually started using it again yesterday. I have to do it every other day because if not it makes my scalp too itchy.

    Female pattern is not as pronounced, at least in me, as it is in men, but it's pretty much the same thing, thinning hair at the front of my scalp and a little on the side, but like I said that is how it was on me.

    I'm glad you had a good experience overseas! Maybe I can visit Thailand after all this is over, I heard it's beautiful!

    God Bless!!

  2. Thanks for all the support again. I look so forward for continued growth. I'm not too sure what "strip surgery" is but if it's when they take a strip of the back of your hair, that is what I had done. That part is the part that hurt the most after it was all said and done, I had about 30 stitches, but my husband said that Dr. Epstein did a great job, once it totally heals he said you won't be able to even see the scar as he did such a thin line.

    Another quick question...have any of the ladies used toppik? Dr. Epstein gave me a small bottle and I like it, I was wondering what you all think about it...is it worth getting the bigger bottles?



  3. Thank you for your support! It is so hard being a woman and losing your hair. As for the reason...my dermatologist did a scalp biopsy and what came back is that I had androgenous alopecia, which was explained to me as basically, female pattern baldness. It is hereditary. I was confused at first b/c both mom and daddy have full heads of hair and they are in their late 60s. But my mom reminded me that my grandmother had thinning hair, I just didn't remember.

    I'm praying very hard that this works, I am truly encouraged though by what I have read about the transplants. God Bless!

  4. I just wanted to let the ladies out there know that I had a transplant procedure done with Dr. Jeffery Epstein in South Florida and it went great! His staff is absolutely amazing, it's bad enough to be losing your hair, but to be a young woman...it is devasting. Dr. Epstein made me feel confident that we can take care of this and his staff just made the whole experience so much easier to bear. I had it done last week and will see him again in 10 months. I can't wait to see the results. Dr. Epstein really never pushed anything on me, he made sure I had all my doctors test for everything that I had "found on the internet" that it could be and told me what he could do when I was ready, well, it took me about 4 months, but then I decided to do it and I'm glad I was able to have such a compassionate doctor and nurses to see me through it.

  5. I just wanted to let the ladies out there know that I had a transplant procedure done with Dr. Jeffery Epstein in South Florida and it went great! His staff is absolutely amazing, it's bad enough to be losing your hair, but to be a young woman...it is devasting. Dr. Epstein made me feel confident that we can take care of this and his staff just made the whole experience so much easier to bear. I had it done last week and will see him again in 10 months. I can't wait to see the results. Dr. Epstein really never pushed anything on me, he made sure I had all my doctors test for everything that I had "found on the internet" that it could be and told me what he could do when I was ready, well, it took me about 4 months, but then I decided to do it and I'm glad I was able to have such a compassionate doctor and nurses to see me through it.

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