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Posts posted by Mak_UK

  1. Hi London traveler


    I had the same concern. I did a quick google search on local Dermatologists in the UK, however, its somewhat confusing. On most websites it stated you had to be referred by your GP and some Dermatologists are contactable through your local nhs hospital for private treatment (dont know how much it will cost for sutures removal).


    when you went to the A&E did they remove them? what did you say to them?

  2. I am currently at my prelimenary stages of research about HT.


    Just a quick question, reading through this site i notice alot of patients have had or tried medications prior to their HT. However, with me i accepted it as faith and nothing could be done about my hairloss and therefore did not take any medication to treat my hair loss. Now that i am considering having a HT and because i have never had any meds will i suffer a great shockloss? Is it vital to have meds prior to your HT? Or can i have the meds (if recommended by dr) immediately after my HT?

  3. I apologise before hand for this post, as i am aware this question must have been asked many times before!! But its so confusing with the world of info available on this site and the internet...life just dosent get easier when making a decision on the right surgeon.


    I have narrowed my options down to surgeons H&W and Dr Rahal, but now its making that choice between the two clinics.


    The more i search the net or this site i switch from one clinic to another due to their equal outstanding work! But i am sure im not the only one to feel this way.


    Please help how do you make the choice?


    Man, if i certainly had hair now i would be pulling it out!! icon_confused.gificon_confused.gif its so confusing.


    Pls advise.

  4. I apologise before hand for this post, as i am aware this question must have been asked many times before!! But its so confusing with the world of info available on this site and the internet...life just dosent get easier when making a decision on the right surgeon.


    I have narrowed my options down to surgeons H&W and Dr Rahal, but now its making that choice between the two clinics.


    The more i search the net or this site i switch from one clinic to another due to their equal outstanding work! But i am sure im not the only one to feel this way.


    Please help how do you make the choice?


    Man, if i certainly had hair now i would be pulling it out!! icon_confused.gificon_confused.gif its so confusing.


    Pls advise.

  5. Thanks Spex and Tubs for your replies.


    Once I know the exact amount how much my surgery will cost including the travel, then i will most likely go down the route of personal loan.


    Would anyone know the amount that you are quoted through an online consultation is the amount you pay? or does it change in direct meeting? and if does change is it a considerable change?

  6. From the early stages of my research i have done at the moment regarding funding my HT. I am aware there are a couple of lenders that finance your HT in canada and US. Just a quick question would companies like patient link and travelers cater for UK residents too or alternatively are there companies in the UK that will offer similar service for a patient to have treatment in Canada or US?


    Any UK patients that have had HT in the past in Canada (H&W), did you finance the sugery? and if you did what company did you use?


    Any information from anyone would be appreciated.



  7. From the early stages of my research i have done at the moment regarding funding my HT. I am aware there are a couple of lenders that finance your HT in canada and US. Just a quick question would companies like patient link and travelers cater for UK residents too or alternatively are there companies in the UK that will offer similar service for a patient to have treatment in Canada or US?


    Any UK patients that have had HT in the past in Canada (H&W), did you finance the sugery? and if you did what company did you use?


    Any information from anyone would be appreciated.



  8. This site is amazing. Its my encouragement and first steps towards the planning of my HT. Just wanted to thank everyone for their help in sharing such valuable information that most certainly will change the lives of everyone. Really appreaciate it.


    Well I am gona continue with my research although i am gearing towards Hasson and Wong for their outstanding work. Jotronic will be intouch for more information. Just gona send some of my pictures to H&W for the online consultation.


    Kind regards



  9. This site is amazing. Its my encouragement and first steps towards the planning of my HT. Just wanted to thank everyone for their help in sharing such valuable information that most certainly will change the lives of everyone. Really appreaciate it.


    Well I am gona continue with my research although i am gearing towards Hasson and Wong for their outstanding work. Jotronic will be intouch for more information. Just gona send some of my pictures to H&W for the online consultation.


    Kind regards



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