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Posts posted by tainted_sorrow

  1. hey all,


    i went and had a consultation with dr white on friday, he SEEMS like a nice guy, consultaion went for about an hour with no charge, he is going to send me a letter next week to let me know how much roughly the procedure would cost, he said in excess of $18,000


    why would you guys skip dr white? i researched some melbourne transplants and he seems like the best one, theres a seminar happening shortly where past patients will be there to tlak about their hair loss etc


    just dunno what to think! call me naive but he seems legit


    Also guys atm im doing laser, any ppl you know of had success with laser therapy?


    ile post some pics of my hait this week

  2. ive been researching for the past few months, im really concious about my lack of hair. scar are you meaning dr white from the hair institute?


    i have a consultation with them tomorrw, i jumped on their website and they seem to be the best going around in melbourne.


    Has anyone spoken to dr white or the hair institute?


    in terms of other products ive tried like i said do not go to hairsceience, they are scam artists, it still amazes me that they are still in business.


    Gile Lavery, you said you are going to thailand for your procedure, is this as costs are cheaper over there?

  3. Hi guys


    ive been considering a hair transplant for afew months now and im thinking of going ahead with it. Im a 25 yr old male and the loss of my hair has really affected me, for the past two years i have never gone out without my cap on, its really affected me socially and in relationships


    afew months ago i came across a hair clinic in melb called hairscience, when i went there for a consultation it sounded too good to be true, your hair will start growing back at a fraction of the cost, little did i know on the day of the "procedure" they glued a wig to my head, which obviously i told them to remove


    i was wondering if anyone had the procedure done and for what cost, my hairline has receeded, my crown is preety much bold, although the top part of my head still has hair but has lost density.


    i just want hair is it hard to ask for!

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