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  1. No, no transplant for me, well I hope not anyways. I'm not happy about going bald but I am VERY happy with my my treatment. Basically all I am on now is prop/minox too since I ran out of saw and l-lysine. Its been 6 months since I started proscar and I havn't gotton any worse, maybe a tad better so I think this will keep what I have, and if it does I would be very happy. If I was to transplant I would get something really cheep just in the crown area.



  2. These next pics show my hair line a lot worse and my crown from the wide where it is the thinnest(no courve on that side because that spot has always been there so I wouldn't want to draw attention to it not being there) but it has gotton bigger over the years.


    I can't believe how obvious the courve looks in the frontal/top of my head view, they are clearly a lot brighter then my natural color. I am gonna have to throw that stuff away, lets hope it hasn't looked that bad when I have been using it for the past few months.



  3. I'm posting pics of my hair and hairline now because starting in a week or two I will be starting a new regimine. These will be my before pictures. Basically I've been using 1/4 proscar for 5 months, but I also cut off on the minox, to about once a day if that. Do to cutting minox, or adding fin, I'm not sure, my hair has become a lot worse, not really obvious unless my hair is wet, the whole top looks thinner then the sides, this was never so 6 months ago, all I had was a thinning crown/v shaped hair line. thinning all over my head does not fit any pattern of mpb in my family.


    My new regimen:

    1/4 proscar

    minox 5% atleast twice a day, no more slacking

    mixed with msm, l-argine.(to make my hair thicker I heard)

    l-lysine 1500mg

    saw palmetto 500mg


    I am also planning on adding this when I get more money and they are availiable.

    Dr. Lee's 15% minox

    .5 dut

    Maybe dmso/aloe 70/30 and either distilled water or minox.


    What do you guys think my hair is? nw3? nw2? My crown isn't as bad as it appears in the pic, I put 2 drops of courve on it because it bothers me so much and it looks perfect in my bathroom mirror, but in that photo the light brown seems to make it appear to stick out, so I am prolly gonna ditch courve all together. You can see the white part of my scalp more the the right side of my head, thats how my crown should look.



  4. I'm posting pics of my hair and hairline now because starting in a week or two I will be starting a new regimine. These will be my before pictures. Basically I've been using 1/4 proscar for 5 months, but I also cut off on the minox, to about once a day if that. Do to cutting minox, or adding fin, I'm not sure, my hair has become a lot worse, not really obvious unless my hair is wet, the whole top looks thinner then the sides, this was never so 6 months ago, all I had was a thinning crown/v shaped hair line. thinning all over my head does not fit any pattern of mpb in my family.


    My new regimen:

    1/4 proscar

    minox 5% atleast twice a day, no more slacking

    mixed with msm, l-argine.(to make my hair thicker I heard)

    l-lysine 1500mg

    saw palmetto 500mg


    I am also planning on adding this when I get more money and they are availiable.

    Dr. Lee's 15% minox

    .5 dut

    Maybe dmso/aloe 70/30 and either distilled water or minox.


    What do you guys think my hair is? nw3? nw2? My crown isn't as bad as it appears in the pic, I put 2 drops of courve on it because it bothers me so much and it looks perfect in my bathroom mirror, but in that photo the light brown seems to make it appear to stick out, so I am prolly gonna ditch courve all together. You can see the white part of my scalp more the the right side of my head, thats how my crown should look.




  5. http://www.arletis.com/ozbrew/


    this is guy who made his "oz brew" dmso/aloe, minox and some other stuff.....


    he has before and after pictures, the pics suck but he claims his results as astonding. One reason I am interested in this treatment is because his directions say use it blah blah, wait six weeks....


    six weeks and i'f I didn't see anything to write home about I'd drop it. Minox alone grew hair on my temples in about two weeks so I'd be able to figure this out quickly. Also it is cheep, dmso is like $5 for a bottle that will last me a year. I'm not gonna try it yet, but I might later on, I'll keep you posted with some before/after if I get results.



  6. Anyone here know about this? Lots of people at hairlosshelp.com forums are talking a lot about it. I guess it is dsmo mixed with aloe vera and minox, but there is lots of verations. I am thinking about starting it, but I am worried because I read about heart racing due to minox in the blood and scalp peeling, anyone know whats up with this and if it works?



  7. I've been on proscar for almost four months now. I had a thinng spot in my crown, it wasn't really bad until about 6 months ago, there is one angle where I would use two mirrors to see the top of my head where it looked absolutely horrible, huge, and very close to bald. I started using courve about 6 months ago because it was pretty bad. The only time I exam it is before I put the courve in, after my shower, while my hair is wet. I am going to get a hair cut so I didn't use any courve today and just blow dried my hair. although the spot still looks thin when my hair is freshly washed and soaked, thus I never noticed how much it improved when it is dry, well today I would have to say it is back to about how it was 3 years ago when I was 19, YAY! I hope it continues to improve, I'd love to tottally wipe it out!



  8. I've been on proscar for almost four months now. I had a thinng spot in my crown, it wasn't really bad until about 6 months ago, there is one angle where I would use two mirrors to see the top of my head where it looked absolutely horrible, huge, and very close to bald. I started using courve about 6 months ago because it was pretty bad. The only time I exam it is before I put the courve in, after my shower, while my hair is wet. I am going to get a hair cut so I didn't use any courve today and just blow dried my hair. although the spot still looks thin when my hair is freshly washed and soaked, thus I never noticed how much it improved when it is dry, well today I would have to say it is back to about how it was 3 years ago when I was 19, YAY! I hope it continues to improve, I'd love to tottally wipe it out!



  9. it will work the same, provided you are getting the same drug, or a drug at all. You are ordering from the internet so it could just be a sugar pill. I remember there was a good link floating around this site for generic pills, forgot what it was, need to find it because I am running out.



  10. avodart blocks type I and II, and yes it gives better results, but along with that comes more side effects. I remember reading somewhere(it might of been a post on a forum so I have no clue how accurate it is) that 13% of men on avodart have side effects vs. 2% on proscar. Also the half-life on avodart is 6 months, meaning it stays in your body for a half a year, so do the side effects. So when you can't get it up, its gonna talk 6 months to recover, while if you are on proscar the half life is 2 weeks(??I think??) so you will be up and running very soon if you have side effects. I am seriously concidering avodart instead of proscar next time since I have no side effects but along with all of the above, I am more worried about this. Proscar(generic) I can get a 90 day supply(divided by four, thats over a year) for about $50, where as I can get a three month supply of advodart for a little over $300. I do know one thing, if advodart regrew every hair on my head I'd switch back to proscar after I regrew it. You think it would stick?



  11. I have two older brothers(34, 33) One brother has a bald spot and a receding hair line(nw3), the other brother has a mild receding hair line(nw 2 maybe?) and no bald spot what so ever, not even thin in back. I am 22, taking the path the nw3 brother was taken(I noticed his a thin spot when he was around my age.) I am also taking proscar so hopefully I will end up even better off then both brothers.



  12. You say you don't expect much out of this, thats good, kind of, but don't give up hope at the same time. I started proscar about 3 months ago(don't know if it is working yet, except it halted my shedding, so maybe?) anyways propecia stops dht in your body, not just dht that goes to one part of your head, so therefore I think it is reasonable to assume that if it stops balding in your crown(thats where the tests were done, thats why they claim it only helps in that area) it should stop blading all over the head. They say the same about rogaine, maybe it is just me but rogaine started to regrew hair in my temples in about 2 weeks(it shouldn't start until atleast 2 months) so as you can see results can vary person to person so there is no reason to assume propecia, or rogaine won't do much for you until it doesn't. I've even read cases where it regrew almost whole heads of hair, but that could just be stories. Maybe try avodart? I would if it wasn't so expensive.



  13. I realize what you are getting at, there are tons of snake oils out there, lots of people being ripped off and mislead, thats why I appreciate all positive and negitive comments about zinc/b6 that I might read, I would really love to hear it from some people who have tried it.



  14. I know the website doesn't make it legit, but it just adds fuel to the fire. I'm not opposed to trying it to aid(not replace) my current regiment(proscar, saw palmetto, regaine every so often) $12 yields a 4 year supply, not that I would concider putting it on my scalp for 4 years unless it makes every hair on my head just as thick as they were when I was 10. Since it is so cheap why not try it right? unless it irritates my scalp, but I doubt it will since there is no alcohol in it, just distilled water and a vitamin and a miniral. I doubt a doc would ever back this up since there is no proof of it working, same a saw palmetto, but I know that dropped my shedding rate, or it was a BIG coincidence. I still want to give it a try I just need to know if there is a difference between zinc sulfate(that gets 50mg of zinc from) and zinc and b-6 pyridoxal or pyridine?



  15. I'm sure most of you have heard about this combo as a form to combat hair loss. The reason I am asking about it it because I read a web page from some guy swearing by it, also I read a few posts on thebaldtruth from people swearing by the formula+25% lemon juice. Supposedly, according to guy with the web page, zinc/b-6 can prevent 100% dht in scalp, where proscar would only do 65%, this web page is at



    has anyone here tried it? any luck? I am hesitant to order the zinc sulfate and b-6 pyridoxal because you can't find that at a store and need to order it offline. I would however get regular zinc and b-6 Pyridoxine from cvs for about $12 and try that, but that isn't what this guy lists you need, but I am pretty sure there wouldn't be much of a difference, or am I wrong? any opinions here guys? is it worth ordering what he uses? is it worth getting it at cvs? is it worth bothering? thanks!



  16. I'm sure most of you have heard about this combo as a form to combat hair loss. The reason I am asking about it it because I read a web page from some guy swearing by it, also I read a few posts on thebaldtruth from people swearing by the formula+25% lemon juice. Supposedly, according to guy with the web page, zinc/b-6 can prevent 100% dht in scalp, where proscar would only do 65%, this web page is at



    has anyone here tried it? any luck? I am hesitant to order the zinc sulfate and b-6 pyridoxal because you can't find that at a store and need to order it offline. I would however get regular zinc and b-6 Pyridoxine from cvs for about $12 and try that, but that isn't what this guy lists you need, but I am pretty sure there wouldn't be much of a difference, or am I wrong? any opinions here guys? is it worth ordering what he uses? is it worth getting it at cvs? is it worth bothering? thanks!



  17. Get on rogaine/proscar right now, atleast proscar. If you do have a small ht, and aren't on it, kiss the rest of your hair good bye, its not like you are only going to go a little bald in the front. If your front is thinnning, your back will becoming up soon, maybe your whole top. Also keep in mind, most good docs wont perform a ht on someone who doesn't need it, probably you. You can probably find a doc to do your ht, but it will be obvious that he only wants your money if he is going to waste his time doing a 100 graft ht.



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