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Posts posted by Clint69

  1. While I agree that you have to fine tune your eating habits to accomodate what works for you, there is framework that should be followed. It's very simple:


    Count calories - You have to be able to know your intake vs your output to know how to achieve you goal. This includes your days for your exercise routine and rest days. Too much of a calorie deficit will force you to lose weight but not keep it off for the long haul. To much surplus will obviously promote weight gain. I think that a 300 cal. deficit is a good cutting deficit to ensure that you don't lost too much muscle while trying to lose weight.


    Eat a balanced diet - approximately 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% good fats (omega 3s etc). Little to no saturated or trans fats.


    Small meals a day - this definately has an effect on metabolism. It has been scientifically proven to speed it up.


    The ultimate measurement is your BMI. If you lowering your body fat and increasing strength/size, you are on the right track (for lifters).


    BTW, vegetables are not worthless.

  2. HairIsThere,

    I am also an avid weight lifter and I had some of the same concerns. I went to a top doc and he stated that I could go back to my normal routine after 4 weeks. I started walking on a treadmill on week three and after week four I started lifting light weights. I resumed heavy lifting at about the 7 week mark. I have no visible stretching of my scar currently. Obviously if you feel any tension, stop the eexcercise immediately. That being said, you should follow your Drs post operative instructions to a T. Clint

  3. jbkg,

    Thanks for the kind words. The scar visability is minimal at this point. I really have to look to see it. To the untrained eye, its not visible. I will try to get better pics. Good luck with your procedure, you are in great hands with Adrian and Dr Rahal. Clint

  4. Hey Guys,

    Check out my blog for my most recent pics. I am just shy of 4 months. I have experienced a considerable amount of growth over the last 30 days. I am the world's largest skeptic but so far Dr. Rahal is proving me wrong. Considering I am only at 4 months, I am very optomistic of the next several months. IMO, I have had a considerable amount of change. Please excuse my poor picture quality, I was in a hurry today. Yes, it is as full as it looks. I do not use any concealer. Please let me know your thoughts. Clint

  5. Hey Guys,

    Check out my blog for my most recent pics. I am just shy of 4 months. I have experienced a considerable amount of growth over the last 30 days. I am the world's largest skeptic but so far Dr. Rahal is proving me wrong. Considering I am only at 4 months, I am very optomistic of the next several months. IMO, I have had a considerable amount of change. Please excuse my poor picture quality, I was in a hurry today. Yes, it is as full as it looks. I do not use any concealer. Please let me know your thoughts. Clint

  6. Bishal,

    Its hard to tell with your hair so short. My donor area looks similar when I have it shaved to a 1 guard. When I grow my hair, it looks thick and my doc actually stated that I have good donor density. The best thing to do is to research the docs on this site and get some consultations lined up. You may be suprised at what can be done for you. Clint

  7. PK,

    I feel for ya man. Many of us have been there at one time or another. I have to ask, is there something preventing you from getting and HT? Are you on meds? Whatever the reason, just hang in there and your situation will improve. I would suggest that you refrain from comments to your girlfriend though. Letting her know that you can have this girl or that girl is a definate sign of insecurity and she will pick up on that. Don't let your insecurity drive her away. Get into a solution and remember that god will never give you more than you can handle. Clint

  8. Abedogg - Yes, I am taking Rogaine. I used Rogain prior to my surgery but only once daily. I stopped prior to my surgery per Dr Rahal's instructions but resumed two weeks post HT. I am now using it twice daily. I am also using Nizoral 2% twice weekly.


    Hair hope - Thanks, I am looking forward to the next several months.



    Bill - Yes, I still have just a slight bit of post op redness. That being said, it seems that the pics make it look more red than it actually is. In person, it is much more difficult to see the redness. I am hoping for a nice growth explosion in month 4.


    Wantego - Yes,lol my hair does stand up naturally! As it gets longer, it should start to lay down.


    Thanks for the comments and encouragement guys. Clint

  9. TC - I believe that the break was approximately 2300 in the hairline and temples and the remaining 1740 in the crown. These are just close estimations. When Dr Rahal and I discussed the plan he asked what bothered me most about my hair. I told him it was first and foremost the temple recession and lack of framing of my face. We decided to concentrate more in the front and less in the back but understanding that a future procedure would eventually be needed. Although I expect to have a good result, my challenge is thin, straight hair probably average or slightly below in terms of fineness. None the less, I am getting excited knowing I am shifting to the growing phase.

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