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Jay Dee

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Posts posted by Jay Dee

  1. i am getting a lot of dandruff /dry skin coming off my scalp. what is causing this? and will it go away with time?


    i am using proscar, rogaine, and nizoral 2percent


    what is the purpose of the nizoral shampoo? just to stop the irritation from minoxdil or does it have some other purpose?


    i am guessing that the shampoo is getting rid of layers of my skin so that the rogaine can absorb...so in a couple of months i am guessing the dandruff will stop?


    or is this because i am not using enough of a regular shampoo and therefore am getting dandruff?


    im just confused because the nizoral shampoo is Rx antidandruff

  2. i am taking proscar and splitting it into 4 pieces.


    do i take with or without food? if i take without food how long should i wait till i eat? and if i eat how long should i wait till i take the pills?


    what do the actual directions say, my directions are in another language cuz its cheaper



  3. i've been on proscar tablets (cutting the tabs into fourths) and 5 percent rogaine for about 42 days (appx 1.5 months) and im shedding a lot. when i use the 1 percent shampoo and look at my hands i see a lot of hair that just came off


    is this the shedding period? when does this stop?


    i thought you start maintaining hair pretty soon and notice only hair regrowth in 3 months.

  4. i've been on proscar tablets (cutting the tabs into fourths) and 5 percent rogaine for about 42 days (appx 1.5 months) and im shedding a lot. when i use the 1 percent shampoo and look at my hands i see a lot of hair that just came off


    is this the shedding period? when does this stop?


    i thought you start maintaining hair pretty soon and notice only hair regrowth in 3 months.

  5. i've been using rogaine foam 5 percent and just started proscar 5 days ago


    everytime i use the rogaine i shed some hairs in the process..


    should i be gentler as i apply the rogaine? should i just avoid the hairline entirely, because it doesnt work there and im just irritating my hair and thats why its shedding?

  6. i've been using rogaine foam 5 percent and just started proscar 5 days ago


    everytime i use the rogaine i shed some hairs in the process..


    should i be gentler as i apply the rogaine? should i just avoid the hairline entirely, because it doesnt work there and im just irritating my hair and thats why its shedding?

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