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Posts posted by HarryLemon

  1. Well thanks, dandare75!


    I had 2,350-odd grafts the first round, and pretty much bang-on 2,000 for the second.


    Why the need for two surgeries?


    Why the need for ONE surgery!? icon_smile.gif


    In an elective-surgical arena, it's really all about what makes YOU feel satisfied/happy to begin with, wouldn't you say?


    I, like maybe most men who find themselves going bald, could have either gotten used to - or even embraced - what was happening. But I didn't - I fricking HATED it, and no matter which of the dwindling styling choices I made, it just wasn't going to work for ME. Not when the options that presented themselves as available alternatives today, thank GOD - presented themselves!


    If your question refers to why I had two surgeries instead of one mega-MEGA-surgery, the answer is simple. Have you seen the size of my head in the old pictures I've posted?


    My scalp elasticity, while average, says nothing for the sheer acreage of recipient area I needed to have filled, even for a slightly recessed hairline. If 4,350 grafts was what was needed on a head my size to get the look I have now, I'd've needed Droopy the Dog on the back of my head to cover it without getting scar stretch!


    As it is, my scar is - literally - almost imperceptably thin. My wife can't even find most of it anymore, and REALLY has to dig around just to find a sliver of it. My friend from the UK says the same thing, as does my mother. It's THANKS to my having two surgeries, instead of one, that this is still the case.


    I needed almost a full year inbetween sessions for my scalp to re-adjust to the first procedure, and give me the best chance of avoiding any stretch from the second one. This is common for MOST patients.


    If this is, indeed, the meaning of your question, I'm sad to see this basic point has apparently not made itself evidently clear as a basic reality in this community by now. There will always be 'pissing contests' between doc's to show how many grafts can be done in one session, etc. The fact of the matter is that such numbers say nothing for the individual circumstances involved which are the only things that can ALLOW for such massive extractions to begin with (assuming the doc is on the side of the patient in giving them the best chance towards avoiding scar stretch from the outset).


    You have GOT to have a very loose scalp to accomodate such numbers in one sitting!


    Hope this helps,


  2. That's cool... I'll give it a couple days then, and see if things change (I know how fraught with minor issues such implementations can be at first). If nothing changes I'll just post them afresh.


    Good to hear from you Uncjim!


    Best as Ever,


  3. Hi guys & gals!


    I know it's been a while, but I'm back to post some pics of me now that I'm 6.5 months post op from my second HT with Dr. Shapiro, and I couldn't help but notice how things had changed!


    Where's all the pictures from my old posts, and for that matter, where ARE my old posts?


    When I do a search for anything with my name as the author under Advanced Search, it comes up with zilch!


    I just wanted to link my new post to my old pics for the full picture...




  4. Hi guys & gals!


    I know it's been a while, but I'm back to post some pics of me now that I'm 6.5 months post op from my second HT with Dr. Shapiro, and I couldn't help but notice how things had changed!


    Where's all the pictures from my old posts, and for that matter, where ARE my old posts?


    When I do a search for anything with my name as the author under Advanced Search, it comes up with zilch!


    I just wanted to link my new post to my old pics for the full picture...




  5. Regarding density, Matt Zupan, from Shapiro Medical Group, has just released some new material as a guideline on the subject, on their website.


    If you go to http://www.shapiromedical.com/smg/consult.htm and log in with username: "grow", and password: "hair" (w/out the quotes) you'll see the documents in question. While those of you who've had the pamphlet mailed to them from the Shaprio clinic will recognize these documents from that book, there are two new ones that've been added called "Understanding Density" and "Determining Number of Follicular Units", which are new.


    Thought they might help you, Son of a Plug, in gaining a more informed understanding on the subject.


    Hope this helps...




  6. They come packed in sealed foil strips, and look just like any other prescription medication you'd buy at your local pharmacy. Mine say they expire in June 2004 (manufactured August 2002). I recieved them around 5 months ago, so they'll definately still be good well before they run out.


    They do take a couple weeks longer to get to you, but they are the real deal. I recommend checking out the links on the Home page of that site, and reading up on Dr Reddys - huge, multinational corporation with a base in GA, US.


    Hope this helps...






    I'd been using Propecia for 3 years myself, and I switched to the generic Proscar from http://www.generics-online-pharmacy.com/ProductList.htm over 5 months ago. I have not had any loss in the hairs which I regained since starting Propecia (very much like Vocor1's regrowth), to the contrary, I am now taking a quarter of a pill every OTHER day now and am still doing just as well. My recouped hairs would've taken leave a while ago now if it wasn't good stuff.


    The company, Dr Reddys, is floated on the stock market and a plethora of info on them is there if you will but read it. Delivery takes a couple weeks longer than delivery in the US, but it arrives just fine, and the drug itself is exactly the same as Proscar. Turn your nose up to it if you want, but you asked for the cheapest solutions and all I've done here is give you the best that I've found. I had years of Propecia behind me so I knew very well what would start happening if it turned out to be bogus or even inferior. Armed with this, what the hell was, literally, a couple bucks gonna hurt with TRYING it. I know I have not been disappointed with it, for it really is the real deal, but I'm not gonna sit here and try to sell it to you for chrissakes. Make your own decision!




  8. I'd been using Propecia for 3 years, and I switched to a generic Proscar from http://www.generics-online-pharmacy.com/ProductList.htm over 5 months ago. I have not had any loss in the hairs which I regained since starting Propecia (very much like Vocor1's regrowth), to the contrary, I am now taking a quarter of a pill every OTHER day now and am still doing just as well. My recouped hairs would've taken leave a while ago now if it wasn't good stuff.


    I'm getting a little tired from constantly re-iterating this, but just because a product was manufactured in another country (outside the US), doesn't mean that it's ipso-facto inferior. That's just subliminal, media-induced, jingoistic bullshit squeezing itself from out of your orifices and if you really feel that way about it, I would strongly recommend an enema for your worldly perceptions on the matter, or at least a trip abroad for a couple months, if not years. There might not be as many Micky Dee's around the corner, but hey - that's a good thing, believe me.


    Sorry I had to spill this out in your post, Vocor1... It just got to me - again.




  9. In regards to what Jenn said before, maybe the fact that you were running 5 miles a DAY (plus light lifting) was, indeed, over-doing it??


    I only ask, not because you started losing hair soon afterwards, but because I've read that, contrary to lifting, running/jogging actually burns the testosterone from your body - essentially lowering your levels of it. If this is correct, then I have to ask how long were you sticking to that regime for?


    I can see where testosterone would increase in the beginning as your body is getting used to having the muscles required for such a run, but surely once your body's built what you need (and tuned your heart), then you should be decreasing testosterone?


    It's something which must be unique to the individual, which is why I have to ask - did it FEEL like you were going overboard, and sending your body into repair mode each time, or did it feel good and 'right'??


    I jog 2 miles, then do calf and stomach exercises, and then 20 power-butterfly laps in a 35 foot pool, followed by a spell in the sauna, 3 times a week, and, while I certainly had my share of 'burn' when I started this regime, each time I do it now, although I sweat like the dickens, my body feels terrific afterwards, and I really don't get any 'burn' worth mentioning. If anything, it tones me up and keeps my shoulders godly, without raising my testosterone levels (if the above premise is correct regarding cardio vs. lifting).


    Any thoughts?




  10. Arfy & NW:

    Thanks to you both for your descriptions/diagrams on "power alleys", to say nothing for your sentiments & encouragements ??“ I REALLY appreciate that! icon_smile.gif I'm still mulling over bringing my right side down just a little (maybe 2-3mm), but more than anything I'm-a-hankerin' for the fill (a'la Wassup)!


    Mr T:

    Hey, I'm looking forward to YOUR results down the road! As far as future growth and increased diameter, etc., apparently I stand to gain another 30% in "fill-factor" over the next 6 months... Uhhhhhhh - BRING IT ON!!!



    Thanks for kind words, tkotko... so you were blessed with the same landing-strip for a forehead as well, eh? Well, I'm sure that's going to be changing for the best soon! The exercise I mentioned is really just a strong-ish up and down rub along the back of the head that Dr Shapiro suggested I start doing now in the lead-up to HT #2, to help loosen the scalp a bit. I know what you mean about the message though ??“ hell I used to follow hearty neck and scalp messages with 10 minutes standing on my head twice a day when I lived back in London! Boy that was a blast ??“ NOT! Sad thing is though, it actually DOES work to an extent. The things we do for hair... I can't believe you've managed to keep it up for 20 years - that's incredible! And also smart - you've obviously gotten yourself into a real habit with it, which may be my best bet as well. What does your regimen consist of, exactly?

  11. Thank you NW and uncjim!


    NW - What, exactly, are the "power alleys"?


    I've never really figured that one out yet...


    I assume that's what you mean by "alley recession", but which PART of my hairline is that, precisely??


    Is it the bit that juts perpendicular to the hairline, just north of the temple points (where the temples start to angle down from the horizontal hairline)???


    Many thanks,


  12. vocor1:


    Thanks for your reply - I appreciate the sentiment! icon_smile.gif


    You know, I have no idea what, if any, change in rate I'll be paying for the FUE grafts, but I'm sure it'll be reasonable - I'll keep you posted on my findings (if I remember to ask - what price perfection, eh? LOL).


    I never really had any problem with the donor site after my HT, but then I had at least a couple inches of hair growth back there then. For me it was the pinkness along the front which persisted much longer than I ever thought it would (and still becomes slightly evident on my temples after my daily applications of Lipoxidil!) which was the greatest pain.


    I know that 'need' is a somewhat subjective matter (especially when it comes to cosmetic surgery), but I NEED to have at least 45/50 per cm2 along my hairline (if not more). The sheer freedom which has already been afforded by the return of what's come back is more than intoxicating for me; it's been no less than life transforming! I am so nearly there now, but what bugs you bugs you and there are no buts about it. I will continue to be 'bugged' until that full, but at least mature, look is back, and brother, I am WELL on my way! icon_biggrin.gif


    I view it like this though: wait at least a year for scalp laxity to return (accompanied by regular scalp stretching exercises - which I'll be starting now), and I can very reasonably expect a scar of much the same dimensions (most certainly no more than 2mm maximum - it's no more than 1mm now though, at the widest point) from the second one. Once the front 3rd (and temple frontlines) have been established (which those two strip sessions will accomplish), then I will proceed with nothing other than FUE for any touch-up work the future may require. Screw the possibilities of getting a scar which prohibits a short hair cut - it'll be nothing but FUE from HT #2 onwards. I have zero interest in ever shaving my head again, but I most certainly DO look damn good with a short clip, however - no way I'm gonna forfeit that.


    Regarding my right temple - in this case pictures really do NOT do this topic justice. If you saw me in person and studied the difference in thickness between my right side and left side it would dawn on you that, "oh yeah - wow" it really IS a lot thinner than my left side, throughout. For which I heartily say: "Don ye your green tights, Sir Robyn Hood, and do what thou doth best, for the vanquished hath rarely needed it so desperately!" <Praetorian lute and organ fades gradually>...




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