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Posts posted by Magoo

  1. If something is broken, I look to fix it.


    Interesting analogy. Your attitude to hair tranplantation is effectively determined by whether you consider hailoss to be the equivalent of a "broken" condition.


    The reality is that most guys, when they realise they're balding, have a sense of despair that makes them feel as they're somehow inferior. As the same guys get older and more mature, they perhaps realise that hairloss is not as big a deal as they thought it was and that there are more serious things in life to worry about.


    For my part, I first noticed my hairloss in my late teens and like everyone else of that age, I paniced and fretted endlessly. My despair led me to several transplants that have left me physically scarred and which continue to effect my life. I sometimes wonder what I could have accomplished in the last twenty years if I hadn't been so obsessed about my hairloss and had somehow found the inner resolve to accept my fate.


    That's not to say I wouldn't seek to avoid hairloss, but I regret the lengths I went to to set it right.


    The point is that what's important is that a person feels good about themselves. Whether that requires a headful of hair is a matter they alone can answer. My advice, however, is that they think this issue through, long and hard, before they make any decision that will alter their lives forever.

  2. From what I understand, one of the effects of Propecia, where it works, is to reduce the amount of body hair. Some posters have spoken about clumps of chest hair for example coming away after a period on the drug.


    If this is the case, is it a possibility that a patient who has had BHT would lose the transplanted hair if he decided to use propecia at some point in the future?


    In other words, is there a chance that a BHT recipient is effectively denying himself the possibility of using Propecia for ever more?

  3. From what I understand, one of the effects of Propecia, where it works, is to reduce the amount of body hair. Some posters have spoken about clumps of chest hair for example coming away after a period on the drug.


    If this is the case, is it a possibility that a patient who has had BHT would lose the transplanted hair if he decided to use propecia at some point in the future?


    In other words, is there a chance that a BHT recipient is effectively denying himself the possibility of using Propecia for ever more?

  4. Any sort of guarantee from a hair transplant surgery is to be welcomed an I applaud DHI on being the first to do so.


    However, as a hair loss sufferer, the guarantee raises the following questions.


    1 What exactly is a densitometry and how will it be conducted?


    2 What assurances will a patient have that the test is valid at the outset?


    3 Why is it available only in Greece? Does this relate to the actual surgeon performing the surgery?


    4 Why should it be necessary to express a request for this guarantee in advance? Should the results not be the same in any event?


    5 How can a patient be expected to know the extent to which regrowth occurs? While they will have a general idea about the overall improvement in appearance, they can't physically count the grafts/hairs and will be reliant on DHI to tell them what's grown and what hasn't.


    I'm sorry if I appear negative about what may very well be a genuine offer. It's just that I've been sold a pup before and I've grown to be more cautious about "special offers".

  5. As with previous posters, location shouldn't be you main criterion. For the sake of an air fare, you should give equal consideration to overseas surgeons.


    DHI seem to be be maing something of a comeback with their Dr Zontos and hopefully their FUE results will be encouraging - still way too early to say. Have you tried the discussion on hairlsshelp.com? They discuss DHI a lot more than here.

  6. Worried Man


    The reason I suggest buzzing is that if the grafts were one-to-three hairs and were placed properly, they shouldn't really leave a mark. They would just look like stray hairs that you could shave away if you don't like the look of them.


    However, from what you now say, it seems that to buzz them too short would reveal a mark of some sort. I don't know whether laser work could address this but surgery definitely could, particularly if you don't want the hairs replanted.


    Have at look at the section on repair work to get an idea of what's involved.


  7. Worried Man


    If I read you correctly, you seem to suggest that you don't mind losing your hair but are worried about the visual effect of the transplant you got before.


    If the visual effect proves to be unacceptable, is there anything to prevent you from buzz-cutting?


    If the previous surgery has left some three-D marks which wouldn't allow you to buzz, you could get some repair work to have it corrected. This shouldn't be a problem, particulalrly if you don't want them replanted elsewhere on your scalp.

  8. Autumn


    Not sure how far into your research you are but I have the same issue in that I live in Europe as well.


    What I've learned so far is that national boundaries should not be a factor. The best (and often the cheapest) surgeons seem to be in Canada/US. There's a good looking surgery in Sweden but as yet it's relatively untested.


    For the sake of the air fare, you would probably be better looking outside Germany - and doing considerable research prior to taking what would be a life-altering decision.

  9. Thanks for the replies Guys. It's useful to know.


    I guess I'm just concerned that the decision I make now will have implications down the road. The Caesar style, for example, is reasonably acceptable now, but might make you look like a dork in 20 years time (or less).


    More thought needed on my part. Thanks again.

  10. When getting a HT using FU, how precise do you need to be in choosing a style. What I mean is, are the FUs planted in such a way as they will favour certain styles forever (e.g. Caesar) or are they as adaptable as normal hair.


    Is tranplanted hair is inserted in such a way as to favour a particular style, are you stuck with it for life?

  11. When getting a HT using FU, how precise do you need to be in choosing a style. What I mean is, are the FUs planted in such a way as they will favour certain styles forever (e.g. Caesar) or are they as adaptable as normal hair.


    Is tranplanted hair is inserted in such a way as to favour a particular style, are you stuck with it for life?

  12. By all means, if you had a bad experience this is the place to share it.


    On the other hand, Dr Jones has a pretty good reputation here and the suggestion that his services are anything less than positive will unsettle some people, myself included.


    In fairness to everyone (including Dr Jones), can you be more specific about the experience you had?

  13. I can't think of any circumstances where I'd be prepared to have further surgery with a guy who's proved inadeqate in the past.


    Two points occur;


    1. 250 grafts will make little difference so why bother. If he's offering 250 as part of a deal to do say 1000 grafts, I'd be particulalrly sceptical.


    2 While the surgery might be free, your grafts are valuable. If this boso wastes more of them, you'll never get them back.


    If you're not going the legal route, my advice would be to cut your losses and go someplace else. It may take you a while to get the money together, but wasted donor hair can never be replaced.

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