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Posts posted by Jorge1977

  1. With all due respect JoDirt, I think your reasons for going to Dr. Diep are poor and you're making a mistake. Believe me, we all wish we could have a low hairline, but most responsible doctors make that determination after examining your finite donor supply and hair characteristics not by what racial background you are.


    It's important to plan for the future since there will more than likely be further hair loss in the coming years. I have never heard of Dr. Diep. Have you seen any pictures of his patients? Do you have any idea what kind of yield, scar, etc. he may produce? Think long and hard with your head not your heart. The last thing you would want to become is a repair patient.

  2. "It looks like you did the banning yourself.

    Give me a break!"


    "dude", I tried to log back on to respond to Farrel and his outrageous BS spins, but I'm banned. That's what he does and what he's done to a lot of posters who stand up to him and his bully attitude. Go give yourself a break now.


    "hey, I just noticed your in San Diego too.

    have you had a ht? I haven't seen one in person yet.

    if so, then lets meet up so I can get my grubby paws in your hair..."


    Thank you for the kind words my friend. Yes, I'm in San Diego.

    I've had 2 HT's. #1 I had 1500 FUE with Dr. Wolf in cinci, and #2 I had 2830 Grafts with Dr. Rahal in Ottawa on Oct 29th. It's still pretty early to judge, but once it grows out I will have no problem willing to meet up with you.


    "He needs to go down with Armani if these super densepack Armani fue megasessions fail ."



  3. Farrel sure is a funny, angry little man. icon_smile.gif Anyhow, someone created a thread in the surgical section over at HLH trashing the mods of this site and the coalition doctors. I agreed with some and disagreed with the rest and pointed out how farrel suspended someone for questioning a certain "docs" HT on a 22 year old. I also posted that I felt HTN has much better people posting here.


    Farrel immediately flew off the handle and went berzerk quickly banning me so that I cant respond to his meaningless drivel. Funny how he spins what I say and goes ape shit. In all seriousness, I think poor Farrel has a drinking problem which is not funny. icon_frown.gif



    Here's the link:



  4. Personally, I cant understand why anyone would risk it with Farjo. This particular clinic has been getting complaints and questioning recently on all of the major hair loss boards regarding poor results. You have a finite source of donor hair and scalp laxity, why roll the dice? Go to a top doc in the US or Canada.

  5. "Pretty much, you are going to take the same precautionary measures with an HIV positive patient as you would with an HIV negative patient. It is surgery after all."


    I agree. Also, there are many cases where a blood test will show a HIV negative result even though the patient is HIV positive. Usually this has to do with how recent the person contracted the disease.


    In any case, safety and precaution should always be the Number 1 priority regardless if a patient has disease(s) or not.

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