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Posts posted by davyj

  1. These two quick photos are for those out there who are unsure as to whether they are willing to travel in order to get surgery from one of the forums established doctors. I travelled to Vancouver to see Dr. Hasson and JoeTronic. I can honestly say I don't even feel bad about my hair anymore. I live in San Diego, and I hike and play in the surf! In fact, I don't even mind when my hair gets wet. Dr. Hasson really helped me. I am not a paid person, I'm just saying I picked H&W and it was the best move for me.


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  2. hey there bro...good job with H&W. I'm only a little bit ahead of you--I saw Dr. Hasson in early November. I just can't say enough good things about Dr. Hasson and his staff. Whatever the number of grafts and hairs they chose to do, I believe you can have great faith that you will be one happy customer. I am looking foreward to the next few months to see the progress. By the way, 'the doldrums' is a real phenomenon. It's almost comical! Like clockwork, right around the second month you will most likely get very impatient. That's why the HTN is such a great forum. When you feel bummed or down about the slow progress, just log on and check out some of your peeps just ahead of you, and you'll see we all share in this thing together. Happy sprouting my man!!

  3. this is an interesting topic. on the one hand, i couldn't agree more about how 'private' a situation hair loss is. for example, i have not told ANY of my friends about my visit to Dr. Hasson, yet i spent a lot of money, and am now wearing a hat EVERYWHERE. on the other hand, i feel that being open on this forum for one another may help bring hair loss into the open. probably step by step. i know that there exists a BIG difference in how many girls a guy sleeps with (good job bro..) and how many guys a girl sleeps with (you slut..). it's just one of those things that exists now. the main thing is that we live in an age where we can do something about our situation. there is hope for guys losing hair....

  4. my take on the situation is this: lazer light therapy merely stimulates capillaries in the scalp. this could also be achieved by warm water in a bath tub, or gentle massage on and around the scalp, or of course, vigorous exercise. Some people will see a benifit to this (for their hair), and some will not. The bottom line (in my humble opinion) is this: As of December, 2008, the only sure way to have a great percentage of change is to have a hair transplant. like i said, my opinion. icon_smile.gif

  5. hey guys...it's been one week since Dr. Hasson did his thing with about 3100 grafts up around my hairline. today when i looked in the mirror i saw a spot where there is nothing there...it was there yesterday though. since i didn't hit my head or anything, i'm assuming this is the beginning of the shedding period? does that happen at the one week mark? basically, i just want to know if anyone else had a moment of freaking out as they saw the beginning of the grafts going dormant. either way, i'm just going to put this whole thing on the back-burner until the spring...there's nothing but waiting now, so i'm not gonna obsess over it, just curious....thanks

  6. hey guys...it's been one week since Dr. Hasson did his thing with about 3100 grafts up around my hairline. today when i looked in the mirror i saw a spot where there is nothing there...it was there yesterday though. since i didn't hit my head or anything, i'm assuming this is the beginning of the shedding period? does that happen at the one week mark? basically, i just want to know if anyone else had a moment of freaking out as they saw the beginning of the grafts going dormant. either way, i'm just going to put this whole thing on the back-burner until the spring...there's nothing but waiting now, so i'm not gonna obsess over it, just curious....thanks

  7. hey bro.... great call, you will not regret it... i just got back from vancouver three days ago. Dr. Hasson was awesome, and the technicians are very professional. i couldn't have asked for more. this is just my opinion...i'll be posting pics very soon.

  8. hey there rick...if you get work done on the hairline, there is usually a red/pink coloring where the grafts went in...kinda like a sunburn. this is normal. also, i have found that many of the best surgeons will shave the area where the grafts will go, so that they can better 'blend' the grafts with the host hair. so, for me, i just had work done with Dr. Hasson. the top of my head is shaved, and much work was done to my hairline and just behind the hairline. i will be wearing a hat for the next few months. i just felt like replying to you, because i understand your position. believe it or not...i went into work today, and told my boss that i had just flown to vancouver for a hair transplant. he was WAAAYYY cool about it, and i fell a huge relief. anyway, this is just my opinion, and maybe your situation is different. good luck bro..

  9. hey there, my pics are not up yet...even so, it's only been three days, so you can't see the result yet. here's what i learned...all docs think they're great at what they do. so even the ones who suck post the pics of results. h/w, umar, and some other guys have very good results, and you will not be disappointed. just make sure that getting a HT is where you're ready to go.

  10. hey there bro....everyone here is going to shoot you straight. i am 3 days post op from dr Hasson of hasson and wong. i picked that clinic because you can clearly see great results OVER AND OVER. I don't know what to say about bad results. Just find the guys you are interested in, and then contact other guys who went there. I endorse H+W cause i just had my HT done there. completely professional and amazing technique. I am not in any way associated with them, it's just my opinion. good luck man...

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