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Posts posted by Undercover

  1. I have added post 9 month pictures of my results with Dr Rahal.

    Take a look and give me any feedback you have.

    I hope my link to the Weblog works. If not go to the web logs and look for "Undercover" as they are alphabetically sorted.

    I had some problems with the link which I attempted to fix but I am not certain it worked.




  2. I have added post 9 month pictures of my results with Dr Rahal.

    Take a look and give me any feedback you have.

    I hope my link to the Weblog works. If not go to the web logs and look for "Undercover" as they are alphabetically sorted.

    I had some problems with the link which I attempted to fix but I am not certain it worked.




  3. I had a 4600+ session done by Dr Rahal and I know he routinely does these Megasessions. I am very happy with my results and you can check out my progress in the logs section for "Undercover",

    I will be updating the pics soon and start a new thread telling people to check out the pictures.

    I really think you would be vey happy with Dr Rahal.




    Originally posted by Furless:

    Thanks to this excellent forum, I have come to the conclusion that HT is the way to go and I can't wait to get it done.


    Being a NW 5 though, I want to take an aggressive approach and tackle this in one big session (assuming I have enough donor hair).


    Are there any doctors in North America that routinely do 4500 - 5000+ grafts in one session.


    This seems to be hardly a challenge for Hasson and Wong, but I haven't seen/heard of any other docs who do this on a very regular basis.


    Has anybody else on this forum had such a mega-session with anybody other than H&W?

  4. Thanks,

    How much improvement did you see from 6 months to the 1 year mark?

    What area improved?

    Right now I feel the hairs themselves are very thin and also the overall fullness is not near 50% of the full part of my head.

    I will wait and see but it helps to get a sneak view into the potential future by the way of others experiences.





  5. There should be a picture on the blog at the 4.5 month point I will try to attach it here again. The scar looks very good and feels fine. I have had my wife try to find it and she could not. However if I were to shave y head, it would be visible.




  6. Originally posted by Bill:

    donor looks good for one month. Do you have a link to your blog?




    I have not yet figured out how to do that but if youclick on the View Blogs at the top of the page and sign in, you can look at it.

    Hopefully I will get a chance to find out how to create the link.

  7. I looked at your photos. You have spent a considerable time at this.

    Looks gret. I am going to wait atleast a couple of yers to forget the pain before I consider any more surgery.

    I had the sutures taken out on Thursdy past (Dec 7th 06) and that was no problem at all. Dr. Rahal was very quick ad I was in and out in about 15 minutes.

    Things are going well.

    Sorry I have not updated any pics but I can't seem to be ble to find my own Blog!!



    Originally posted by Bill:



    Thank you for your post and congratulations for selecting a great doctor. We'd be honored if you shared your journey, experience, and pictures with us. Let me know if I can be of assistance to you in any way.



  8. I recently decided to go ahead with my hair transplant at Dr. Rahal's office in Ottawa, Canada. It took me a couple of years of reasearch to get comfortable with the whole idea and then about 6 months of reading and talking to pick a good doctor.

    I really think all my hard work paid off as I found doctor Raha a very honest and approachable guy.He makes you feel very comfortable and comes highly recommended. I certainly ahd a very good experience and his after surgery care has been fantastic with personal touch follow ups.

    I would be willing to discuss my experiences and why I chose him if anyone has any interest.



    BTW, I am not getting paid for this!

  9. I recently decided to go ahead with my hair transplant at Dr. Rahal's office in Ottawa, Canada. It took me a couple of years of reasearch to get comfortable with the whole idea and then about 6 months of reading and talking to pick a good doctor.

    I really think all my hard work paid off as I found doctor Raha a very honest and approachable guy.He makes you feel very comfortable and comes highly recommended. I certainly ahd a very good experience and his after surgery care has been fantastic with personal touch follow ups.

    I would be willing to discuss my experiences and why I chose him if anyone has any interest.



    BTW, I am not getting paid for this!

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