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Posts posted by tuscani2

  1. Botched...I can only imagine your frustration if you've received 2 bad HT's. I'm only preparing to sit for my first.


    Bill..I also wondered at the start on here why most members were biased toward the Dr's or Coalition members on here, but now I understand a bit better how the forum works.


    My question is..Since you rarely ever see or read any negative input about the doctors on here(you may receive a bit more candidness in a private discussion).


    Now granted, I have found nothing but stand up, shoot from the hip folks so far on here, but what if negative posts do come through? I believe I read a thread where a Doctor was removed(and i believe the reasons for removal are stated)..Yes?


    Certainly with all these Doctors doing all these HT procedures, not all can be positive..surely all these Docs must receive an unhappy client or two from time to time..that's just life !


    Maybe I haven't combed through every posting to see if there are any negative experiences with any of these Network Dr's..surely there must be some, or are they removed for the paying doctors? I noticed before when I mistakenly put in a coalition Dr's name(since I have a ton of Dr's names going thru my head) instead of another doctor(Not from this forum)folks came right out the gate to defend(and rightfully so i guess)


    Just an inquiry since i'm a newer member and certainy would like to know if anything may be hidden or can it be that everything is just positive?


    For all the experts who have done thousands of more hours of research prior..are there other networks out there that stick to supporting other Dr's in their groups and might discourage some from using the Doctors mentioned here?


    Of course there is more than a wealth of knowledge and pics and stories on here to certainly make the most educated decision. Not to mention the willingness of the members here to help others in great detail is second to none..as I am finding this out from being a member for almost a week now..


    I'm just wondering for a few reasons..Thanks!

  2. I am happy there is a thread on this. I have just taken some snaps and will be sending them for some initial looks by the docs in this hair transplant network.


    I'm glad the good Dr's Lindsey & Carmen did respond.


    As a newer member to the group I would hope to get even a glance over and a response from an HR Physician/Coalition member (especially on here)


    I imagine the docs get their fair share of bogus inquiries or many that may not lead to clients...but


    For those of us that will be attempting to get some intital consultations starting with the Dr's within these forums or on this network..I want to thank you ahead of time for taking the time out of your day and looking through the consultations you receive.


    I myself would never let any online consultations be the start all, end all of my pick or search (a personal visit would be a must for me and some may not have that luxury)...but


    for a major lifestyle change and decision for potential clients (speaking for myself of course)it is certainly appreciated to receive any responses..This would be where my initial amiability and trust would start.


    just my .02 !!

  3. Friends,


    Thanks so much for taking the time to provide me your input. It is greatly appreciated.


    Please continue to reply and add input as it is the greatest help anyone can ask for. I will continue to spend a great part of my day and evenings on this forum utilizing all the great knowledge and research that everyone has previously done while they were going through the same.


    FYI...I have since cancelled my upcoming procedure with Dr. Pistone sceduled 10/22/08 due to some of the invaluable unput I have received and found on this network.(now I have to just work on the return of my 1/2 deposit that has already been withdrawn from my account)


    So my search continues now for a great doc in the northeast region that is drivable(since I'm not a flyer)but i do not mind traveling several hrs by car. So any experiences of patients of doctors in my region would be of great help(either Dr's you swear by, or those to avoid) would be appreciated.


    Thank you all again and please keep the insight, recommendations and replies coming as I am in full gear to learn all that I can from all the fine follicly challenged friends i'm making in this network.

  4. Greetings Friends,


    I'm a rookie so this is my 1st post, but soon to be a veteran. I have been perusing this forum for days now and I have a few questions that I would love some feedback on. Any and all(post-op, pre-op, Dr's etc) good or bad would be greatly appreciated. My pics are to follow but It's getting close and the nerves are kicking in.

    I have not tried any rogain or propecia to date(and frankly I'm ready for the surgery and dont want to take pills or apply products any longer). I have been using Tricomin shampoo for 5+ years and I believe it has truly helped me to save what is remaining(i'm about a iv on the norwood). I've also been using dermatch cover-up for the same amount of time and I would be relieved to not have to use it any longer(God willing). I'm set for surgery with Dr. Gregory Pistone for 10/22/08. Has anyone had any experiences with Dr. Pistone? I've searched here for posts on him but they were all several years old. I've had several consultations at his office and know he is one of about 50 IAHRS doctors as well as many other honors/awards from his peers etc. So I am extremely comfortable with him (unless I hear otherwise). I know one of the issues was a peroxide mixture post op. Is it ok, might it kill off some of the new HT's..is the saline solution better?

    Is anyone aware of any new technologies that may come about in the near future(i.e cloning,cheaper FHE etc) that would make FHT obsolete?

    I'm assuming most patients are advised that starting from the front to back is the best to start(for obvious younger looking reasons). Has anyone started at the crown area? I would inquire since I'm not as thin on the top as the crown so I can manipulate the top better(until it is time for a 2nd session). This doctor does two surgeries per day and I could not get the morning session so would there be any difference in the doctors skills,tiring or being less proficient with the afternoon session?

    My last major concern is the incision and how the trichophytic closure heals.If the FHT doesn't take for some reason so be it, but to live the rest of my life(i'm 42) with the feeling of discomfort,numbing,tightening of the scalp,raised skin from incision,hideous scar etc. would be mortifying. Also, in years time, if you decided to shave your head due to some unforseen reason, what might that scar look like since there is no turning back after the procedure is done?

    Lastly, if this procedure is so superior, why don't you think everyone with a bit of money, or actors (Letterman,Anthony Hopkins,Nicolson,Willis(pre-shave)etc..why don't you think they have a full head of hair or have done this procedure..or maybe they have? I apologize for the length of this post but it's getting super close and I'm starting to cram my knowledge as it nears.Nothing is greater to us all then some true testimonials from my peers who have experienced this.I would love some re-assurance this is a great thing or the contrary would be appreciated as well. I'm a professional and a biker guy as well, without any tattoos because I fear the permanency and the no turning back factor if I do not like it. It takes me 20 mins sometimes just to pick out a box of cereal since I can be so indecisive and have to read every label etc. Any insight at all, positive or negative? Thank you all for your time and patience. I will provide my email or im if needed to anyone who may not wish to post a reply.

  5. Greetings Friends,


    I'm a rookie so this is my 1st post, but soon to be a veteran. I have been perusing this forum for days now and I have a few questions that I would love some feedback on. Any and all(post-op, pre-op, Dr's etc) good or bad would be greatly appreciated. My pics are to follow but It's getting close and the nerves are kicking in.

    I have not tried any rogain or propecia to date(and frankly I'm ready for the surgery and dont want to take pills or apply products any longer). I have been using Tricomin shampoo for 5+ years and I believe it has truly helped me to save what is remaining(i'm about a iv on the norwood). I've also been using dermatch cover-up for the same amount of time and I would be relieved to not have to use it any longer(God willing). I'm set for surgery with Dr. Gregory Pistone for 10/22/08. Has anyone had any experiences with Dr. Pistone? I've searched here for posts on him but they were all several years old. I've had several consultations at his office and know he is one of about 50 IAHRS doctors as well as many other honors/awards from his peers etc. So I am extremely comfortable with him (unless I hear otherwise). I know one of the issues was a peroxide mixture post op. Is it ok, might it kill off some of the new HT's..is the saline solution better?

    Is anyone aware of any new technologies that may come about in the near future(i.e cloning,cheaper FHE etc) that would make FHT obsolete?

    I'm assuming most patients are advised that starting from the front to back is the best to start(for obvious younger looking reasons). Has anyone started at the crown area? I would inquire since I'm not as thin on the top as the crown so I can manipulate the top better(until it is time for a 2nd session). This doctor does two surgeries per day and I could not get the morning session so would there be any difference in the doctors skills,tiring or being less proficient with the afternoon session?

    My last major concern is the incision and how the trichophytic closure heals.If the FHT doesn't take for some reason so be it, but to live the rest of my life(i'm 42) with the feeling of discomfort,numbing,tightening of the scalp,raised skin from incision,hideous scar etc. would be mortifying. Also, in years time, if you decided to shave your head due to some unforseen reason, what might that scar look like since there is no turning back after the procedure is done?

    Lastly, if this procedure is so superior, why don't you think everyone with a bit of money, or actors (Letterman,Anthony Hopkins,Nicolson,Willis(pre-shave)etc..why don't you think they have a full head of hair or have done this procedure..or maybe they have? I apologize for the length of this post but it's getting super close and I'm starting to cram my knowledge as it nears.Nothing is greater to us all then some true testimonials from my peers who have experienced this.I would love some re-assurance this is a great thing or the contrary would be appreciated as well. I'm a professional and a biker guy as well, without any tattoos because I fear the permanency and the no turning back factor if I do not like it. It takes me 20 mins sometimes just to pick out a box of cereal since I can be so indecisive and have to read every label etc. Any insight at all, positive or negative? Thank you all for your time and patience. I will provide my email or im if needed to anyone who may not wish to post a reply.

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