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Marcus White

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Posts posted by Marcus White

  1. Hi Parable


    A quick recap for the rest of you. i asked to show Parables growing photos on the 21st of December, he declined on the 22nd of December. I offered again on the 7th of January and your reply on the 8th of January was as follows,


    "Once again I do not give you permisssion to post photo's based on the fact they are taken in dark lighting angles...(how do I know) because I have them!!!So don't go make up some crap about it not suiting my argument!!!"


    The photos that we have are a frontal full face showing the hairline with single flash photography in a fluoro lit office. The second photo is with the patient leaning forward and a photo taken from about two feet away, the hair appears to be less than an inch in length and the flash is shining through the hair and into the scalp clearly showing the density of the result at the time.


    These are standard post surgical photos taken by Barry at the quarterly post operative meetings.




    Why dont you let me show them? If they are really "dark lighting angles" as you claim and i refute then you guys can have something else to abuse me about?


    I am expected to respond on this medium yet i am constrained by doctor patient confidentiality.


    I received your correspondence from last thursday, we did not respond because it reads like an extortion letter.


    Your intention is to get money out of us and your leverage is this and other mediums like it. The photos that i have show the beginnings of a good result, you however now control the photos that are posted and the appearance of the hair(and skin) in those photos. The photos that i have are inconsistent with the density of hair that you now show in your photos.


    I will not bother to ask to show the photos again because you are not interested in a balanced and fair discussion where i am entitled to a reasonable right of reply.

  2. Hi Parable,


    I note your comment as below regarding posting of your photos


    "I do NOT give you permission to post mine coz the photo's I got from you were all in very dark lighting angles!"


    They are not in "very dark lighting angles". I have a frontal and overhead shot and the lighting is fine.



    I think the other contributors to this forum are intelligent enough to take lighting of a photo into account when assessing the results of a HT.


    Or is it that you don't want them posted because they don't suit your arguement?


    In the interests of a balanced discussion lets put them up(from the eyebrows and above) so everyone can see the growing results?


    I would prefer a one word post answer please, yes or no.

  3. Dear Parable


    (For the rest of you reading this thread i am Barry's son and Clinic Director at his office and handle admin, marketing and Patient co-ordinating. Barry would have replied but we were only notified of this on Friday afternoon and that was our last day.He has read this post and agrees with its content.)


    I am sorry that you are dissatisfied with the service that you received from us.


    I will concede that we have done the wrong thing with you, and I believe our mistake was in Patient selection and counseling. If we had got it right then you would not be on here.


    I don't know what you think you were going to get but what we gave you was consistent with what was promised to you.


    Regarding your original post and the points you make

    1. "An unnaturally low hairline"; I am looking at your after photos in June of this year with hair growing through four months after the procedure and your face looks balanced and in proportion, furthermore the hairline was designed with your input so nothing was done that you did not approve of prior. I am happy to post the photos so everybody can provide an opinion on them.

    2. "A hairline that is still red after 10 months"; Again I am looking at the photos and I would define it as slight discolouration or a little pink. It would quite clearly not be visible had you not shaved your head. I am happy to post the photos so everybody can provide an opinion on them.

    3. "1300 grafts and the density is real low"; Looking at the photos once again taken in June of this year the growth looks good. I am happy to post the photos so everybody can provide an opinion on them.

    4. "Ridging, bumpiness and a wide 6mm scar"; The first two points are impossible to assess from a photo and require feel so I cant provide an opinion on that based on the information I have to hand at the moment. Regarding your scar at the back of the scalp I don't have a photo of it but I have seen it and I didn't think that it was excessively wide whether it is 6mm or not is open to interpretation as you appear prone to exaggeration. We have seminars where we bring past patients along to show there results and there scars and some of them are as wide as yours if not wider. We show prospective patients wider scars than you are complaining about. We do not try and hide from showing people where the hair comes from and what we do to get it. Furthermore the consent form that you signed and was given to you prior to you paying your deposit states "I understand that a permanent scar will be present in the donor area......It has been explained to me that the amount of scarring will depend on how well healing occurs and scars can possibly widen slightly, but this depends on each patients skin tissue. I understand that if the hair is cut shorter than a "Number 3" the scar may be visible." You were told verbally (at the consultation) and in writing prior to making any financial commitment to us that you would have a scar and the potential extent of it. You signed that you understood this point, clearly you did not.

    5. Regarding your age; you were told at consultation the ramifications of having a procedure done at your age because we tell everyone the same thing(particularly those in there 20's), further hair loss, take propecia to stop further hair loss, transplanted hairlines are not perfect, this hair is not going to be the same as what you had when you were fifteen etc etc. As you state you are in your 20's(not to be confused with 20) we laid out all the information for you and treated you as an adult, one who was capable of understanding the information given to them, weighing up the pros and cons and making the correct decision for themselves.

    6. "Doctor White even admitted it was a shit job"; he did not admit it was a shit job because he doesn't feel that it is. I am happy to post the photos so everybody can provide an opinion on them.

    7. Regarding operations on 18 year olds; I am unsure who exactly you are referring too I do however recall a 15 year old kid who we saw not long ago, we did him and his dad. They are both ecstatic with the results when he came in to see us for his 6 month post op he had changed from a kid who was shy and withdrawn who looked at the floor to having a beaming smile on his face and looking at you when you talked to him. He had two large circular scars on the side of his scalp from a forcep delivery. Now they have hair in them.



    We would like to put your photos up so that everyone can see them but I need your permission. We can put them up full face or black out the eyes the choice is yours. Please acknowledge your acceptance on the forum and I will forward the necessary paperwork to you for the release of the photos by us to the hairtransplantnetwork.com

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