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Posts posted by clinton456

  1. Hey guys.. yeah i know I don't really need a HT.. I just really want a lower hairline.. My sister recently got breast implants which cost about 10k and it's not like she really needed them she just wanted to improve what she already got.. which is what im looking to do.. to give me the hairline I have always wanted.


    Iv tryed to tell myself i should be happy with what i got.. and i feel bad worrying about it when there are guys on here who are left off with much worse.. but I cant help it.


    No matter how much i try not to worry about it every time I go to look in the mirror or do my hair it starts to annoy me again.

  2. Hey everyone would just like to share my story it might be long as I want to try and explain everything and give you guys a good idea of my situation and maybe get some questions answered..


    First of all i'm 21 year old male from Australia and unlike most people who probably visit this forum i'm not experiencing any hair loss and hopefully wont be for a long time yet.


    The thing is I have always had this high receding kind of hairline ever since I was a kid and naturally thinner hair..


    i'm a very self conscious person and my hairline has been buggin me for years now.. I don't think there's a day that goes by that I don't think about it.


    I only recently found out about hair transplants and iv been browsing results and videos of procedures on youtube and seen some amazing results. iv seen guys who were completely bald grow a full set of hair and it has truly amazed me.. I thought to myself if that's what they can do to someone who is bald I can only imagine what my results could be.


    I then found this forum which has been a great help! lots of information and good to see actual patient posted results and where everyone just wants to help everybody with there own situation..


    I know a lot of people may say i'm too young but the thing is id rather have my dream hairline and thick hair while i'm young and going out every weekend and being active.. I think if i "were" to experience any hairloss when I grew a bit older it wouldn't affect me as much as it would now because I would of settled down a little bit by then.


    I was told if you wanted to know if you have a chance of going bald to look at the males in your family, like uncles and father.. I have 4 uncles who are all in there mid to early 50's.. all 4 have a full set of hair, 2 of them have the same kind of hairline as me and the other 2 have a nice full and low hairline.


    My father had the same hairline as me also and a full set of hair until he was about 44-45.. he went through chemotherapy for 2 years and lost all hes hair and passed away last year at 47 so that gives me no real indication.


    So iv been looking into FUG and FUE and kind of decided for FUG because it's cheaper and you seem to get more bang or hair for your buck.. the only thing that worries me now is the donor scar.


    I like my hair really short especially around the sides and back, often shaved to a number 1 or 2 with a fade up to the top where I keep it a little longer to mess it up.. iv always loved buzz cuts but never really got them done because I always thought they looked stupid with my kind of hairline and made you look a lot older.


    So I know a lot of people keep there hair a bit longer to cover up the donor scar and iv seen some huge scars that go from the back of the head and run a long both sides of the head almost reaching both ears.


    This is really the only thing stopping me now.. I have gave this a lot of thought and im not one who just jumps into something.. I already got the money saved and talked to a bunch of the recommended Doctors and chosen my doctor.


    It's estimated it will take about 2000 grafts to fill my hairline the way I want it but having a big scar across the back of my head kind of ruins the whole style i'm going for.. are there any ways this scar can be hidden or be made less noticeable while still having it shaved to a number 1 or 2 at the back? can a smaller donor scar be made?

    Here some pictures of my hair and also a couple of pictures of my dream hairline.. just to give you guys a better idea of what i'm talking about.


















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