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Posts posted by aida

  1. Hi everybody who is interested in the Trichophytic closure. Doctor Williams utilizes this technique on all of his patients, so I asked him to comment on the posts made on the Forum about it. This is what Dr. Williams had to say:

    "I wish to thank Dr. Shapiro for his excellent explanation to the Forum explaining the Trichophytic closure technique of the donor skin after removing the donor strip. We have been utilizing this closure on all of our patients and I am very impressed at how well this works to encourage hair to grow into the incision line providing a greatly improved to invisible scar. Those patients who have concern about an obvious scar, after undergoing hair restoration, may wish to have this technique utilized. I certainly will continue to use this technique on all my patients."


    We welcome all questions inregards to the technique.

  2. Originally posted by thinninginvan:

    I'm 26 and have been thinning for a while and figured maybe I would get a transplant in my thirties. Well, I got a short cut recently and was a little shocked at the extent of the thinning. I'm wondering if people can give me their opinion on how many grafts I would need and how much I can expect to pay for such a surgery in Canada.

    Hi there,

    I think that the more you can afford to do the better. Consider this, if you have a full head of hair you have about 20,000 Grafts on your healthy, full head of hair head. When you initially notice balding, you have already lost over 50% of your hair. When a surgeon transfers 2000 Grafts thats barely 10% of what a full head of hair has. But the artistry behind hair transplants is to position those Grafts nicely , so that the end result is a look of a full head of hair. My advice would be to go for atleast 2000 grafts, and possibbly go on Propecia inorder to salvage what you have left.

    Unfortunately I don't know how much the cost would be in Canada.

  3. Originally posted by hairbank:



    I'm curious as to the function of a Laser Comb/Brush and must admit I'm skeptical. Has your office documented results of those who are using it?


    What is it for? Does it regenerate existing MPB susceptible follicles? What's its purpose?

    Dear Hairbank,

    Low Level Lasers are cosmetic hair enhancement devices that promote thicker and healthier hair. LLL Therapy does not grow any new follicles, so if someone who is completely bald wants to go on LLLT he will not get any results , because most of his follicles are dead. However, if a person has thinning hair because the follicles are sick due to DHT, the laser can help those follicles get stronger and grow nicer, thicker hair .

  4. Originally posted by LT:

    Aida, thank you for the info on the Laser Brush. I have never heard of it intel I saw your post. At the Medical Hair Institute you work for, do you see great results from the laser brush? How are you so sure that it's about 6 times stronger than the laser comb?


    Does anyone else use the LASER BRUSH?


    The laser brush is about six times stronger than the comb because it has six diodes where the laser light comes through, where as the comb has only one diode. Maybe there are companies that make combs with more diodes, however I only heard of the one that has one. ( A diode is the source of energy output.)

    The patients here who have the laser brush are our patients who are on laser therapy , but can not come in for all of their laser sessions due to busy schedules , travel etc. So for those patients we recommended that they try the laser brush if they have to miss a session. Most of our laser patients are satisfied with what the lasers are doing for them. However I have not had a patient who only purchased the laser brush and didn't come for any treatments , so I can not say that a laser brush alone without laser therapy can achieve good results.

  5. Originally posted by thinkingaboutit:

    How wide of an area is shaved for extraction of the donor area for 1500 grafts?


    How wide of a shaved area remains after it is sutured up?


    For someone with relatively long (3-5") hair in the back and good density, will there be difficulty hiding the area for the first month post op?

    Depending on the doctor you choose there shouldn't be any shaved area around the donor spot, since the scalp gets closed from the top and the bottom with the skin that has hair on it. The donor strip usually gets shaved after it has been cut out of the scalp. Considering that you have long hair, hiding the area shouldn't be that hard if you pick a good surgeon.

  6. Dear LT ,

    from working with patients who are experiencing hairloss I have come to the conclusion that Propecia is the best way to go (only for men) if you don't want to loose any more hair. It's an excellent DHT blocker, and some people have reported that it grew some hair in their crown area. I wouldn't necessarily hope for any regrowth, but the fact that you wouldn't loose anymore is great.

    As for the laser comb: In the practice that I work we offer Low Level Laser therapy for people who qualify to be patients for laser. So far we've seen excellent results. We had a few patients who couldn't come in for their laser sessions , so we ordered laser brushes that they could purchase. A laser brush is much stronger than a laser comb, so if you are cosidering using one , I would go with the laser brush( it's about 6 times stronger than the laser comb).

  7. I had my first hair transplant 20 years ago. I had three ops and two scalp reductions. I came to Dr. Williams about 4 years ago , and have had two procedures since then. I recently came into his office to see about a third procedure, and since I have a lack of donor hair, he advised me against it. I appreciated his honesty where as some doctors would have just taken my money. I am so happy with my results because of him , if you would like to contact me further feel free to do so at : tcan7@cox.net. See enclosed pictures and judge for your self. Tony C.


    My Preop (April 2003)before procedure at Dr. Williams







    My Post Op ( May 2005)After 2 Ops with Dr. Williams





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