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Posts posted by exibel

  1. The idea of being one of those who would be an ?‚??AMAZING REPAIR JOB`,Is something which anyone who has had bad work done does hold on to the hope that maybe oneday he will stop looking like his head is on back to front and be able to walk around in public without a cap on.

    I think over the next year or so i will finacially hoping try and get something done but being a normal working guy with a mortgage ,wife kid maybe the repair work will be only on our apartment....

  2. Have to say until i started to read this forum my bodged up job hadnt bothered me for years,shave it off wear a cap grow a goatee,no problem.

    But then i started too see some of the great results that most of you have had that write on this site and now im starting to feel like crap.

    Really pleased for other hairloss suferer`s who have had some brilliant results but at the same time im thinking shit if only i could of had work done like that.

    I should think that the best that i could get is to fix it rather than create a nice decent hairstyle.

    For years the best way to cope was basically forget about it,when i look in the mirror it doesn`t bother me at all but im sure other people would think what the hell happened to you.Without a sense of humour ,good family and mates this could of got on top of me but luckily it didn`t.Feeling like crap through jealousy of others who have had good work is not so bad,falling into deep depression is another thing altogether and i would never let that happen to me because of my bad experience with the surgeon who was nuts and was not too good at his day job.

    It does change your life in many respects but you cannot let it dictate it either,for others who have had a nightmare under the knife,bugger it life goes on....

  3. I was totally inspired when i first saw the Bosley ads for flap its how i first found out about it,the pictures blew me away.

    The doctor who performed my two flap operations was not Bosley but must of seen the same ads i had,as the impression shortly after things started to go wrong was his lack of knowledge on what we should do to help matters.

    All the positive feel i had from him in the initial consultations had gone completely and i had become a problem case which he did not know how to handle.So i basically told him where to go and that was that..

  4. It`s good to know there are some options,choosing what is best is the difficult bit.

    For many year ive been fairly content with it but maybe something should be done.Having to skip out of mates weddings and anywhere where your not supposed to wear a baseball cap has become abit boring really.

    I will post a front view later on in the day...

  5. The Laxity is fairly loose ,the density is fairly thick.About the lazer removal of the frontal scare i have actually thought about this in the past.

    Also about being upbeat about it you have to be ,like i said in a previous post people have it alot worse than i do .I have a good life so i really wont let this get to me.

    Would be nice to have a good head of hair but not to be...

  6. I will let my hair grow a little so you can see the donor hair more easily before posting any more pics.

    Have to say thanks for the feedback from fellow members on the forum.Evan though i look like Frankensteins monsters younger brother i got over worringing about it years ago.People have far worse lives than i do,it was my mistake to go to an idiot doctor ,back then we didnt have forums like this to get the kind of quality information that is on this one.

  7. Sorry for the out of focus shots,will ask the wife to take some better ones tonight sometime,women eh?

    Yep there was a left and right flap taken,the density on the left flap is very thick.

    I am bald from the flap to the crown,i know without better photos at the moment it would be hard for you to say but if there was enough donor hair could that gap be filled?

  8. Chears for the responce ,yea iv been looking thru the forum and the feeling is fairly up beat about transplants .I live in Europe and there are some good surgeons but to tell the truth until i actually see in the flesh someone who has had the same terrible results i have and ends up with a good result then im still reserved to get it fixed..

  9. Hello new to the forum,so i see this thread is share your experience so hear is mine.Im 39 now and had two flap surgerys when i was 26 .

    I was desperate to get my hair fixed and went to a Doctor who i have now found out got struck off a few years back due to being inapt at his job.

    During the first op i actually felt the knife cutting into my forehead and naturally almost went into a state of shock.

    After a few days when i could see the result the flap only went 75% across the forehead.

    A week or so went by and half the flap went black and just come off.I was naturally freaked out by the way it looked ,so the Doctor persuaded me he could fix the job by taking a second flap to meet the first.Well he did the operation and again it didnt take just left me with a disfigured look.

    I shave my head bald now and all you can see are massive scars all around my head.When going out i only wear a baseball cap and havent taken it off for 13 years outside.

    Im in no rush to ever get it it fixed as i couldnt go thru anything like that again.I wished i had just shaved it off before having the first Operation...........

  10. Hello new to the forum,so i see this thread is share your experience so hear is mine.Im 39 now and had two flap surgerys when i was 26 .

    I was desperate to get my hair fixed and went to a Doctor who i have now found out got struck off a few years back due to being inapt at his job.

    During the first op i actually felt the knife cutting into my forehead and naturally almost went into a state of shock.

    After a few days when i could see the result the flap only went 75% across the forehead.

    A week or so went by and half the flap went black and just come off.I was naturally freaked out by the way it looked ,so the Doctor persuaded me he could fix the job by taking a second flap to meet the first.Well he did the operation and again it didnt take just left me with a disfigured look.

    I shave my head bald now and all you can see are massive scars all around my head.When going out i only wear a baseball cap and havent taken it off for 13 years outside.

    Im in no rush to ever get it it fixed as i couldnt go thru anything like that again.I wished i had just shaved it off before having the first Operation...........

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