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Posts posted by ROWDYROB

  1. hey--about 2 weekS ago i started a cycle,1i took 1 shot of sustano 250,250ml and 3 d-bol(10mg)a day for 3 days and then i started noticing my hair falling out,i could run my fingers through it and get hairs everytime and i know it wasnt happening before this--i havent took anything else since and it is going on 2 weeks and i am losing alot of hair in the shower everyday still.I am freaking out bad and cant sleep at night for thinking about it,i have even had thoughts of suicide because of it--my queston is ,how long will this last?will it stop?i just cant believe that 1 shot and 9 d-bol could cause me to go bald.thanks for any replies

  2. hey--about 2 weekS ago i started a cycle,1i took 1 shot of sustano 250,250ml and 3 d-bol(10mg)a day for 3 days and then i started noticing my hair falling out,i could run my fingers through it and get hairs everytime and i know it wasnt happening before this--i havent took anything else since and it is going on 2 weeks and i am losing alot of hair in the shower everyday still.I am freaking out bad and cant sleep at night for thinking about it,i have even had thoughts of suicide because of it--my queston is ,how long will this last?will it stop?i just cant believe that 1 shot and 9 d-bol could cause me to go bald.thanks for any replies

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