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Posts posted by bverotti

  1. I'm afraid the entirety of your post is misinformed.


    FUE does not hold the record for most grafts implanted, FUT does by a wide wide margin:

    You are being fooled by the fact that FUE clinics misleadingly use the term "in one procedure" to refer to multiple days of surgery, whereas FUT clinics always mean a single day.


    In order to approach the density and growth success of FUT, FUE doctors NEED to take more grafts to make up for the lower yields and thinner hair shafts. FUT doctors have no such disadvantage and thus fewer grafts are needed by comparison.


    Furthermore, when FUE megasessions are performed almost all of them take hair from OUTSIDE the safe donor areas. FUT practitioners do not need to.


    You are correct that there are bad FUT procedures out there. But almost all of them were performed by amateur practitioners seeking to perform HT on a part time basis. That's why patients NEED to look for clinics that perform FUT fulltime and have a full staff. Unfortunately, many patients find out AFTER their procedure that their clinic was amateur.


    FUE has it's place, but only for smaller procedures or AFTER the strip procedure can no longer be performed.


    And your statement about FUT techs is also incorrect. Of course there is some wastage during dissection, but orders of magnitude less than FUE. Furthermore, none of the FUT grafts get traumatized whereas ALL FUE grafts are traumatized all the time. Then you have to pray that the grafts tolerated the FUE procedure and hope they grow. This is why FUE yields and results are poorer compared to FUT and why so many more grafts are needed to achieve the same results.


    The public is getting wise to the realities of FUE megasessions.


    Hi Dr. Feller,

    I respect your opinion, and I must assume that they are based your your skills.


    I have personally witnessed many FUE sessions with no or less then 3 percent transections. And this not only at Prohairclinic, but also at other world class Belgian clinics.


    So let's agree to disagree, that is fine.


    I am not looking for the LW.



  2. My experience as a Former FUT and FUE patient:



    The best decision you can make is to have an FUE procedure.


    An FUT will cause more damage to your donor area, period. Oh, just look beneath the scarline, you will very often see the remaining grafts are of FAR less quality because of FUT harvesting. So FUT often WEAKENS the donor area for future usage.


    Forget about the internet hype and the trolling and look at the two procedures:


    FUE is a blind procedure that rips the graft from the scalp. FUT is a equally blind as it destroys the FU along the cutting line.


    FUT is a fully visualized procedure that allows for dissection of the grafts with the least amount of trauma known to man. Yes, but you would have to trust on a lot of techs getting it done right. No surgeon in the world can watch over all these techs at the same time. So in the end the Surgeon has NO idea how many grafts where damaged.


    It's no contest. Indeed, FUE is least invasive method and should be prefered for this reason alone, along with many other reasons.


    Oh, and all the records of most grafts transplanted are ... indeed all FUE cases!



    FUT is the gold standard. Used to be, sorry. Diesel and petrol cars still the gold standard, only because it is cheaper .. but dirty at the same time. Take away cost and people will be driving electric cars forever.




    FUE is internet hype. Yes, and there are so many good reasons it is hyped. ONe of the reasons is that many surgeons have done a lot of dammage using FUT (even the good docs out there).


    FUE is not 'perfect', but it is really the best option available out there for the moment.

  3. If I where you I would be looking into hairloss medications instead of hair transplantation.


    Take a step by step approach.


    27 is still very young and you have potentially a lot of hairs that could be lost over the next years.


    I was 28 with no hair loss ... it kicked in a bout 6 months later and I was NW5 by the age of 31.


    Luckely I have been taking anti hair loss meds since then, and stabililzed my sure to be NW7.


    Take care,


  4. My personal opinion on this:

    LLLT will not do anyhting for hair. All laser could do is warm up the underlying tissue. Now if heat would be the solution ... why are men in Africa also balding ??


    I know high energy lasers are good for HAIR REMOVAL. Why ? The light produced is of high enough energy to heat up the follicles to 70C ... enough to 'melt' them.


    I personally see LLLT for hair stimulation on the same level of many shampoo's that promis us the limit.



  5. Second, lidocaine toxicity is real, but doses generally used in hair procedures are way below those kind of levels.




    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA


    I have a question for dr. Lindsey.


    I have seen pictures in the past where patients are doing BHT, arms, legs, breast - stomach area SIMOULTANIOUSLY with teams of up to 8 extractors.

    I assume massive doses of lid. must be used (or some other medicin).

    What is your opinion on this ?

  6. Dr. Feller,

    I will not make any further comments on your comment since my words will not weigh against a dr. words.


    All I want to state is that our drs have backed up every word by showing their tools, technique, experience... during live surgery in front of their peers. If you are stating that these hair surgeons can not verify under a microscope is a graft is viable or not than who can ?

  7. One downside that has been neglected so far is the fact that a strip HT leaves a linear scar in the donor area. For some people this is going to be a major issue later in life :

    -going for an FUE procedure

    -shave all and forget about hair in a later stage of life (may sound weird for most readers here, but it happens more often than you may think)

    - limit hairstyles to the size of the scar (no more summer buzz for most)


    This information should be provided by any dr. giving good advice, along with some of the other suggestions made here.

  8. Although I appreciate Spex a lot I completely disagree with some of his statements.


    Any patients that wants to have FUE done can simply because there is no such thing as 'not an FUE candidate'. No matter what hair color, straight curly thin thick ... you name it, EVERYBODY is an FUE candidate if he is a HT candidate.


    We have yet to encounter a patient that we had to send home because of transection problems or any other kind of problem.

    Our drs have demonstrated this skill by performing FUE on unknown patient in front of many dr. peers. Grafts where counted and checked for problems ... none where found, even under high magnification.

    Our mega sessions have been witnessed by peer drs and in some cases it has led to a complete change of opinion.


    FUE is a much safer , patient friendly method than any other HT solutions available.

  9. Originally posted by whymewhy:

    guys, this FUE thingy! it seems so perfect, why don't more people get it done? How does a doc determine whether someone is FUE feasible?


    also, lets take the hair present in the horse shoe pattern part of the scalp. it pretty much does not aid in any kind of styling so why cant ALL the hairs from the horseshoe pattern be extracted using FUE & implanted somewhere on top? it would also yield a significant number of grafts...


    I have read a lot of posts on FUE but none of them give a concrete answer as to whether its effective or not. help me out guys!



    FUE has evolved tremendously in the last couple of years. In Belgium and Holland at least 50 percent of all procedures are done by FUE nowadays. I do admit we have a unique situation here because we have an extremely high number of very skilled surgeons.


    FUE is as effective as strip and IMHO it offers a lot more advantages over any other type of procedure.

  10. To clarify some point regarding Ilterclinic and Prohairclinic.


    Prohairclinic (Belgium) has been an FUE only institute since 2004. We have never offered Strip.

    Currently most procedures at Prohairclinic are now handled by dr. De Reys and his team of assistants.


    The Ilterclinic (Sweden) has offered strip for a short while during the start in 2003. Dr. ILter however is absolutely not a fan of the FUT procedure since he feels that in his hands FUE gives better results. Dr. Ilter performed most of the larger FUE sessions at Prohairclinic until last year. Dr. De Reys was trained under dr. Ilter since he joined prohairclinic in 2005.


    Dr. Ilter offers up to 3000 FUE per day, dr. De Reys up to 2500 FUE per day. Both are known for supporting FUE megasessions. We now believe 2000+ FUE is considered a megasession for us.

    IMHO both drs are IMHO among the leading FUE docs worldwide.

  11. He Richie,

    I understand your concern. In fact more than often I see similar post pop up about some particular dr. or institute ... over and over again.


    However I do feel this guy is genuine. I can only inform that I dont know the poster peppermint.


    I am glad that at last some other docters have wittnesed what I have been informing about for many years. I know somethimes it was hard to believe that FUE megasessions can be performed at the highest level of quality.

  12. If you place a ruler on someones bald crown the cm2 are frightening somethimes.

    100 cm2 are not an exception and if it is smaller now it can still grow substantially later in life, even when on meds.


    Let's assume that it takes 40 grafts at least to make a 100 cm2 bald crown look ok ... it takes 4000 grafts ! This is a serious bite in mosts peoples donor reserves and leaves little or not room for frontal or mid scalp correction should they become necessary.

  13. I enjoyed reading dr. Fellers comment about reading the newspaper through a mess of tomato sauce spagetti.

    It sounds funny but he is right on ! Anyone who challenges this should try to place the grafts in this mess.

    The procedure indeed takes much longer AND puts stress on the grafts and the patients.

    Furhtermore the long hair mixed with blood will act as a glue and often rips out some implants unintentionally.


    I have never heared from anyone being fired for a buzz cut. Be a man and do what is right ... do the shave thing !

  14. We had a similar issue about 6 months ago where our pics where used on a Dutch HT website that sells cheap estetic surgery in Turkey. They even had an fake expierence report !

    We kindly asked them to remove it and indeed they also came up with the same story that Jo presented here.


    They did remove the pics and experience report and replaced them with who knows who's pics.

  15. Originally posted by PLEASE GROW PLEASE:
    4500 FUE grafts or 5000 strip grafts

    Huh? I thought fue yeild is somewhat lower then strip for one thing so why less grafts with fue? I would think the same amount or opposite if anything icon_confused.gif


    PGP good advice on the propecia before a HT, totally forgot about that one.


    Well, less FUE because FUE has a higher hair per graft then strip, up to 10% more.

    So 4500 FUE (unsplitted of course) equal about 5000 strip grafts.

  16. Hi,

    First of all I would like to inform that you should not make the assumption that your hairloss has stabilized unless you are taking propecia. Hairloss never stops, even the working of propecia will usually only slow thing down.

    Good plan of attack, go for frontal and top first and see whats left fo the crown.


    To get the best information about how many grafts you need it requires to see a HT doc. He can evaluate all the variables (hair thickness, donor density...) and make a good evaluation.

    From just looking at the pics I would guestimate about 4500 FUE grafts or 5000 strip grafts.

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