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Posts posted by dhuge67

  1. Is he the Dr. Rose that is approved by this site? I noticed that his patient had to go back to him to get information about the hair shed that one experiences after a procedure, and the patient seemed confused about this. I wondered why the patient hadn't known about that, or if he did, why he was "freaking out" about the shedding of his hair. Seemed like basic info that one would have well before undergoing a procedure.


    Well, I'll be getting my second one sometime rather soon. I can't wait, because this time it is going to be done right. It's truly the only "cure" and I'm gonna be a relieved person when it's all said and done.

  2. Is he the Dr. Rose that is approved by this site? I noticed that his patient had to go back to him to get information about the hair shed that one experiences after a procedure, and the patient seemed confused about this. I wondered why the patient hadn't known about that, or if he did, why he was "freaking out" about the shedding of his hair. Seemed like basic info that one would have well before undergoing a procedure.


    Well, I'll be getting my second one sometime rather soon. I can't wait, because this time it is going to be done right. It's truly the only "cure" and I'm gonna be a relieved person when it's all said and done.

  3. Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:



    Thanks for giving us an update on your hair and thanks to you and others in the armed forced who serve our country well icon_smile.gif.


    If I recall correctly, you were considering Dr. Rahal for a hair transplant - are you still considering this in the future?


    Best wishes,



    Bill, how's it going? I was previously considering a procedure with Dr. Feller and I still may go that route, but I want to wait as long as possible before undergoing another procedure. I am trying to wait out another year or more, but I'll see how things play out.
  4. I regret mine, only because I wish I had waited a bit longer to get it done and done by a more capable surgeon. I'm still going to be fine, and it looks "passable" when SHAVED. But then it reveals the scar. Luckily I'm in a profession where it's not an issue at all, but it still does raise questions sometimes. Anyway, i'll get it straightened out eventually.

  5. Hey everyone, Second Lieutenant DiEugenio reporting as ordered. It's coming up on the 3 year mark since my hair transplant, and God knows, I could "use" another one. However, as a member of the military, with my hair cut so short, I'm going to hold off for a while longer.


    Here's my hair with it practically shaved (cut with a beard trimmer) and a little dermmatch thrown on...

  6. Hey everyone, Second Lieutenant DiEugenio reporting as ordered. It's coming up on the 3 year mark since my hair transplant, and God knows, I could "use" another one. However, as a member of the military, with my hair cut so short, I'm going to hold off for a while longer.


    Here's my hair with it practically shaved (cut with a beard trimmer) and a little dermmatch thrown on...


  7. LOL, hairdini, that's exactly why I love and have become pretty outspoken here about Dermmatch.


    It makes me look completely normal and fine...it is a pain in the ass to apply it perfectly, and it can smear if rubbed or if my hair were to be brushed through by a hand, but it does the job considering..


    I'll get a before pic up sometime shortly for comparison's sake...even though it is embarrassing.

  8. To be honest, my hair transplant was not a good decision. However, after two years I have found ways to deal with it and mask it well enough with Dermmatch that it is passable to the point where nobody would give it a second look.


    Am I satisfied and is my road to hair recovery complete? No, but I will get there.


    Hard to believe it's been two years!


    All I have to say is, thank God for Dermmatch...and hopefully I hold onto what I have for a while, so I can continue to use that until I am able to take the time and money to get another procedure.


    I'm not on any hair loss drugs unless you consider Progain or Nizoral to be in that category.


    It's still thinning somewhat, but not at the torrent pace that it once was. I'm still only 22 years old, so I figure the longer I can get away with using Dermmatch as a concealer, the better off I will be.


    Thanks again for everyone's support from this site, it's been an invaluable resource and I know that I will be back here again every now and then.


    I'll definitely check in here when I go for HT #2.


    All the best to everyone else with their situations,





  9. For those that know of my issues, do you think that one corrective HT, plus about 3,000 grafts on the top of the head and then Dermmatch on top of those grafts (once they grow in) be the solution?


    It seems dermmatch really works well for me, and it might not be that way for everyone, so I could be lucky in that regard?


    I don't know if that's the case, but if so, I guess I'm "lucky."

  10. Yeah, I don't wet the applicator at all. I rub a small amount of Dermmatch into the applicator, then apply and then use my finger to spread it around and remove the excess.


    It does take about 20 minutes to get it perfectly applied and as natural as possible looking.


    Like I said to Bill, 20 minutes to look better for the next 1,420 minutes of the day is worth it to me. It's also nice that it can stay in and look fine for 2 straight days, if I want it to.


    For less than $30 a month it's something I'll use, at least as long as I have to until I can get my next HT.


    Not a bad "hold-over" in the meantime.

  11. I apply dry dermmatch rather than wet it, otherwise it would look like dyed skin and not more natural.


    The way it is now, it just looks like i have a receding hairline, and a kind of odd one at that - but the rest of my hair looks pretty normal/full.


    Even upon close inspection it is hard to tell anything is on the scalp.


    I've been showering my head before bed, then I apply the dermmatch before I go to sleep and wake up and take a shower without getting water on my head. Usually I can make tiny fixes with the dermmatch then, if anything is even necessary.


    Seems to look just a bit better.

  12. Okay, so it's not a miracle, but it's pretty damn good for only having to get up 10 minutes earlier to commit to putting it on...


    Let me know what you all think.


    It looks a bit better this way, is not noticeable that there is a "scalp dye" even upon close inspection. I use a very, very small amount of DM and put it over an area, then use my finger to rid of the excess. It takes about 10 minutes and leaves me with more of a "high and tight" look than a diffuse thinning-look. The hairline is still a little off, obviously, but it's less glaring this way (from what i can see).


    PS - I have a girlfriend as of today. Things are looking up! She hasn't really noticed or mentioned my hair. I've worn a hat a lot around her, and take it off occasionally to let her become more aware of my hair, but she hasn't said a word and I won't until she does. She has not seen the scar to my knowledge or if she has she hasn't said anything. I'm not complaining. If she asks - "I've had it since birth." Until I feel comfortable telling her that I've had an HT, that's what I'll do.






    Here it is without DM Photo%2012.jpg

  13. Originally posted by spoon:
    Originally posted by dhuge67:

    I started using Nizoral tonight, by the way. I bought a 6-month supply of Rogaine...but how bad would it be if I were on it for 6-8 months and then had to go cold-turkey because of OCS? Is it even worth using if I do that?

    I think starting and then stopping Rogaine would be a big mistake. Your hair will get dependent on it and then when you stop you'll have a massive shed.


    Well...shit. Okay, I guess I can send it back because OCS isn't taking a backseat to hair. Country first, hair....somewhere really far down the line.


    I mean, yeah it REALLY SUCKS, but I won't stop life because of it.

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