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Posts posted by Hoper

  1. I just started Propecia again. I am taking my vitamins in the morning and then the Propecia before bed time.


    My Biotin capsules that contain Calcium have this statement printed on the label: "Calcium and other minerals can affect the absorption of many medications. Do not take this product within 2 hours taking medications"

  2. My biggest problem with my hair restoration procedure many years ago is the large scar that was left in the donor area.


    I would like to know the pros and cons of using staples instead of sutures. I would also appreciate any comments (positive or negative) on different techniques such as zig zagging.


    And forgive my ignorance, but can someone also explain in detail the difference between internal and external sutures and why one is better than the other?


    Obviously I'm trying to find out which is the method that would minimize scarring the most. All comments are appreciated. Thanks.

  3. My biggest problem with my hair restoration procedure many years ago is the large scar that was left in the donor area.


    I would like to know the pros and cons of using staples instead of sutures. I would also appreciate any comments (positive or negative) on different techniques such as zig zagging.


    And forgive my ignorance, but can someone also explain in detail the difference between internal and external sutures and why one is better than the other?


    Obviously I'm trying to find out which is the method that would minimize scarring the most. All comments are appreciated. Thanks.

  4. Before I had my hair transplant procedure over 10 years ago, I was a much happier young man. I had virtually no thinning up front but my hair was getting very thin (and still is thin) in the crown area and it bothered me enough that I decided to have a HT. But, I never knew how much worse having this procedure would make me feel about my hair. I suffered from shock loss of hair follicles that were sliced into pretty much canceling out any new growth, in fact my crown looked alot fuller pre-procedure than it ever has since then. I was left with a huge scar in the back of my head where the donor area was taken from. I went from being a little self-conscious about my thin hair, to being completely ashamed of what I had done to my head. Due to the size of the scar I could no longer wear my hair shorter than I was used to, I started wearing hats, stopped going to barber and started cutting my own hair. That day I had the procedure became a defining moment in my life where everything seemed to change for the worse.


    I couldn't even think of ever having another procedure. Whenever I would hear this surgeon's commercials on the radio, I would quickly have to turn it off. I figured I had made huge mistake and it would be insane to repeat it. But, after reading through this forum in the past couple of days, I'm actually considering having another hair transplant procedure done. I'm realizing that I chose the wrong surgeon, and that there are many capable surgeons who can correct the damage done to my head, and even fill my crown to an expectation that I had following my first procedure. I only wish I had access to this forum back then, and I could've researched more to make my decision. I typed up this surgeon's name in the search function on this forum, and I've found nothing but negative feedback and opinions on him. That surely would have pointed me in the direction of another surgeon. My intention is not to bash this man, but to be honest and share my own personal experience and possibly save another person from going through the traumatic experience of choosing the wrong surgeon.


    In 1997, I had a procedure with Dr. Lawrence Shapiro of South Florida. As I didn't have internet back then, I visited a few clinics of which I heard through advertisements through the newspaper, TV, radio, etc. Dr. Shapiro had some impressive result photos he shared with me, and he had a local radio personality as a client who's hair looked great to me so I decided to go with him (the biggest mistake of my life). Dr. Shapiro was absent from most of the surgery, popping in here and there to make an appearance. One of his assistants was the one who removed my donor area and stitched it up. Then Dr. Shapiro made the small incisions in my scalp. While he told me earlier that he would carefully work around the hair that was already present in my crown area. He stabbed his blade into my head so fast and carelessly that he was done making all the incisions in what seemed like 2 minutes. When it came to insert the grafts, again Dr. Shapiro disappeared and let his staff take over. His assistants were very kind and friendly, They made me feel very relaxed and loose, but I think they were a little to loose themselves. They ordered pizza and asked me if I wanted any. Being sedated and not having much of an appetite, I declined. But this did not stop the rest of the staff from chowing down on slices while inserting the grafts with their greasy gloves while commenting on the movie that was playing on the TV. It wasn't until the sedatives wore off, and a few days had passed that I realized how unprofessional the procedure was performed as a whole. After getting my stitches removed 2 weeks later, Shapiro told me to start using Rogaine and that I might have to come in for another procedure. Some how I knew the results I was expecting would never come, and they never did. Like I mentioned earlier, Not only did my crown not get any fuller, It actually appeared more thin than it ever had before. I knew I would never go in for another procedure with him.


    After many years, I am seriously considering having another procedure done to at least correct the scar in the donor area. I plan on visiting some local clinics in the next coming months and possibly some other clinics outside of the state (maybe even Canada). I really want to make sure I chose the right surgeon this time. Thanks for reading.

  5. Before I had my hair transplant procedure over 10 years ago, I was a much happier young man. I had virtually no thinning up front but my hair was getting very thin (and still is thin) in the crown area and it bothered me enough that I decided to have a HT. But, I never knew how much worse having this procedure would make me feel about my hair. I suffered from shock loss of hair follicles that were sliced into pretty much canceling out any new growth, in fact my crown looked alot fuller pre-procedure than it ever has since then. I was left with a huge scar in the back of my head where the donor area was taken from. I went from being a little self-conscious about my thin hair, to being completely ashamed of what I had done to my head. Due to the size of the scar I could no longer wear my hair shorter than I was used to, I started wearing hats, stopped going to barber and started cutting my own hair. That day I had the procedure became a defining moment in my life where everything seemed to change for the worse.


    I couldn't even think of ever having another procedure. Whenever I would hear this surgeon's commercials on the radio, I would quickly have to turn it off. I figured I had made huge mistake and it would be insane to repeat it. But, after reading through this forum in the past couple of days, I'm actually considering having another hair transplant procedure done. I'm realizing that I chose the wrong surgeon, and that there are many capable surgeons who can correct the damage done to my head, and even fill my crown to an expectation that I had following my first procedure. I only wish I had access to this forum back then, and I could've researched more to make my decision. I typed up this surgeon's name in the search function on this forum, and I've found nothing but negative feedback and opinions on him. That surely would have pointed me in the direction of another surgeon. My intention is not to bash this man, but to be honest and share my own personal experience and possibly save another person from going through the traumatic experience of choosing the wrong surgeon.


    In 1997, I had a procedure with Dr. Lawrence Shapiro of South Florida. As I didn't have internet back then, I visited a few clinics of which I heard through advertisements through the newspaper, TV, radio, etc. Dr. Shapiro had some impressive result photos he shared with me, and he had a local radio personality as a client who's hair looked great to me so I decided to go with him (the biggest mistake of my life). Dr. Shapiro was absent from most of the surgery, popping in here and there to make an appearance. One of his assistants was the one who removed my donor area and stitched it up. Then Dr. Shapiro made the small incisions in my scalp. While he told me earlier that he would carefully work around the hair that was already present in my crown area. He stabbed his blade into my head so fast and carelessly that he was done making all the incisions in what seemed like 2 minutes. When it came to insert the grafts, again Dr. Shapiro disappeared and let his staff take over. His assistants were very kind and friendly, They made me feel very relaxed and loose, but I think they were a little to loose themselves. They ordered pizza and asked me if I wanted any. Being sedated and not having much of an appetite, I declined. But this did not stop the rest of the staff from chowing down on slices while inserting the grafts with their greasy gloves while commenting on the movie that was playing on the TV. It wasn't until the sedatives wore off, and a few days had passed that I realized how unprofessional the procedure was performed as a whole. After getting my stitches removed 2 weeks later, Shapiro told me to start using Rogaine and that I might have to come in for another procedure. Some how I knew the results I was expecting would never come, and they never did. Like I mentioned earlier, Not only did my crown not get any fuller, It actually appeared more thin than it ever had before. I knew I would never go in for another procedure with him.


    After many years, I am seriously considering having another procedure done to at least correct the scar in the donor area. I plan on visiting some local clinics in the next coming months and possibly some other clinics outside of the state (maybe even Canada). I really want to make sure I chose the right surgeon this time. Thanks for reading.

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