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Posts posted by lightning1

  1. It's day 2 and I feel fine. There is some soreness in the donor area, but nothing that can't be handled. As for my personal details...I'm almost 30 years old, but started losing my hair at around 18 or 19. As soon as rogaine came out, I was on it. Then, when propecia came out, I got on that. So, I've been using Propecia for just about 6 years, maybe a little more. Because of the success I've had with Propecia, I was able to halt the process to abour a 3 or 4 on the Norwood scale for the past 6 or so years. It was only hairline work I had done. I have very dark hair and very light skin, so it was suggested that I have 1400 grafts, which I agreed to. I was also given about 100 more grafts for free because thay had extras from when they had removed the strip. Once everything got started, the whole procedure took about 5 hours, but it went by fast. When I made my appointment, I was told that I was "lucky" because I had gotten a spot with Dr. Rassman on the normal schedule (meaning he wasn't charging the $10/graft fee, but the standard $6) I'm not sure if it was because another doctor would be absent for a couple days and his schedule opened up or what, but I paid $6/graft. I have to go right now, but I'd like to say that I would have never considered this type of procedure had I not had such faith in Propecia. I've used the product for 6+ years and it has been extremely effective. I can't stress enough to younger guys or those who are just starting to lose their hair, to get on Propecia and make it a commitment. Then, after making the commitment, one can start thinking about HTs. Just my personal opinion!


  2. After careful consideration over the past 5 years, I chose NHI and DR. Rassman. I literally just walked in the door from the procedure. I'm not sure what I have waited for the past couple of years, as this was no worse than going to the dentist. The only moments of any considerable pain were the initial injections (which lasted only about 30 secs.) I was offered some gasses to inhale to ease the pain and anxiety of the injections, but declined. As for everything else, I didn't feel a thing, but I know there will be a little pain tonight once the meds start to where off, but I've got my painkillers. The enitre staff was friendly and joked about. I will keep you all up to date.

  3. After careful consideration over the past 5 years, I chose NHI and DR. Rassman. I literally just walked in the door from the procedure. I'm not sure what I have waited for the past couple of years, as this was no worse than going to the dentist. The only moments of any considerable pain were the initial injections (which lasted only about 30 secs.) I was offered some gasses to inhale to ease the pain and anxiety of the injections, but declined. As for everything else, I didn't feel a thing, but I know there will be a little pain tonight once the meds start to where off, but I've got my painkillers. The enitre staff was friendly and joked about. I will keep you all up to date.

  4. I used to read a lot about NHI on here. I don't see much now though. Is there a reason for that? How is Dr. Rassman? He seems to be quite reputable. I've read some good things about him. Please help with any opinions.


  5. I used to read a lot about NHI on here. I don't see much now though. Is there a reason for that? How is Dr. Rassman? He seems to be quite reputable. I've read some good things about him. Please help with any opinions.


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