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Posts posted by prodigy1290

  1. Hey guys, im 19 and have a really bad recceeding hairline, its been going on for the past 3 years. I went to a dermatologist that's expertise is in hairloss and he recommended me to take Propeica. He told me that once i start taking it, that when i stop ill loose everything i gained. Also he said that my sexdrive will go down. I am sort of worried about this and also worried about taking this for the rest of my life. Can you guys suggest anything for me? I shave my head and wear a hat constantly and i hate it. SO basically should i take it? Pros? Cons? Also are there any vitamins that will help that wont affect my sex life? I really need help with this decision, thanks guys!

  2. Hey guys,


    Im 18yrs old with a terrible hairline. This week i will be starting to use: Revita and Spectral DNC to see if it helps. Is there anything else i could use or do to help out my hairline? and what u guys think about these two products?


    I shave my head right now, but it doesnt look very good because I wear a hat everyday and my skin tone from my face doesnt match with my forehead. Any ideas for this?


    Also ive worn a hat everyday of my life since I was in the 5th grade. weird I know, but is this why my hairline is the way it is. My moms grandfather has a good amount of hair at the age of 81.


    Another thing is, I constantly think about my hair all day and everyday. Is this considered stress? and it basically makes me depressed and i never want to do anything.



  3. Thanks guys, u have helped me alot.


    Originally posted by balody:

    prodigy,giants is right it really is common for hairlines to change as we enter maturity.

    the fact you are not finding hair in bath/on pillow is a good thing as i was finding it everywhere at your age.

    please try not to get depressed over this,your hair looks great short.over here all men your age wear it like that,is it different where you are?which brings me to my next question,you say you have a hard time with friends,do they mention it or make fun?if so is this a big part of the problem?


    Well i live in california and none of my friends have any type of hairloss. Which makes me wear my hat all the time. Most of my close friends dont mention it but some do. Im sort of in the middle of the popular kids and the i duno medium kids? lol, so i dont really know wear to fit in thats my main problem. I play varsity baseball and ive worked out evry day since last year, but i just cant fit in anywhere, but on the good side i am moving into an apartment with a friend next year for college, so maybe a fresh start for me.

  4. Originally posted by balody:

    prodigy,you dont look as if you have hairloss at all!you have a great head of hair certainly no need to hide under a cap.

    are you finding a lot of hair in the bath when you empty it?and i mean a lot not some.if so get on the meds, if not i imagine your just experiencing a maturing hair line.propecia is a powerful drug and you shouldnt be on it if you dont need to,it can have side effects that include loss of sex drive icon_eek.gifand you dont need that at eighteen.consider your choices carefully but in my opinion your hair looks fine,chuck the cap and enjoy it.


    Ive never found hair anywhere to tell you the truth.

  5. i have another question for u guys. My dad doest have that much hair but when he was my age he had no sign of hairloss like me. I am a really shy person, i hate going out, i have a hard time with friends. Can my receding hairline be caused by depression? and if so is it too late to help it.


    Also ive worn a hat everyday of my life since i was in 4th grade. (Im serious) I had a bowl cut,lol and i could never show it. Last yeari decided to cut my hair short (fade) and i noticed my hairline. Can it be caused by the hat too? i mean ever since 4th grade, makes me think.











  6. Hey im 18yrs old and have a big recceeding hairline, i overcome this by wearing a hat everyday of my life. Which shows my low self esteem, but i am getting sick of doing so. I am going off to college in 9months and would die for a hair transplant. Is this possible at my age? and would i just go in once and get it done, or later in my life would i have to go back..? please help me THANKS!!

  7. Hey im 18yrs old and have a big recceeding hairline, i overcome this by wearing a hat everyday of my life. Which shows my low self esteem, but i am getting sick of doing so. I am going off to college in 9months and would die for a hair transplant. Is this possible at my age? and would i just go in once and get it done, or later in my life would i have to go back..? please help me THANKS!!

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