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Posts posted by Gthompson

  1. Bill_

    Just as physicians and clinics should be accountable for their results, moderators of health based blogs need to create an environment which permits people to exchange accurate information. You have been down right rude and accusatory. This only serves to make you appear insecure in your opinions and just reinforces what your signature states......not backed by any medical authority, even the clinic you work with. Last Friday's PBS New Hour sited the internet as the number one cause of misconceptions because of posts on blogs. If the internet is going to develop into a true and trusted source of information for health care consumers, it will only be by support of true experts and citations. I know you will dismiss this as me trying to discredit you. So be it!


    Tubs- I appreciate your questions and believe you want to develop a dialogue of understanding so everyone can benefit. But, I am tired of being attacked for asking some questions.

  2. 1. I do not work for any group but myself. I said I worked with this doctor in the past.

    2. Why don't you correct your posters when all I did was answer a question and was touted as "protecting" a doctor for posting after someone implied that one doctor was better than another with out knowing someone's work.

    3. Your postersa think they are physicians. One commented that they did not have to follow the AMA guidelines. They do not, but most physicians do.

    4. It is generally known that money influences people.

    5. I never attacked the coalition. Why is quesioning if a doctor has good results not considered an attack, but asking about possible biasness is?

    I hope people to do their research and realizwe that your suggestions do not meet any national recognized criteria. They should see a trainned physician and get their questions answered. Part of that should be to see the doctor's results in my opinion and talk to other patients. But it is all to easy for non medical people to blog against and for a doctor. You even disclose that your opinions are just that. If you want to be validated take your consistent results and get them published by a medical journal. Remeber those are the people who have experience and more importantly recognized by national standards.

  3. This was not about me, it was about answering someone's question. When the patient had the consultation with PAI, he was shown the doctor;'s work. It appears no matter what the people ask it will always be spinned that unless they meet your criteria (with no formal experience) and pay a fee to the coalition, the doctor can not be good. You bad mouth MHR, yet one of the coalition doctors was trainned by MHR and I think does good work.

    The accepted medical standard is for a patient ot make an appointment, consult with the doctor and see his/ her work. You are right, let the patients do their research.

  4. What I do not think is fair is if a surgeon does good work but does not want to pay to be part of Pat's group, there appears to be an automatic prejudice against them. I have seen people write, if they were good they would be mentioned on this site. Why? Sounds to me like if one pays they are promoted. Hmmmm

  5. Some of the coalition doctors actually have worked for PAI. I have seen both good and bad work, but I have also seen good and bad work by colaition doctors. In the real world, physcians can not be certified as surgeons with out having complicaitons. Experiecne comes from complicaitons. If a group has no problems they are either not telling the truth or do no thave enough cases. It amazes me how someone calls themselves a "sugeon" but has never performed a surgery in a hospital setting with surpervison by trainned staff. I would never go to a doctor who had not completed some formal residency trainning in surgery. I said "completed". You have colaition doctors who did the least they could to start hair transplants and their oly motivaiton was money.

  6. I have owrked with Dr. Stoller as a surgical assistant. He is a dedicated physician who does some really nice work. I have assisted with many hair transplant surgeries, and his work is as good as it gets. He would never do "out dated" work as some have implicated. Dr. Stoller has studied facial aesthetic surgery for many years and completed a formal residency in facial surgery including hair transplants. I think it is important for doctors to do good work but they also need to be part of an accepted board of study that is apporved by the educaiton councils which govern medical education.

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