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Posts posted by Hairnutter123

  1. Hello


    My worries are about things done in private. I thought everything here is done in the open.


    and also I said sorry for upsetting people.


    I sent my replies back to balody to be polite as I am a very polite person. I was raised that way and not to be sneaky about stuff.

    But I was worried and then a salesman contacted me in private.


    THAT is what upset me MORE


    This whole thing has upset me and now upset you.

    This whole thing has now make me think twice about using these chat rooms.


    Lots of people are happy but I am very upset now.


    Thank you and goodbye

  2. Hello


    I am a bit confussed about advise and information that I have had and why it is not on my thread and sent to me personally


    Sorry to the people that sent me messages but I would like other people to answer my worries.


    The two messages I am upset about the most I have copied below.




    balody Posted May 09, 2008 04:06 AM

    hi,ive spoken to mick about your case and he has suggested you email him at mick@fajjo.com

    ive explained your situation both repair and financial and he has said he can sort something out for you.drop him a line as he helped me immensley with my first ht.



    mick m chugh Posted May 09, 2008 04:06 PM May 09, 2008 04:06 PM

    Sorry to hear about your hair.if you want me to show you products which will definitely disguise anything i will be happy to do so.Even if you do not wish to "officially" come in for a consultation with one of the doctors i will be more than happy to demonstrate the things which would help.

    Research is crucial but just try to make sure that you see an actual doctor to discuss your specifics and insist on meeting several patients from your chosen clinic. My email is mick@farjo.com

    Good luck





    I maybe wrong and I am sorry if I am but do many clinics get promoted by personal messages and not on peoples threads publicly.


    Balody. I am a little upset that you gave my details to a salesman, do you work for this man ?


    I am very upset by all this and feel like this industry has not changed since I was last talked into a cure for my problems with my hair. I did not look for an answer on the internet before as I thought hair transplants were still the same as they were 14 years ago. I then found this forum and thought my prays had been answered but I think all I have made myself is a target for salesmen.


    I hope I am wrong but in my head I now think that all this hair stuff is a world wide conspiesy for money and not happiness and all the posters here are in on it.


    I never asked anyone to show my pictures to anyone and I also didnt ask to be contacted in private by Mick Mchugh or Balody.


    Can someone please explain? Why this was not on my topic and hidden. I think this happens a lot and I think many others will think this is inappropriate.


    What do any of the other members think of this and the Farjo clinic.


    Thank you

  3. Hello


    I am a bit confussed about advise and information that I have had and why it is not on my thread and sent to me personally


    Sorry to the people that sent me messages but I would like other people to answer my worries.


    The two messages I am upset about the most I have copied below.




    balody Posted May 09, 2008 04:06 AM

    hi,ive spoken to mick about your case and he has suggested you email him at mick@fajjo.com

    ive explained your situation both repair and financial and he has said he can sort something out for you.drop him a line as he helped me immensley with my first ht.



    mick m chugh Posted May 09, 2008 04:06 PM May 09, 2008 04:06 PM

    Sorry to hear about your hair.if you want me to show you products which will definitely disguise anything i will be happy to do so.Even if you do not wish to "officially" come in for a consultation with one of the doctors i will be more than happy to demonstrate the things which would help.

    Research is crucial but just try to make sure that you see an actual doctor to discuss your specifics and insist on meeting several patients from your chosen clinic. My email is mick@farjo.com

    Good luck





    I maybe wrong and I am sorry if I am but do many clinics get promoted by personal messages and not on peoples threads publicly.


    Balody. I am a little upset that you gave my details to a salesman, do you work for this man ?


    I am very upset by all this and feel like this industry has not changed since I was last talked into a cure for my problems with my hair. I did not look for an answer on the internet before as I thought hair transplants were still the same as they were 14 years ago. I then found this forum and thought my prays had been answered but I think all I have made myself is a target for salesmen.


    I hope I am wrong but in my head I now think that all this hair stuff is a world wide conspiesy for money and not happiness and all the posters here are in on it.


    I never asked anyone to show my pictures to anyone and I also didnt ask to be contacted in private by Mick Mchugh or Balody.


    Can someone please explain? Why this was not on my topic and hidden. I think this happens a lot and I think many others will think this is inappropriate.


    What do any of the other members think of this and the Farjo clinic.


    Thank you

  4. Hello


    Dakota3 and Dewayne.


    Thank you for your replies. I must admit I am feeling much better having read your comments. Yes I agree that some of my problem is in my head. I have read about a thing called self image and I know a woman who is very paranoid about her legs, she never goes out with them uncovered, but to me they are very nice :-) But it is how she seems them that effects her life.


    I think I need to have a bit more confidence in myself. When I wrote on this forum about everyone staring at my hairline deep down I did know that not everyone does. But just one person doing it can turn a nice day into a bad one where all I want to do is run for cover.


    I have worked out a plan which I think will be good for me. I am going to start saving like crazy, already have extended my working hours. I will have a go with dakota3 advice and grow my hair and try topik. I should be able to save about ??5000 in about 8 months if I am very careful.


    I have searched for Topik and also found another thing called Nanogen. Can anyone recommend which could be better and also the best place to buy it from.


    Thank you everyone.

  5. Hello


    balody, thank you for your comments. I am sorry about the quality of photos. I have tried with the flash on an then off, on different settings. I tried some outside but still my hair looks better than it is or maybe I think it is worse.


    It may sound strange but your comment about it being not as bad as you had thought it would be has cheered me up. But also I do know something must be done.


    I have been doing some calculations and looking at lots of pictures. I think it I would need 2000 grafts minimum to make a change to my hairline, maybe more. This would be about ??6000 plus ? Not impossible for me to achieve but some serious savings and extra hours. But all worth it.


    If I wanted to see a good Doctor it would have to be in England as going to another country would not be possible for me just for advice.


    Thank you again

  6. Hello


    Dewayne, That does sound like a good plan. I would rather be bald than in my current situation.

    I have now got some photos that maybe people can comment on, please. It was a nightmare trying to take a picture that really shows how bad it looks. In all my photos I took my hair looks very thin but sort of ok. I tried to camera on a close setting.

    The picture does not show the lumps and bumps that the plugs caused when I had them done, the only way I can describe them is like the surface of the moon, sort of craters and risen bits.

    Do you think I have enough hair to hide these if I had what you suggested.

    Thank you

  7. Hello


    Dewayne, you are very right in what you say. I have often heard and read that you cannot put a price on happiness. I would sacrafice my car to be able to walk outside and know that people are not going to talk to my hairline, unfortunately I had to give up my nice car when I changed my work, I now drive something that would not even pay for my bus fare to a clinic if I sold it.

    Most of my work is on the telephone from home, I even took a lower paid job so I have less contact with people as I am sick to death of people talking to my hairline, if someone notices my plugs then that is all they seem to stare at !


    But I know I have to kick myself and get on with life, there does now seem to be an answer, have now increased the number of hours I will work and also going to do a 6 day week. I know that this will be worth it as I know I need to be fixed, with this will I am sure my old confidence will return and then I can return to my profession and get my old life back.


    Maybe I have my calculations wrong but it does seem that for someone in the UK it is a little cheaper to go to America and have an HT, because of the dollar rate at the moment ? With the added bonus of a mini holiday. But it still worries me about going so far for surgery. Having to come back through customs having just been operated on, but saying that I have not anything that says this has been a problem for any guys.


    Never been further than France or Spain. Could be the start of a world wide adventure.




    Yes, like I mentioned I did get a confused by the Doctor Rogers issue. Do you know when those guys will review him.


    Thank you

  8. I thought about this as a way of sorting out my hair problems. Just read all the way through this and am glad I did not. I did not see anyone but looked at a AHS leaflet and called them some time ago. It looked good but the cost put me off.


    In my opinion this seems like another company that promises happiness but delivers nothing at a very high price. Like the results of my HT.


    Some people / companies have no morals.

  9. Hello


    Made me think of my passport, now four years out of date so from 14 years ago. I must be one of the only people who likes their passport photo as I look much better, hair looked good then. Dreading having to get another one as look like crap now, but I suppose if I choose to go abroad to have an HT I will have to get one :-(

  10. Thank you again all.




    Sorry I think I must have not read your post properly. The bit about Dr Rogers, I thought he was recommended here. This did confuse me as I have seen one of his patients, who was happy but I still did not think it looked 100% natural, by that I mean compared with some photos on here that I have seen. So that is one point cleared up.


    This is why I realise I should have joined a forum sooner and not just sat on the side lines, much better info this way,


    I think I can see that a good natural result can be got by choosing the right surgeon. My only issue now would be cost, my problem I know. The recovery time is not an issue as I do not see many people anyway. But am going to have to start a serious overhaul of my finances.


    Thank you again

  11. Thank you balody, Richie48 and Dewayne..


    Camera up and running but very difficult to take photos of the back that are clear.

    My sister is coming round tomorrow to take some pics and is also much better on a PC than me. So pics should be here late tomorrow.


    Great news about the scar situation. I do understand that no surgery can have 100% guarantee.


    To be able to buzz to a grade 2 would be fantastic.



    I have noticed that the names of 2 clinics keeps appearing time and time again.. Fajoe and Feller.. I guess these must be the favourite choices for people here. I do not want to start a debate on which one is best and I have also seen other Clinics mentioned on here that do amazing work.. but are these two the most popular with you guys. Maybe due to location also.


    Thank you all again




    Thank you

  12. Hello balody.


    Managed to pick up a digital camera today so pics will be on here asap.

    Thanks for your kind words.

    I did post on another topic about scars on the back of my head (the donor). Even though my HT is bad the scar is ok, can easily hide it when I keep my hair down to a grade 5. I have been reading about scars and know that they can be very good now. I am sure from photos I have seen I could find a surgeon who can fix the problem I have with my hairline.. but I am concerned about then having a problem with my donor... sort of moving the problem from one area to another.

    Is it possible to combine an HT on the hairline with an HT in my old scar.. or would this have to be done on seperate operations ?


    I know photos would help... am going to work on those now.


    Thank you

  13. Sorry guys. Just put this edit thing in as I think I have posted this in the wrong place. Have copied it into my own "need advice" thread.. maybe it could be removed. New to this.




    There is so much information on this forum that it could take an age to read.


    Scars are one of my major issues. My UK HT has left me with a terrible result on my recipient area but the scar from my donor is ok, sort of, and I can hide it as long as I do not cut my hair shorter than a grade 5.


    It seems so important to choose a Doctor that cares about the donor area also. I know I have not yet posted any pics.. will do very soon.


    My main concern is that any further work may help with the top of my head but the donor taken from the wrong area or leaving a bad scar will just change the problem I have from the top of my head to the back.


    Interesting reading.

  14. Wow..


    cheers guys... I feel a little awkard now having come across like a wimp..


    Pat, great info thankyou. So Dr Rogers is a good bet, maybe even if its just for a consultation..? I had met someone ages ago.. his HT was ok and had been by Dr Rogers... it was about 1000% better than mine but I could still see it was an HT.. but that was awhile ago..


    Dakota... I have just ordered some toppik on line.. will give it a go.. cheers mate.


    Dewayne... thank you


    Balody.. these look great.... given me so much to think about.. all I can say is wow..cheered my up so much, sorry for sounding like a pratt... just a little down last night.


    Thank you all... Support like this is fantastic.

  15. I know they are deadly...


    but I also suffer from depression.... which I can assure you is also deadly..


    I did start at a self help group but some of the people I chatted to did the usual and kept looking up at my hairline... nice row of plugs that always draw attention..


    But yes.. I agree.... I should give up..


    Thank you

  16. Hello balody (again)..


    You probably think that I am a bit stupid... I will be the first to admit that my research has been a bit limited..


    I often see results and think how can they be real... they look so good. I am afraid that my only experience was a UK transplant 5 years ago.. I saw an advert in a Sunday magazine, contacted them and they promised me so much. Only 2 weeks later and ??4000 pounds worse off I thought all my problems were over..


    Its an emotional subject for me... sorry I come across as an idiot but my life is such a mess.


    Thank you..

  17. Hello balody.


    Thank you for your reply.


    I suppose I am just asking what I have seen so many people ask, is there somewhere close to home that carries out good HT's.

    It worries me having to travel so far to have surgery.. and then the journey back.

    I suppose if something is worth doing and to get what we want then I think it would be worth it.

    I do not think that I could have been doing my research that well as I did not realise Farjo was in the UK.

    I know it seems crazy but I am just so embarrased about my hair, but then I suppose at a consult I do not have a unique situation and the surgeon would have seen worse.

    Thank you

  18. Do people think that smoking can make hairloss worse.


    Since my London HT 5 years ago my life has got worse and worse.. I do not go out much as I am so paranoid. I am lucky as I work from home.. I have no or little contact with people.


    The only thing that stops me going crazy is my cigaretts.. but I would try and give them up if it made my hair grow


    Thank you

  19. Hello


    I see hear another great result and happy patient produced by Dr Feller.


    Is Dr Feller the No.1 or are there other Doctors that can do this type of work. Are there many others and who are they.


    I am sorry I am repeating myself as I have posted this on the other thread... but I am so worried about having another HT after the mess I am in from my last one done in London.


    Thank you

  20. Sorry I forgot to ask


    Who is the best HT surgeon... is there one that stands out.


    I have not seen anything I think is great in the United Kingdom.. all the good ones seem to be in the USA.. Like Dr Feller, just to name one.


    Are there any clinics in the Uk that do good work.. or closer to the Uk than the USA.


    I did meet someone awhile ago who had an HT in the Uk.. by Doctor Rogers.. it looked ok but I do not think I would be 100% happy, even though it is 100% better than what I have.


    Thank you

  21. Hello.


    Even though I have been reading various forums over the past year I have never posted before.


    I have read loads of information and done many hours of research on Hair Transplants. I think though I have reached the point where some direct advice for my situation would be great.


    I know that some pictures would help but I do not have a digital camera at the moment but will get one soon.


    I am 43 years old and 5 years ago had a transplant with a clinic that promised a wonderful thing called FUE, I have since found out that I was given mini grafts. The work does not look good but is behind my existing hairline, my donor scar is quite good and hard to find.


    I was wondering about medications but am and have been very sensitive to anything.


    I hope I am making sense and maybe someone could point me in the right direction or maybe ask me some relevent questions.


    My life is becoming more depressing as my HT is showing more... one of my friends even called me Elton John in front of lots of people and then told them why !! Who needs friend like that !!


    Any help would be a god send.


    Thank you


    (sorry about the silly name "Hairnutter"... but my hair is driving me nuts )

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