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Posts posted by Valhero

  1. Thanks!


    First i missed the smell, because it was easyer to know if you still have some product on the hands after washing them. But now, after some days of using the unscented one, i used to it and i think it is really better than the smelly one.

    I will stay on this one,



  2. Hello everyone!


    I wanted to know if anyone noticed that the rogaine foam doesn't have smell anymore?? I got a new tube from a friend and noticed that the foam doesn't have the same old smell(which didn't bother at all). Is it possible that they made this change in the production??


    thanks and best regards!

  3. First thank you for the answer..

    But,i am already using the foam and i also try to apply it nowhere else than on the scalp.i am careful as much as i can with this and i wash my hands 3,4 times with the soap after applying it.so i really don't know what is the problem..do you think that pulling out the little hair could be a solution?




  4. Hi all,

    i wrote in a previous post about side effect like chest pain and headaches caused by rogaine.i discovered that that was happening because i put too much rogaine on my head.now that i putt less drug those side effects disappeared.but now after about 2 months of use i have noticed tiny hair growing around my eyebrow and even on my face.i am now wondering how far can this facial hair growth go and also if i can solve this with pulling those little hair out?however i wouldn't like to stop using this medicine because it is helping me with hair growth on the scalp-i have already noticed lot of new hair growing..



  5. Anyone had serious side effects with Rogaine like me?I dont know if this is only in my mind or it is real,but when i apply it on my head i fell nervous and confused.One day i also had a strong headache in half of my head-i dont know if this is because of the product but i thought so.I had also chest pain but i think that was because i applyed too much product(now i apply half a capfull like it is prescribed).i am now comfused about continuing to use it or not.

    if anyone can help me i would be gratefull.


  6. Anyone had serious side effects with Rogaine like me?I dont know if this is only in my mind or it is real,but when i apply it on my head i fell nervous and confused.One day i also had a strong headache in half of my head-i dont know if this is because of the product but i thought so.I had also chest pain but i think that was because i applyed too much product(now i apply half a capfull like it is prescribed).i am now comfused about continuing to use it or not.

    if anyone can help me i would be gratefull.


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