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Posts posted by Rahul_39

  1. Chucky,


    Here is the pic which according to me is a very vague interpretation of their phase1 result(please note its phase1 and not phase2).


    Safety rather than Effeciency was their primary quil in phase1. During phase2 they talked about prestimulation of epidermis cells prior to injection of DP cells, which resulted in 103% hair growth(according to them).


    Fingers crossed and 2007 has been a year of guessing(HM). hopefully 2008 gives foundation to new firm hopes..March should be an eye opener for a guy like me after reading their phase2 results along with few pics..!


  2. All,


    Just wondering if we can listen to any thing exciting in the new year!!


    ICX-TRC(Press release from intercytex site on Dec 18 2007)


    ICX-TRC is a novel hair regeneration product. It consists of a suspension of autologous dermal papilla (DP) cells. These cells are able to stimulate the generation of new hairs when injected into the scalp in close proximity to the epithelial cells which generate the hair.


    In September this year we announced the first results from the current Phase II trial. In the sub-group of subjects (5 in total) whose scalp was pre-stimulated at the time of injection all subjects showed substantial and visible increased hair counts at 6 and/or 12 weeks (13-105%). We believe this increased hair production is attributable to the interaction between the injected DP cells and the stimulated resident hair producing cells.


    A further 5 subjects have now been treated with ICX-TRC using the pre-stimulation technique with 2 more expected in January. By the end of March 2008 we expect to announce preliminary 12 week data on up to 16 subjects in total and preliminary 24 week data on up to 10 subjects.


    Merry christmas and glorious new year 2 everyone..



  3. Omar,


    You are going to grow real hair on ur head if ICX-TRC is commercialised.


    Derma Papilla cells are extracted from back of your head and cultivated in vitro and then injected back to recipient areas where there is thinning or no hair. Phase 2 trials had shown some efficacy and they have seen some hair growth in their clinical results on patients.



    So its going to be natural. Initially they were not sure about the orientation of the newly sprouted hair, but now if you check the latest intercytex patents, you can see that they have found a way to inject the cells in such a way that orientation will no longer be a issue(they talk about a robot to do the same here).


    I had visited the site of GHO sometime back and sent them a mail asking for their clarification. I posted that mail in this forum sometime back. I think we need to look at more before/after pics of the patients from GHO before actually considering it as a viable option.

  4. hi guys,


    there are few companies and individuals in pipeline who can spell out the ground breaking news at anytime. I am keenly waiting.


    Here you are..

    1. Intercytex (Paul Kemp et al.)

    2. Follica, Inc. (George Cotsarelis, Elaine Fuchs et al.)

    3. Aderans (Ken Washenik et al.)

    4. PhoenixBio (??)

    5. Shishedo (??)

    6. Acell, Inc (??)

    7. Hair Research Laboratory, University of British Columbia (Kevin McElwee)

    8. Zhejiang University, China (Lu Zhongfa)

    9. Big Pharma (e.g., Merck, Pfizer, etc)

    10. Gho Clinic (Coen Gho)



    PS:- The above list is a copy/paste from other site. So i don't take the credit icon_smile.gif




  5. Indian,


    I am not sure if it has to do with minox..


    I use both fin and min together, so cannot really conclude which is the main verdict. But please do some research on this..i remember we had a non-perfect handshake discussion on this sometime back.



    Coming to dark circles under eyes, i haven't had any such circles until i had my last HT surgery. I also believe it has something to do with my spectacles( i am seeing a dermatologist to understand the root cause). But Please there is nothing to panic, as most of them are using the same and have had no complaints...!


    All the Best!




  6. Actually i went back to them asking for few clarifications upon seeing this thread here...


    I got a reply from them. Lets discuss and pose any other questions if possible to them..



    Dear XXXX,


    Thank you very much for your interest in the new improved method of hair transplantation, HairStemcell Transplantation?®.


    I'll try to answer your questions as good as possible.


    First of all you asked if you can get a full head of hair. We can make it look like you have natural head of hair ( this is our main goal), but it'll probably never get as dense anymore then it was before the hair loss started. There are certain techniques like placing the grafts in a certain angle, focussing in the middle part of the hair line etc., that can make it look more dense. We are able to place the grafts very close to each other, since we're working with very small needles to extract the grafts and making the holes in the recipient area. This of course will also create a higher density.


    As far as the price goes, this depends on the number of grafts that needs to be transplanted. This varies normally from 600/700 up to 1400/1600 with prices from 3900 euro's up to 8250 euro's. You can get a 25% discount when you choose for a educational treatment, which means that staff in training will assist with the treatment, supervised by trained staff.


    The information below will explain you a little more about the treatment and the technique.


    Of course this is all general information and a more personal advise can be given after we know more about your or your friends situation regarding hair loss.


    With HairStemcell Transplantation?® we use a needle of 0.5 up to 0.6 mm to extract only a minimal piece of tissue. The tissue contains a very small part of the hair stem cells, but sufficient to produce a new hair. Therefore, we leave far more tissue behind in the donor area compared to the other techniques like Follicular Unit Extraction or Follicular Multiplication.


    In previous (fundamental as well as clinical) studies doctor Coen Gho revealed that the whole follicle is not needed to regenerate hair growth. If a portion of the follicle remains in the donor area, it can regenerate a new hair, even when a part of the follicle is removed. The part, which has been removed, will also produce a hair when transplanted into the recipient area. So, one hair follicle is able to produce more hairs.


    Our specially developed instruments and experience of our staff makes it possible to put this knowledge into practice.


    The rate of multiplication is therefore higher compared to the other techniques. Because with the other techniques, frequently, too much follicular tissue is extracted from the donor area, so only the graft will generate a new hair.


    Therefore, with this technique, we can preserve more donor area compared to the other techniques.


    Other advantages are faster and better wound healing and we are able to create a higher density.


    You can find additional information on our website: www.HairScienceInstitute.com


    I hope that I have given you sufficient information; however, if you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to contact us,


    Yours sincerely,

    Katinka Meijer, assistant technician

    Team Hair Science Institute Amsterdam



  7. if i remember properly, there are couple of guys in other hairsite forums who tried this so called homemade follicular neogenesis. This is based on work by costarelis and fuchs, as well as the new startup Folica inc.


    They did this....


    1) Mix lithium orotate or chloride (1 1/2 crushed pills) with diemythl sulfoxide or DMSO (1 tsp of liquid) and caffeine (2 tsps of powder). Mix thoroughly in a bowl. These topicals appear to increase WNT signalling.


    2. Stir powder mixture into na 8 oz solution of 50% water plus 50% ethyl alcohol. This solution should increase absorption by decreasing particle size of powder. After thoroughly mixing pour solution in a spray bottle or dropper.


    3. Use a dermaroller or lancet to gently wound the scalp. This creates wounding on the scalp that MAY mimic the wounding necessary to create-stem cell like conditions for new hair growth.


    4. Spray solution directly on scalp.


    Do spraying and wounding several times a week


    I hope they had few issues as to how deep the wounding should be and use of lithium..




  8. Dr George Cotsarelis and colleagues from the Department of Dermatology, Kligman Laboratories, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, in Philadelphia, US, found that when skin is wounded, the cells of the epidermis take on the properties of stem cells and generate new hair follicles that are capable of growing new shafts of hair.


    So far the results have only been achieved in mice, but the hope is the same is true of human skin.


    The above is copy/paste from the site below.


  9. Badger,


    Percentages according to me is not the best way to actually assess the hair growth(atleast for the wider hair loss fraternity). i was expecting something like haircounts. Anyway based on my calculations


    lets say you have a bald area


    it is about 4 inches by 4 inches

    it has 20 hairs on it.........................


    200percent regrowth, which you say is the best HM has shown, would be 40 new hairs in this area.


    see anything wrong in this picture?




    I have been following Intercytex, Aderans, Acell(though they work on veternary products) closely

    Just for info, Acell powder had showed some signs of hair growth on skins of animals where there was no hair before(after using Acell powder in the wounded area). so to cut it short, we wound the bald area say with gentle needling and spray some ACell powder to see the new growth(this is still in its infant stage though).


    As far as intercytex results are concerned,

    Interim results for six months ended 30 june 2007 is released on 25th september 2007.



    Info i extracted was from the following PDF.

    << http://www.intercytex.com/icx/investors/rep/rep2007/200...07-09-25.pdf>>




  10. Hi There,


    Probably useful info from intercytex phase 2 trial results. Does look like some efficacy in their R&D programme.pre-stimulation of epidermis prior to injection of DP cells have resulted a crackering 105% hair growth. 2 lost to study( probably out there with their gfnds hanging around icon_smile.gif )


    Anyways here you are::


    "?? Efficacy trials designed to look for new hair growth

    "?? Rolling programme to optimise delivery technique

    "?? 12 patients treated (2 lost to study), preliminary data encouraging

    "?? 2 main variations on delivery technique assessed;

    ??“ Group 1 (no pre-stimulation of epidermis) - at 24 weeks 2 out of 5 patients

    showed significant increase in hair counts (21 & 55%)

    ??“ Group 2 (pre-stimulation of epidermis) - all 5 patients showed significant hair

    increase (13 ??“ 105%) [6 and 12 week data]

    "?? Stimulation of epidermis prior to injection appears to improve results

    "?? Further improvements in delivery technique planned for next 8 patients

    "?? New IP being generated


    Best Regards,


  11. Hi There,


    Probably useful info from intercytex phase 2 trial results. Does look like some efficacy in their R&D programme.pre-stimulation of epidermis prior to injection of DP cells have resulted a crackering 105% hair growth. 2 lost to study( probably out there with their gfnds hanging around icon_smile.gif )


    Anyways here you are::


    "?? Efficacy trials designed to look for new hair growth

    "?? Rolling programme to optimise delivery technique

    "?? 12 patients treated (2 lost to study), preliminary data encouraging

    "?? 2 main variations on delivery technique assessed;

    ??“ Group 1 (no pre-stimulation of epidermis) - at 24 weeks 2 out of 5 patients

    showed significant increase in hair counts (21 & 55%)

    ??“ Group 2 (pre-stimulation of epidermis) - all 5 patients showed significant hair

    increase (13 ??“ 105%) [6 and 12 week data]

    "?? Stimulation of epidermis prior to injection appears to improve results

    "?? Further improvements in delivery technique planned for next 8 patients

    "?? New IP being generated


    Best Regards,


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