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Prop Broker

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Posts posted by Prop Broker

  1. Checking in after the first month. The healing process went well, with no issues. I always hated the removal of the stitches, but thanks to disposable stitches, they slowly fade away, and that post 10-14 day period of discomfort waiting to remove the regular stitches and the actual removal is something I did not have to endure. On a side note, I never had staples. Personally, and I am no doctor, I don't see how staples could hold tight enough to prevent donor scar stretching.

    The scalp area redness is fading, some of the hairs are falling out and the scalp feels normal again. The donor area is back to about 90% discomfort free.

    Overall my 30 post-op experience is as good as can be expected, now its the wait for the growth.

    Doing the finasteride and rogain foam(on the crown) religiously until month 8.

  2. I started using the rogaine (foam) on day 10 post HT. The foam does not have the irratation effect of the liquid. I have used rogaine for 17 years, starting with home made minox before it came on the market, then 2% , then 5% to generic 5%. It never grew any hair for me and slowed down the crown area, but not the front.

    Then I stated to slack off in 2003.

    I used it once a day and I continued to lose hair, even w/ finasteride which I stopped in 2006. Today I am a NW 6 with very diffuse thinning, and 2500 grafts.

    this time I am using the foam, 2x a day and finasteride, while the 2300 graft HT grows in to see where I am at in 8 months. I will have good pics at that time.


    My advice, if you have lots of hair to maintain, use the foam and ise the finasteride and use it as directed for you best chance at saving what you got. An HT should be the last option, its never as good as dense natural hair.


    I have had 2 prior FU Strip procedures approx. 7-8 years ago totally about 2500 grafts with a reputable Dr. known to these forums. Micro & minis were the norm, FU strips were relatively new and FUEs were a debated procedure only being done by a doctor in Australia at the time. The veterans will know quite well of the times which I speak.

    Let me preface this by saying that my procedures(strip) went well(both times), both in the donor and implantation areas. My MPB at the time of my first HT was a 3V, but as time went by, even with the use of rogaine and finasteride, without any HTs at all, I would be a 6 today. Many experienced HT persons before me had spoken of the "catch up" game that happens when your original hairs start falling out between your implanted hairs, so while your implanted hairs remain, the thinning appearance accelerates as the original hairs vacate, refer to my before pics). Unfortunately the topicals and medication did not halt or regrow my original hair, but they did slow things down. Also, a FUE procedure for me is not an option due to amount of graphs I require and its associated cost, plus I already have a donor scar.


    Dr. Vogel & The Plan:

    My thinning had reached a point that it started to bother me again, especially in the mid to crown region. Also, my implanted hairline seemed to be a little too straight and not quite symmetrical(see pics). And the final thing that bothered me was the thinning of my original hair around the implants in the frontal region lead to a very thin appearance both from the front and top view.

    I had met Dr. Vogel years back and he showed me his work on the hair line area, and how he staggers the hairs to give it a softer appearance. I decided to meet with him to discuss what current procedures he uses and what could be done to improve my MPB. Let me be clear, this consultation was NOT for repair work, but for a regular HT procedure to add and enhance my existing state. The consultation was very encouraging. The donor area closure is always a big concern of mine(we all have read the horror stories) and I was pleased to hear about his TRICHOPHYTIC CLOSURE technique and that he uses dissolvable stitches(I HATE having the stitches removed). I also like where he would be obtaining the donor area compared to the last Dr. I had used. Also, being a veteran HT patient, you know how to look for doctored(pardon the pun) patient photos, and his portfolio displayed realistic, clear pics of various patients and hair types, with front, top and back pictures. We discussed my plan, and expectations. He drew a brief lay-out on my head to show the what, were and how. I wanted a large session and without me saying, our number of graft expectations matched (2000). This is the 3rd time I had met Dr. Vogel, once years ago, previously mentioned, and another just this prior week concerning a consult for my wife. You definately get a sense from him that he is meticulous, professional and takes great pride in his work. You are the final judge on what you want, there is no sales pitch or pressure at all. I felt confident and comfortable in what we discussed. I decided to go for HT #3 with Dr. Vogel.



    The Day Of Surgery

    My initial sense of Dr. Vogel's professionalism and meticulous organization came alive on the day of surgery. I have read on these forums from posters putting down doctors who do other forms of plastic surgery in addition to HTs, as if that were a bad thing. But let me tell you this, this HT procedure was 1st class and well organized all the way. The staff was very friendly and each introduced themselves. You wear scrubs which are more comfortable and a nice change from street cloths. What was the greatest factor to this whole procedure was the use of sedation. Previously, I have spent 9-11 hrs in a chair, wide awake, during the donor removal and during all the implanting and the countless numbing injections. Dr. Vogel's use of sedation made this 6-7 hr procedure fly by, in total comfort (I was in and out at times). Needless to say, I was amazed. This sedation method is one of the advantages I found to using a plastic surgery specialist and not the standard HT only location. The entire procedure is well planned out and performed in a very clean, operating room type environment. There is a private patient prep room area used before and after the procedure for patient briefings and a meal break. Prior to leaving, Dr. Vogel showed me the work that was performed, and I had also agreed to get back on the finasteride. You can see from the pics that the hairline was made more symmetrical and less linear. The frontal area was packed and then spread throughout to the crown area.


    The Day After

    Today, as I write this, is the day after. Again, having had 2 HTs prior, the days, weeks and months to come I know what to expect during the healing process and how to treat my new grafts properly. The donor area feels good, the stitched area feels smooth, and actually feels like its covered in hair, unlike past stitches where you could feel the protruding weaving of the stitches. Not to tight and not much pain. Note for the newbies, the first time you remove a donor strip is the worst, but after that the pain is less. the implanted area feels fine, I don't seem to need any pain medication during the day. Icing the donor and forehead every hour as directed, I learned from HT #2 that this really keeps the swelling down. My first HT I looked like a blow fishicon_smile.gif


    Writer's Note:

    Prior to my consultation, I searched these forums for information about Dr. Vogel. While I found some good information written by Pat explaining his procedures and visit with him, there wasn't much information being posted by previous patients of Dr. Vogel, other than a few that recommended him for repair work or had a consultation. As an experienced HT patient, I would recommend a procedure with Dr. Vogel without any hesitation. Regardless of where you are on the Norwood scale, Dr. Vogel would be a superior choice to have an HT performed. His methods, organization, meticulousness and over-all experience in plastic surgery earn him my highest regard and recommendation.



    More result pics to come!

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