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Posts posted by diego

  1. You know I have been thinking for sometime now if I should use propecia or proscar but to be honest I'm affraid to use them.

    I know you have certain results but I understood that you have might experience a low sexual drive or something similar.

    That is an area that I don't wanna mess withicon_biggrin.gif

    I'm really confused...

  2. Hello good people,

    I have a few questions about dermmatch and the way it works.

    I have been using a concealer similar to nanogen and nobody has noticed it.

    The problem comes because it takes me everyday to apply it which is becoming a real pain in the ass.

    Another problem is when I am playing sports or when I sweat, I am afraid that it's gonna come down on my forehead.

    So I want to know when you apply dermmatch does it come off when you sleep, or when it rains?

    I'm also curious to know how many times can you apply it on your hair before getting a new pack

    Thanks in advance,

  3. Originally posted by Packers Fan:

    Welcome to the group Diego.

    Propecia is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor which reduces the amount of DHT in your body. It's mostly used to prevent further hair loss, but it can regrow some hair. Most of the studies I know of were done on the crown area. It has been shown that it does increase the total hair count on the crown if taken daily. Some doctors will suggest taking it every 48 hours to save money, but there is no evidence that you get the same effect. Also, from what I've read, the longer you have been bald in a certain area, the less likely that hair will grow back with Propecia.



    Thank you very much but I'm still little confused.Well i started geting bald 2-3 years ago and you mentioned that"Also, from what I've read, the longer you have been bald in a certain area, the less likely that hair will grow back with Propecia"so is it late for me to start taking propecia?Cos i want to restore as much as i can so should i take propecia or some other shampoo or some other drug similar to propecia?I dont know much about this drugs so I'm trying to get the best drug for hair-restoration...So I want to hear other people's opinion.What was your experience with using this drug or some similar.I'm looking forward to your answers people.


  4. Hello people.I'm new here and like many of you here we share the same problem.I started to lose hair,I had a beautifull hair and not its gone.My dad is bald so I guess that is why i'm bald also but unlike me he does not have a problem with that.So i had a surgery and had my hair transplanted.Its not great but it is ok.And cos i dont plan to make more surgeries want to ask you about Propecia.I mean what are the effects of taking it?works?is it harmfull taking propecia?Are there some negative effects to the health?How much does it cost?how long do I need to take it?I tried getting propecia in my country but i could not find so I will have to order it.So I would be very greatfull if you can guys here can give me more informations...


  5. Hello people.I'm new here and like many of you here we share the same problem.I started to lose hair,I had a beautifull hair and not its gone.My dad is bald so I guess that is why i'm bald also but unlike me he does not have a problem with that.So i had a surgery and had my hair transplanted.Its not great but it is ok.And cos i dont plan to make more surgeries want to ask you about Propecia.I mean what are the effects of taking it?works?is it harmfull taking propecia?Are there some negative effects to the health?How much does it cost?how long do I need to take it?I tried getting propecia in my country but i could not find so I will have to order it.So I would be very greatfull if you can guys here can give me more informations...


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