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Posts posted by Biblim

  1. capello... tried to post all my pics before and after, but could do it.You can check all my pics on the other 2 forums.Good luck with your surgery coming up and be confident, that you will be in gr8 hands. Good luck and keep us updated and yes one thing keep the scalp excercise going good.


    davyj... Thanks my man.Any updates on your progress. Good growing

  2. Thanks guys.

    I don't know what happened with the yield. Did scalp excercise way in advance. Dr. Hasson/Joe liked the density/laxity of the scalp. So,no issue there.


    But, I am happy with the # of grafts as long as I get the desired results. I have seen patients with high count but not impressive outcome and otherwise. every one responds differently.


    For me the outcome matters the most.


    Any advise on when is it best to take the staples out. Is it possible to get the area frozen to avoid pain.

  3. I got my procedure done with Dr. Hasson on Jan 08 for a total of 3930 grafts. Although we aimed for around 4500 based on my thickness at the back but fell a little short. Dr Hasson said it would be enough to achieve the thickness in the front going back.


    The procedure lasted for about 9 hours and was painless except for the needles in the forehead and the long staying still, lying down thingy. The Doc. & the staff were very helpful.


    Had a little problem sleeping the night after. Had a nice next morning wash at the clinic, checked by the doc. and on my way to the airport for a 5 hour flight to Toronto. The entire travel was a breeze, no one even asked me to take the cap off.


    Today is the 5th day and things are looking good. I still have some swelling on the face specially around the eyes and nose area. No pain after the first night till today but, discomfort in the staple area and tension around and up to the beginning of the receiving area. The top of the head still feels very numb and tight.


    I am washing my head every day and applying Vitamin E Oil on the recipient/ donar area. The oil being very thick is a mess to apply. Haven't seen any bleeding or clots since day one.


    The only problem is seeping. I am finding it very bothersome and difficult to sleep on my staples and that's what keeps me tried during the day as well. Hopefully this will end when the staples are off after 10-12 days.


    Can anyone help with the sleeping tips?


    Overall, my experience with H&W exceeded my expectations, The entire staff, specially Joe was very professional and helpful.


    Now, let's wait and see the outcome.


    I am attaching some before and after photos. Fell free to give your opinion.


  4. Unfortunately not, but what the heck.

    Does heridity play any part in terms of quality of outcome? Not that I have read.

    I also have similar thick sides/back like yours but a bit better than yours front/top.

    I posed the same question to Hasson/wong in my phone conversation and I was I only told that I have an advantage with thick/course/wavy hair.


    we are only a week apart and goin in for about 4000 grafts for pretty similar hair loss pattern/charctersticks, so hope for the best and keep posting.

  5. Okay guys, affter years of research and wait, I have finally booked the date with Joe at H&W for Jan 08/09.

    Its going to be around 4000 grafts inserted in my noggin and based on the hair loss pattern, hair chractersticks and above all the skills of Dr Hasson and the reputation of the clinic, I am very confident it's goin to be nothing less than a WOW outcome.


    I am 42, asian heridity and from Toronto Canada. Started on propecia back in 2003 and just gave up on that cause of the sides. For 5 years I holded on to my hair very good and believe it to stay the same in the future as well.


    I will keep you guys posted of the progress and post some before pics.

    Any suggestion/feedback is moST welcome.

  6. Okay guys, affter years of research and wait, I have finally booked the date with Joe at H&W for Jan 08/09.

    Its going to be around 4000 grafts inserted in my noggin and based on the hair loss pattern, hair chractersticks and above all the skills of Dr Hasson and the reputation of the clinic, I am very confident it's goin to be nothing less than a WOW outcome.


    I am 42, asian heridity and from Toronto Canada. Started on propecia back in 2003 and just gave up on that cause of the sides. For 5 years I holded on to my hair very good and believe it to stay the same in the future as well.


    I will keep you guys posted of the progress and post some before pics.

    Any suggestion/feedback is moST welcome.

  7. I created a post yesterday and also created my photo album today as per your suggestion, but they are not together and some how ended up in Hair transplant experience and surgeon reviews thread.

    Could you please put it together nad move it to Open Hair Loss Topic



  8. I created a post yesterday and also created my photo album today as per your suggestion, but they are not together and some how ended up in Hair transplant experience and surgeon reviews thread.

    Could you please put it together nad move it to Open Hair Loss Topic



  9. Okay guys, affter years of research and wait, I have finally booked the date with Joe at H&W for Jan 08/09.

    Its going to be around 4000 grafts inserted in my noggin and based on the hair loss pattern, hair chractersticks and above all the skills of Dr Hasson and the reputation of the clinic, I am very confident it's goin to be nothing less than a WOW outcome.


    I am 42, asian heridity and from Toronto Canada. Started on propecia back in 2003 and just gave up on that cause of the sides. For 5 years I holded on to my hair very good and believe it to stay the same in the future as well.


    I will keep you guys posted of the progress and post some before pics.

    Any suggestion/feedback is moST welcome.


    Is there a way to attach more pics.

  10. Okay guys, affter years of research and wait, I have finally booked the date with Joe at H&W for Jan 08/09.

    Its going to be around 4000 grafts inserted in my noggin and based on the hair loss pattern, hair chractersticks and above all the skills of Dr Hasson and the reputation of the clinic, I am very confident it's goin to be nothing less than a WOW outcome.


    I am 42, asian heridity and from Toronto Canada. Started on propecia back in 2003 and just gave up on that cause of the sides. For 5 years I holded on to my hair very good and believe it to stay the same in the future as well.


    I will keep you guys posted of the progress and post some before pics.

    Any suggestion/feedback is moST welcome.


    Is there a way to attach more pics.


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