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Posts posted by RitchieRich

  1. If you have really bad carb cravings like I do try the following:

    Stock your fridge with pickles, the kind that are in garlic

    and make up the following drink:

    1 cup of organic maple syrup

    1 cup of organic lemon juice

    1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper

    mix in a 2 liters of water or more

    (Its a variation of the Master Cleanser Fast).

    instead of using it to fast, when ever I am hungry or feel like I need to cheat beyond my regular meals, I either drink some of the lemonaide or eat a pickle, apparently the sweet and sour affect of both wards off carb cravings.


    Im not a physician, but it works for me, and of course I cut out fast food and keep my sweet tooth in check.

  2. Hi all. I am new the blog and was just reading different postings. I am curious about the prices? Ive had estimates for hairline restoration ranging from $3600 to $7200. Am I being ripped off? It has been estimated that I only need 600 to 800 grafts? Any recommendations on if I should look outside of my state? I currently reside in Philadelphia. Thanks

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