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good bhoy

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Posts posted by good bhoy

  1. Hi folks - this is my first post on this forum. I have been shedding my hair for about 15 months now (noticeable to me). I'm most likely a Norwood IIa - not sure as I have never got a proper assessmnet. I have got increasingly worried as the months pass by to such an extent that if I am not actively engaged in some form of activity my hair loss is all that I can think about. I have been to see a few people about this and I have an appointment to attend this clinic in Belgium in the next few weeks for an initial assessment. I am in favor of FUE vs FUT based on my limited knowledge. Can you guys give me any feedback on this clinic and Dr. De Reys in particular? Have you guys a list of key questions that should be asked? I appreciate any help here as I feel as though I am entering the unknown. I have been reading this website and others for a while and have seen contradicting reports on FUE vs. FUT. I am in general confused about everything with regard to hairloss apart from the loss itself!

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